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palmate newt [Lissotriton helveticus, Triturus helveticus]Fadenmolch {m}
palmate octopus [Tremoctopus violaceus]Löcherkrake {m} [ugs. auch {f}]
palmated handförmig
palmately lobed [leaves] handförmig gelappt [Blätter]
palmatine [C21H22NO4+]Palmatin {n}
palmchat [Dulus dominicus] Palmschwätzer {m}
palmed in der Hand versteckt
palmer [pilgrim returned from Holy Land] [archaic] Pilger {m} [vom Heiligen Land zurückgekehrt]
Palmer amaranth [Amaranthus palmeri]Palmer-Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer amaranth [Amaranthus palmeri] Palmers Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer tanager [Tangara palmeri] Palmertangare {f} [auch: Palmer-Tangare]
Palmer's amaranth [Amaranthus palmeri] Palmer-Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer's amaranth [Amaranthus palmeri] Palmers Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer's chipmunk [Tamias palmeri, syn.: Neotamias palmeri, Eutamias palmeri] Palmer-Streifenhörnchen {n}
Palmer's pigweed [Amaranthus palmeri]Palmer-Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer's pigweed [Amaranthus palmeri]Palmers Fuchsschwanz {m}
Palmer's thrasher [Toxostoma curvirostre, syn.: Harporhynchus curvirostris] Krummschnabel-Spottdrossel {f}
palmette Palmette {f}
palmette friezePalmettenfries {m}
palmette moulding [Br.] Palmettenfries {m}
palmetto kleine Palme {f}
palmetto [Sabal palmetto] Palmettopalme {f}
palmetto bug [Eurycotis floridana] [Florida woods cockroach] Florida-Skunkschabe / Florida-Skunk-Schabe {f}
palmetto bug [Periplaneta americana] [American cockroach]Amerikanische Großschabe {f}
palmetto palm [genus Sabal] Palmettopalme {f}
palmetto palm [Sabal palmetto] Palmettopalme {f}
palmetto scale [Comstockiella sabalis, syn.: Aspidiotus sabalis]Sabalpalmenschildlaus / Sabalpalmen-Schildlaus {f}
Palmetto State [nickname] [State of South Carolina] Palmenstaat {m} [Spitzname für South Carolina, USA]
palm-fringedvon Palmen gesäumt
palmfulHandvoll {f}
palmfulHand voll {f}
palmier palmenreicher
palmier (pastry) [puff pastry cookie] Schweinsohr {n} [Gebäck aus Blätterteig]
palmierite [(K,Na)2Pb(SO4)2] Palmierit {m}
palmiers [puff pastry cookies] Schweinsohren {pl} [Gebäck aus Blätterteig]
palmiest palmenreichste
palmiest [days]glorreichste
palming in der Hand versteckt haltend
palmist Handwahrsager {m}
palmistHandleser {m}
palmist Handlinienleser {m}
palmist Wahrsager {m}
palmist Handliniendeuter {m}
palmist [female]Handleserin {f}
palmist [female]Handliniendeuterin {f}
palmist [female] Handlinienleserin {f}
palmiste marron [Hyophorbe verschaffeltii] Spindelpalme {f}
palmistry Handlesekunst {f}
palmistryHandliniendeutung {f}
palmistryHandlesen {n}
palmistryChiromantie {f}
palmists Handwahrsager {pl}
palmitate Palmitat {n}
palmitate synthesis Palmitatsynthese {f}
palmitic acid [C16H32O2, CH3(CH2)14COOH]Palmitinsäure {f}
palmitic acid residue Palmitinsäurerest {m}
palmito [heart of palm]Palmito {n}
palmitoleic acid Palmitoleinsäure {f}
palmitoylation Palmitoylierung {f}
palmitoylethanolamide <PEA> [C18H37NO2]Palmitoylethanolamid {n}
palmitoyltransferase <PT> Palmitoyltransferase {f} <PT>
palm-leaf marshmallow [Althaea cannabina]Hanfblättriger Eibisch {m}
palm-leaf marshmallow [Althaea cannabina] Hanfstockmalve {f}
palm-leaf marshmallow [Althaea cannabina] Hanfstockrose {f}
palm-leaf marshmallow [Althaea cannabina] Hanf-Eibisch {m}
palm-leaf-like palmwedelähnlich [auch: Palmwedel-ähnlich]
palm-lined mit / von Palmen umsäumt
palm-lined von Palmen gesäumt
palm-lined beach Palmenstrand {m}
palm-nut vulture [Gypohierax angolensis]Palmgeier {m}
palm-of-the-hand story [Kawabata Yasunari, Japanese short story writer] Handtellergeschichte {f} [Kurzgeschichte von bis zu 3 Seiten, selten länger]
palmoplantar hyperhidrosispalmoplantare Hyperhidrose {f}
palmpolly / palm polly [Dendrophylax lindenii] [American ghost orchid]Amerikanische Geisterorchidee {f}
palmprint against unsolved palmprint latent <PP/ULP>Handflächenabdruck {m} gegen offene Handflächenabdruckspur
palmprint latent against palmprint <LP/PP>Handflächenabdruckspur {f} gegen Handflächenabdruck
palmprint latent against unsolved palmprint latent <LP/ULP> Handflächenabdruckspur {f} gegen offene Handflächenabdruckspur
palmrest Handauflage {f}
palmsPalmen {pl}
palmsHandflächen {pl}
palms [family Arecaceae, syn.: Palmae] Arecaceen {pl}
palms [family Arecaceae, syn.: Palmae]Palmgewächse {pl}
palms (of the hands) [Palmae manus] Handinnenflächen {pl}
palm-sized handtellergroß
palm-thumb grasp Handteller-Daumengriff {m}
palmtop Palmtop {m}
palmwine Palmwein {m}
palmy Palmen-
palmy [days] glücklich
palmy [days]unbeschwert
palmy [fig.]erfolgreich
Palmyra Atoll Palmyra-Atoll {n}
PalmyranPalmyrisch {n}
Palmyran Palmyrer {m}
Palmyran [female]Palmyrerin {f}
Palmyrene palmyrenisch
Palmyrene sub-empire palmyrenisches Teilreich {n}
« PalepallpallpallpalmpalmPalnpaltPampPanapanc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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