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plastic bullet [used esp. in riot control]Plastikgeschoss {n}
plastic bullets {pl}Plastikschrot {m} {n}
plastic bullets {pl}Kunststoffschrot {m} {n}
plastic buttonPlastikknopf {m}
plastic button Kunststoffknopf {m}
plastic cable Kunststoffkabel {n}
plastic cable Plastikleitung {f}
plastic cap Kunststoffkappe {f}
plastic car body Kunststoffkarosserie {f}
plastic carrier bagPlastiktragetasche {f}
plastic case Plastiketui {n}
plastic case Kunststoffbox {f}
plastic case [housing] Kunststoffgehäuse {n}
plastic case [small case (for spectacles etc.)] Kunststoffetui {n}
plastic case [suitcase, for tools] Kunststoffkoffer {m}
plastic casket [Am.]Plastiksarg {m}
plastic casket [Am.]Kunststoffsarg {m}
plastic casting Kunststoffguss {m}
plastic center [Am.]Kunststoffkern {m}
plastic centre [Br.]Kunststoffkern {m}
plastic chain Kunststoffkette {f}
plastic chair Kunststoffstuhl {m}
plastic chairPlastikstuhl {m}
plastic cheese [coll.] [pej.] [analog cheese] Plastikkäse {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Analogkäse]
plastic christmas tree Plastikchristbaum {m}
plastic cleaner Kunststoffreiniger {m}
plastic clothes peg [Br.]Kunststoff-Wäscheklammer {f}
plastic clothes peg [Br.] Plastik-Wäscheklammer {f}
plastic clothespin [Am.]Plastik-Wäscheklammer {f}
plastic clothespin [Am.] Kunststoff-Wäscheklammer {f}
plastic coatingKunststoffummantelung {f}
plastic coating Kunststoffbeschichtung {f}
plastic coffinKunststoffsarg {m}
plastic coffin Plastiksarg {m}
plastic connector Kunststoffverbinder {m}
plastic construction Kunststoffkonstruktion {f}
plastic container Kunststoffbehälter {m}
plastic container Plastikbehälter {m}
plastic containerPlastikbox {f} [Behälter]
plastic container Kunststoffcontainer {m}
plastic container Plastikgefäß {n} [ugs.]
plastic containers Plastikbehälter {pl}
plastic core Kunststoffkern {m}
plastic cover Plastikhülle {f}
plastic cover Plastikabdeckung {f}
plastic coverKunststoffabdeckung {f}
plastic cover Kunststoffhaube {f}
plastic crown Kunststoffkrone {f}
plastic cup Plastikbecher {m}
plastic curtainPlastikvorhang {m}
plastic cutleryPlastikbesteck {n}
plastic deformation plastische Deformation {f}
plastic deformationPlastikdeformation {f}
plastic deformation [tech.] plastische Verformung {f}
plastic discPlastikscheibe {f}
plastic disk [Am.]Plastikscheibe {f}
plastic distribution boxKunststoffverteiler {m}
plastic dollPlastikpuppe {f}
plastic (drinking) strawPlastikstrohhalm {m}
plastic (drinking) straw Strohhalm {m} aus Plastik
plastic duck Plastikente {f}
plastic dustbin [Br.] Plastikmülltonne {f}
plastic effect Plastikeffekt {m}
plastic electronics [polymer electronics] Polymerelektronik {f}
plastic electronics [usually treated as sg.] Kunststoffelektronik {f}
plastic enclosed conductor line Kunststoff-Sicherheitsschleifleitung {f}
plastic endoscopyplastische Endoskopie {f}
plastic eraserPlastikradierer {m}
plastic eraserPlastik-Radierer {m}
plastic eraser Kunststoff-Radierer {m}
plastic eraserKunststoffradierer {m}
plastic explosive Plastiksprengstoff {m}
plastic (faced) hammerPlastikhammer {m}
plastic (faced) hammer Kunststoffhammer {m}
plastic fibres [Br.]Kunststoffaser {f} [alt]
plastic fibres [Br.] Kunststofffaser {f}
plastic figuresKunststofffiguren {pl}
plastic film Kunststofffolie {f}
plastic film Plastikfolie {f}
plastic film capacitorMetall-Kunststoff-Kondensator {m} <MK-Kondensator>
plastic flamingoGartenflamingo {m}
plastic flourKunststoffmehl {n}
plastic flow(plastisches) Fließen {n}
plastic flowerPlastikblume {f}
plastic flower Kunststoffblume {f}
plastic foam Plastikschaum {m}
plastic foam [expanded plastic]Schaumstoff {m}
plastic foams Schäume {pl} [Kunststoffschäume]
plastic foilPlastikfolie {f}
plastic foil Kunststofffolie {f}
plastic forkPlastikgabel {f}
plastic frame Kunststofffassung {f}
plastic fruits {pl} Plastikobst {n}
plastic funnel Kunststofftrichter {m}
plastic furniture {sg} Plastikmöbel {pl} [ugs.]
plastic glass Plastebecher {m} [transparent] [ostd.]
plastic glasses Kunststoffgläser {pl}
plastic gloves Kunststoffhandschuhe {pl}
plastic gloves Plastikhandschuhe {pl}
plastic goggles {pl} [one pair] Plastikbrille {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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