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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 419 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
plook [Scot.] [sl.] [pimple] Pickel {m} [Hautunreinheit im Gesicht]
plop [in water]Platsch {m}
plopping plumpsend [ugs.]
plosivePlosiv {m}
plosiveVerschlusslaut {m}
plosivePlosivlaut {m}
plosive Explosivlaut {m}
plosive Explosiv {m}
plosive aerophonesExplosivaerophone {pl}
plot Handlung {f}
plot Handlungsschema {n}
plot Grundstück {n}
plot Parzelle {f}
plot Handlungsablauf {m}
plotPlot {m} {n}
plot Handlungsstruktur {f}
plot Beet {n}
plot Flur {f}
plot Handlungsführung {f}
plot [against] [assault]Anschlag {m} [auf] [Verschwörung, Attentat etc.]
plot [building plot etc.]Grund {m} [Grundstück]
plot [chart, diagram] Schaubild {n}
plot [chart, graph] grafische Darstellung {f}
plot [conspiracy] Konspiration {f} [geh.] [Verschwörung]
plot [conspiracy] Komplott {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
plot [conspiracy] Verschwörung {f}
plot [esp. Am.] [diagram] Diagramm {n}
plot [ground plan, layout]Grundriss {m}
plot [in graveyard]Grabstelle {f}
plot [of a film, play etc.]Handlungsgerüst {n}
plot [of land] Stück {n} Land [Parzelle]
plot [plan, diagram etc.]Plan {m}
plot [plan, diagram] Entwurf {m}
plot [story line] Handlungsverlauf {m}
plot areaGrundstücksfläche {f}
plot area to be built on überbaubare Grundstücksfläche {f}
plot armor [Am.][eine Art Unsterblichkeit eines Charakters in einer Serien- oder Filmproduktion]
plot boundaryGrundstücksgrenze {f}
plot development Handlungsentwicklung {f}
plot duration erzählte Zeit {f}
plot elementHandlungselement {n}
plot hole Handlungsloch {n}
plot hole Handlungslücke {f}
plot hole Logikloch {n}
Plot It Yourself / Murder in Style [UK title] [Rex Stout] Das Plagiat
plot line [one of several]Handlungsstrang {m}
plot numberFlurstücknummer {f}
plot number Flurstücksnummer {f}
plot of a novel Handlung {f} eines Romans
plot of a play Handlung {f} eines Theaterstücks
plot of arable landAckergrundstück {n}
plot of grassStückchen {n} Gras
plot of land Grundstück {n}
plot of land Terrain {n} [Grundstück]
plot of land Stück {n} Land
plot of landStückchen {n} Land
plot of landLiegenschaft {f}
plot (of land) Flurstück {n}
plot plan Parzellenplan {m}
plot routine Graphikprogramm {n}
plot sizeGrundstücksgröße {f}
plot thread Handlungsstrang {m}
plot twist Plottwist {m} {n} [auch: Plot-Twist]
plot twist[überraschende Wendung in einer Handlung]
plot twistüberraschende Wendung {f}
plot value Grundstückswert {m}
Plotinus Plotin {m}
plotline [spv.] [one of several]Handlungsstrang {m}
plots Grundstücke {pl}
Plott Plott Hound {m} [Hunderasse]
Plott houndPlott Hound {m}
plottage valuePlottwert {m}
plotted [graph] gezeichnet
plotted [against, versus sth.] aufgetragen [gegen etw.]
plotted mobility [homiletics] gestaltete Bewegung {f}
plotter Kurvenzeichner {m}
plotterPlotter {m}
plotter Schreiber {m}
plotter Zeichengerät {n}
plotter Kurvenschreiber {m}
plotter Verschwörer {m}
plotter Intrigant {m}
plotter Ränkeschmied {m}
plotter [a person who conspires] Anzetteler {m}
plotter [a person who conspires] Anzettler {m}
plotter [female] Anstifterin {f}
plotter [female] Intrigantin {f}
plotter [female]Verschwörerin {f}
plotter [instigator of a plot] Anstifter {m}
plotter accuracy Plottergenauigkeit {f}
plotter control Plottersteuerung {f}
plotter speed Plottergeschwindigkeit {f}
Plottigat [Disney] Kralle
plotting grafische Darstellung {f}
plotting Plotten {n}
plottingVerschwörung {f}
plotting Verschwörertum {n}
plotting and routingKoppelnavigation {f}
« Plecpleiplenpleupliaplooplotplowplugplugplum »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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