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plasticized cement verflüssigter Beton {m}
plasticizerWeichmacher {m} [Kunststoffe]
plasticizerElastifizierungsmittel {n}
plasticizer Verflüssiger {m}
plasticizer Weichmachungsmittel {n}
plasticizer migrationWeichmacherwanderung {f}
plasticizing agentPlastifikatoren {pl}
plasticizing screwPlastifizierschnecke {f}
(plasticizing) screwSchnecke {f} [Plastifizierschnecke eines Extruders]
plasticky aus Billigplastik [nachgestellt]
plasticky plastikartig
plastic-laminated kunststoffkaschiert
plastics Kunststoffe {pl}
plastics Folie {f}
plastics {pl} [treated as sg.]Kunststoff {m}
plastics and articles thereof Kunststoffe {pl} und Waren daraus
plastics applicationsKunststoffanwendungen {pl}
plastics businessKunststoffsparte {f}
plastics engineering <PE>Kunststofftechnik {f} <KT>
plastics industryKunststoffindustrie {f}
plastics industry Kunststoffbranche {f}
plastics injection molding [Am.]Kunststoffspritzguss {m}
plastics injection moulding [Br.] Kunststoffspritzguss {m}
plastics manufacturingKunststoffherstellung {f}
plastics processingKunststoffverarbeitung {f}
plastics recyclingKunststoffverwertung {f}
plastics technology Kunststofftechnik {f}
plastics testingKunststoffprüfung {f}
plastics waste {sg} Kunststoffabfälle {pl}
plastic-sheathed mit Kunststoff umkleidet
plasticware {sg} Plastikwaren {pl}
plasticware {sg} Kunststoffwaren {pl}
plastic-wrapped in Plastik verpackt
plastic-wrappedin Plastik eingepackt
plastid Plastid {m} {n}
plastid divisionPlastidenteilung {f}
plastid movement Plastidenbewegung {f}
plastid mutation Plastidenmutation {f}
plastid ribosomePlastidenribosom {n}
plastid stroma Plastidenstroma {n}
plastidic plastidär
plastids Plastiden {pl}
plastinatePlastinat {n}
plastinatesPlastinate {pl}
plastination Plastination {f}
Plastiras Reservoir Plastiras-Stausee {m}
plastisolPlastisol {n}
plastocyaninPlastocyanin {n}
plastoglobulus Plastoglobulus {m}
plastome Plastom {n}
plastoplasmPlastoplasma {n}
plastoquinone <PQ> Plastochinon {n} <PQ>
plastoquinone poolPlastochinon-Pool {m}
plastoribosome Plastoribosom {n}
plastronPlastron {m} {n} [Bauchpanzer der Schildkröte]
plastron Bauchpanzer {m} [der Schildkröten]
plastron Plastron {m} {n} [breite (weiße) Krawatte]
plastron [a trimming like a bib for a woman's dress]Brustlatz {m} [bei der Frauentracht]
plastron breatherPlastronatmer {m}
plastron breathing Plastronatmung {f}
plastron length Plastronlänge {f}
plastron respiration Plastronatmung {f}
plastron surface Plastronoberfläche {f}
plastron width Plastronbreite {f}
plastronal keel Plastronkiel {m}
-plasty -plastik
-plasty -plastie
platZopf {m}
plat [Am.]Flurstück {n}
plat [Am.] [a plan, map, or chart of a piece of land with actual or proposed features ]Bebauungsplan {m}
plat [Am.] [Can.] [map of a piece of land] Flurkarte {f}
plat [Am.] [map of a piece of land] Flurplan {m}
plat du jour Tagesgericht {n}
Plata Glacier Plata-Gletscher {m}
Plataea / Plataeae [spv.] Plataiai {n}
platarsite [(Pt,Rh,Ru)AsS] Platarsit {m}
plataspid stinkbugs [family Plataspidae]Kugelwanzen {pl}
plate Lagerplatte {f}
plate Scheibe {f}
plate Teller {m}
plateAnode {f}
plate Lochstein {m}
plate Steintafel {f}
plate [book illustration] Bildtafel {f}
plate [e.g. number plate, name plate] Schild {n}
plate [full-, three-, quarter-]Platine {f}
plate [full-page depiction in book] Abbildung {f} [ganzseitig in Buch, bes. Holzschnitt, Kunstdruck]
plate [sheet metal]Blech {n}
plate [sheet] Platte {f} [Glas, Blech]
plate [sign, also illustration in a book etc.]Tafel {f} [Schild, auch Bildtafel in Buch etc.]
plate / plate-shaped cathode Flächenkathode {f}
plate aeratorPlattenbelüfter {m}
plate appliance Plattenapparatur {f}
plate armor [Am.]Plattenpanzer {m}
plate armor [Am.]Plattenharnisch {m}
plate armor [Am.] Plattenrüstung {f}
plate armour [Br.] Plattenpanzer {m}
plate armour [Br.]Plattenharnisch {m}
plate armour [Br.]Plattenrüstung {f}
« plasplasplasplasplasplasplatplatplatplatplat »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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