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English-German Dictionary

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pleasure trip Vergnügungsausflug {m}
pleasure trip Vergnügungsfahrt {f}
pleasure trips Lustreisen {pl}
pleasure vesselVergnügungsschiff {n}
pleasure vesselAusflugsschiff {n}
pleasure without alloy ungetrübtes Vergnügen {n}
pleasure-enhancing genusssteigernd
pleasure-loving leichtlebig
pleasure-oriented lustbetont
pleasures Freuden {pl}
pleasuresVergnügungen {pl}
pleasures of friendshipFreuden {pl} der Freundschaft
pleasures of lifeGenüsse {pl} des Lebens
pleasures of loveLiebesfreuden {pl}
pleasures of loveFreuden {pl} der Liebe
pleasures of the fleshfleischliche Genüsse {pl}
pleasures of the table Tafelfreuden {pl}
pleasure-seekerVergnügungswilliger {m}
pleasure-seekerVergnügungshungriger {m}
pleasure-seeker Genüssling {m} [veraltend] [noch hum.]
pleasure-seeking vergnügungssüchtig
pleasure-seeking vergnügungshungrig
pleat Falte {f} [mit scharfer Kante]
pleat band [for curtain folds] [Br.] Faltenband {n} [für Vorhangfalten]
pleat hook [for curtains] Faltenhaken {m} [Gardinenhaken]
pleat hook [for curtains] Gardinenhaken {m}
pleat tape [for curtain folds]Faltenband {n} [für Vorhangfalten]
pleated gefaltet
pleated plissiert
pleated gefältelt
pleated Falten-
pleatedgestiftelt [z. B. Trachtenrock]
pleated blind Faltstore {m}
pleated blind [Br.] Plisseerollo {n}
pleated fabric Plissee {n}
pleated filter Plisseefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
pleated filter Faltenfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
pleated hoseFaltenschlauch {m}
pleated inkcap [Parasola plicatilis, syn.: Coprinus plicatilis]Glimmeriger Scheibchentintling {m}
pleated inkcap [Parasola plicatilis, syn.: Coprinus plicatilis](Gemeiner) Scheibchentintling / Scheibchen-Tintling {m}
pleated inkcap [Parasola plicatilis, syn.: Coprinus plicatilis] Radtintling / Rad-Tintling {m}
pleated pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.]Bundfaltenhose {f}
pleated ribbon Faltenband {n}
pleated shade [Am.] Plisséerollo {n}
pleated skirtFaltenrock {m}
pleated skirt [knife-pleated]Plisseerock {m}
pleated slacks {pl} [one pair] Bundfaltenhose {f}
pleated snowdrop [Galanthus plicatus, syn.: G. byzanteus] Clusius-Schneeglöckchen {n}
pleated snowdrop [Galanthus plicatus, syn.: G. byzanteus] Faltblatt-Schneeglöckchen {n}
pleated trousers {pl} [one pair] Bundfaltenhose {f}
pleated waistband Bundfalte {f}
pleater tape [for curtain folds] Faltenband {n} [für Vorhangfalten]
pleat-front trousers {pl} [one pair] Bundfaltenhose {f}
pleather Kunstleder {n}
pleatingPlissieren {n}
pleating tape [for curtain folds] Faltenband {n} [für Vorhangfalten]
pleatsPlissee {n}
pleats Bundfalten {pl}
pleb [coll.] Prolo {m} [ugs.]
pleb [coll.] [pej.] Plebejer {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pleb [coll.] [pej.]Prolet {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pleb [female]Plebejerin {f}
pleb [female]Proletin {f}
plebby [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] primitiv [pej.] [in Bezug auf Erziehung, Benehmen]
plebby [Br.] [pej.] [sl.] proletenhaft [pej.]
plebby [Br.] [pej.] [sl.]prollig [ugs.] [pej.]
plebby [Br.] [pej.] [sl.]plebejisch [geh.] [pej.]
plebeianPlebejer {m}
plebeian pöbelhaft
plebeian [female] Plebejerin {f}
plebeian [of the Roman plebs] plebejisch
plebeian [pej.]proletenhaft [pej.]
plebiscitary plebiszitär
plebiscitePlebiszit {n}
plebiscite Volksabstimmung {f}
plebiscite Volksentscheid {m}
plebs Proleten {pl}
plebs {pl} [coll.] [pej.] Pöbel {m} [pej.]
plebs [coll.] kleine Leute {pl}
plebs [coll.] [pej.] Gesindel {n} [pej.]
plebs [in ancient Rome]Plebejer {pl}
plebs [in ancient Rome] Plebs {f} [Plebejer]
plebs [the common people] Plebs {m} [österr. {f}] [geh.] [pej.] [Volk, Pöbel]
Plecoptera faunaSteinfliegenfauna {f}
Plecoptera fauna Plecopterenfauna {f}
Plecoptera larva Steinfliegenlarve {f}
Plecoptera larva Plecopteralarve {f}
Plecoptera larva Uferfliegenlarve {f}
Plecoptera species Steinfliegenart {f}
Plecoptera species Plecopterenart {f}
plecopteran faunaSteinfliegenfauna {f}
plecopteran fauna Plecopterenfauna {f}
plecopteran genus Plecopterengattung {f}
plecopteran genus Steinfliegengattung {f}
plecopteran larvaPlecopteralarve {f} [fachspr.]
plecopteran larva Steinfliegenlarve {f}
« playpleapleaPleapleapleaplecPleipleopleuplic »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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