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pallet Lagerrost {m}
palletStapelbrett {n}
palletPalette {f}
pallet Hemmungslappen {m}
pallet [bed] Pritsche {f} [zum Schlafen]
pallet [for transport] Transportpalette {f}
pallet [straw mattress]Strohlager {n} [Strohmatratze]
pallet allowancePalettenrabatt {m}
pallet automationPalettenautomation {f}
pallet bottom Palettenboden {m}
pallet cageGitterbox {f}
pallet discount Palettenrabatt {m}
pallet fork [in a watch] Anker {m} [Uhrwerk]
pallet handling Palettenhandling {n}
pallet jack Palettenheber {m}
pallet lift Palettenheber {m}
pallet loaderGabellader {m}
pallet machinePalettenmaschine {f}
pallet packing Verpackung {f} auf Laderost
pallet rack Palettenregal {n}
pallet removal Palettenentnahme {f}
pallet shippingPalettenversand {m}
pallet sizePalettengröße {f}
pallet spacePalettenstellplatz {m}
pallet spacePalettenplatz {m}
pallet stack Palettenstapel {m}
pallet stackerGabelhochhubwagen {m}
pallet stone Hebestein {m} [für Anker]
pallet storeRegalstapellager {n}
pallet transporter Gabelstapler {m}
pallet truckAmeise {f} [ugs.] [Hubwagen]
pallet truck Hubwagen {m}
palleted goods {pl} palletierte Ware {f}
palletised [Br.] auf Paletten [nachgestellt]
palletised goods {pl} [Br.] palettierte Ware {f}
palletiser [Br.] Palettierer {m}
palletising [Br.]Palettierung {f}
palletising [Br.]Palettisierung {f}
palletising robot [Br.] Palettierroboter {m}
palletising system [Br.]Palletiersystem {n}
palletization Palettisierung {f}
palletizedauf Paletten [nachgestellt]
palletized goods {pl}palettierte Ware {f}
palletized goods {pl} palletierte Ware {f}
palletized loadPalletizing {n}
palletizerPalettierer {m}
palletizing Palettisierung {f}
palletizing robotPalettierroboter {m}
palletizing robot <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font> Palettierroboter {m}
palletizing system Palletiersystem {n}
pallets Ankerhebeflächen {pl}
palletsPaletten {pl}
pallhypaesthesia [Br.] Pallhypästhesie {f}
pallhypesthesia [Am.]Pallhypästhesie {f}
Pallia Niche [St. Peter's Basilica] Palliennische {f}
pallial Pallium- [das Pallium betreffend]
pallial line Pallial-Linie {f}
pallial sinusMantelbucht {f}
pallial sinusPallial-Sinus {m} [Mantelbucht-Linie]
palliasse Strohsack {m}
palliated gelindert
palliates lindert
palliating beschönigend
palliation Beschönigung {f}
palliationLinderung {f}
palliative lindernd
palliativeLinderungsmittel {n}
palliative Palliativum {n}
palliative palliativ
palliative krankheitsmildernd [ohne zu heilen; palliativ]
palliative [fig.] [explanation]beschönigend
palliative (agent) Palliativ {n} [Palliativum]
palliative agentsPalliativa {pl}
palliative and hospice care Palliativmedizin und Hospizarbeit
palliative careSchmerztherapie {f}
palliative care Palliativmedizin {f}
palliative carepalliative Pflege {f}
palliative care Palliativpflege {f}
palliative carePalliativversorgung {f}
palliative care unit Palliativstation {f}
palliative chemotherapy palliative Chemotherapie {f}
palliative drug Palliativ {n} [Palliativum]
palliative radiation (treatment)palliative Bestrahlung {f}
palliative sedation palliative Sedierung {f}
palliative society Palliativgesellschaft {f}
palliative therapy palliative Therapie {f}
palliative therapyPalliativtherapie {f}
palliative treatment palliative Behandlung {f}
palliative treatmentPalliativbehandlung {f}
palliatives Linderungsmittel {pl}
palliatives Palliativa {pl}
palliator Schönfärber {m}
pallid blass [bleich, fahl]
pallid fahl
pallid agama [Trapelus pallidus, syn.: Agama pallida] Gebänderte Wüstenagame {f}
pallid bat [Antrozous pallidus] Wüstenfledermaus {f}
pallid bluebonnet [Northiella haematogaster pallescens] Blasser Gelbsteißsittich {m}
« palepalepalePalepalipallpallpalmpalmpalmpals »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers