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English-German Dictionary

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plotterPlotter {m}
plotter Schreiber {m}
plotter Zeichengerät {n}
plotterKurvenschreiber {m}
plotterVerschwörer {m}
plotter Intrigant {m}
plotterRänkeschmied {m}
plotter [a person who conspires] Anzetteler {m}
plotter [a person who conspires] Anzettler {m}
plotter [female]Anstifterin {f}
plotter [female]Intrigantin {f}
plotter [female]Verschwörerin {f}
plotter [instigator of a plot] Anstifter {m}
plotter accuracyPlottergenauigkeit {f}
plotter control Plottersteuerung {f}
plotter speed Plottergeschwindigkeit {f}
Plottigat [Disney]Kralle
plotting zeichnend
plottinggrafische Darstellung {f}
plotting Plotten {n}
plottingVerschwörung {f}
plotting Verschwörertum {n}
plotting and routing Koppelnavigation {f}
plotting board Zeichentisch {m}
plotting paperMillimeterpapier {n}
plotting speedPlottgeschwindigkeit {f}
plotting table Zeichentisch {m}
plough [Br.]Pflug {m}
plough [Br.]Hobel {m}
plough anchor [Br.]Pflugscharanker {m}
plough back [Br.]Reinvestition {f} [Gewinnthesaurierung]
plough bar [Br.] Streichstange {f} am Pflug
plough bottom [Br.] Pflugkörper {m}
plough horizon [Br.] <Ap horizon>Pflughorizont {m} <Ap-Horizont>
plough horse [Br.]Ackergaul {m} [ugs.]
plough horse [Br.]Ackerpferd {n}
plough knife Buchbinderhobel {m}
plough land [Br.] [coll.]Ackerland {n} [pflügbar]
plough plane [Br.] Nuthobel {m}
plough share [Br.] Pflugschar {f} [regional auch {n}]
plough skimmer [Br.] Streichblechschälpflug {m}
plough skimmer [Br.]Streichblech-Schälpflug {m}
plough sole [Br.]Pflugsohle {f}
plough team [Br.] Pflugteam {n}
ploughable pflügbar
plough-back [Br.] Reinvestition {f}
ploughboy Ackerknecht {m}
ploughboy [Br.]Pflüger {m} [Junge oder junger Mann]
ploughboy [Br.] [obs.] [country boy]Junge {m} vom Land
ploughed [Br.] gepflügt
ploughed [Br.] [of snow]geräumt [von Schnee]
ploughed field [Br.] gepflügtes Feld {n}
ploughed soil [Br.] gepflügter Boden {m}
ploughed through [Br.]durchgeackert
ploughed through [pervaded] durchkämmt
ploughed triton [Br.] [Cabestana tabulata, syn.: C. otagoensis, C. tabulata waterhousei tepida]Cabestana tabulata {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
ploughed up umgepflügt
ploughed-back profitseinbehaltener Gewinn {m}
ploughing [Br.]pflügend
ploughing [Br.] Pflügen {n}
ploughing [Br.] Umbruch {m} [Pflügen]
ploughing back [Br.] Reinvestition {f}
ploughing back [into the soil] Einackern {n}
ploughing throughdurchackernd
ploughing upumpflügend
ploughing up of grassland Grünlandumbruch {m}
ploughland [Br.]Ackerland {n}
ploughland [Br.] Ackerbaufläche {f}
ploughline [Br.] [rein to guide a plough horse]Zügelleine {f} [selten] [Zügel eines Pflugpferdes]
ploughman Pflüger {m}
ploughman [Br.][Sandwich mit Pickle, Käse und Salat]
ploughman [Br.] Ackermann {m} [veraltet]
ploughman's lunch [Br.][Käseteller mit Brot, Chutney und eingemachten Zwiebeln]
ploughman's spikenard [Br.] [Inula conyza, syn.: I. squarrosa] Dürrwurz-Alant / Dürrwurzalant {m}
ploughman's spikenard [Br.] [Inula conyza, syn.: I. squarrosa] Dürrwurz {f} [Dürrwurz-Alant]
ploughpan [Br.]Pflugsohle {f}
ploughsPflüge {pl}
ploughshare [Br.]Pflugschar {f} [regional auch {n}]
ploughshare tortoise [Br.] [Astrochelys yniphora] Madagassische Schnabelbrustschildkröte {f}
ploughshare-like bone [Vomer]Pflugscharbein {n}
ploughwoman [Br.] Pflügerin {f}
ploughwright Pflugmacher {m}
ploughwright [Br.] [a maker of ploughs] Scharschmied {m}
plout [Scot.] [Irish] Wolkenbruch {m}
ploutonion Ploutonion {n}
PlovdivPlowdiw {n}
plover [family Charadriidae]Regenpfeifer {m}
plovers [family Charadriidae] Regenpfeifer {pl}
plow [Am.] Pflug {m}
plow [Am.]Hobel {m}
plow [Am.] [short for: snowplow] Schneepflug {m}
plow back [Am.] Reinvestition {f} [Gewinnthesaurierung]
plow beam [Am.]Pflugbaum {m}
plow beam [Am.]Grindel {m} [Pflugbaum]
plow body [Am.]Pflugkörper {m}
plow bottom [Am.]Pflugkörper {m}
plow handle [Am.]Pflugsterz {m}
plow handle [Am.] Sterz {m} [Pflugsterz]
plow horse [Am.] Ackerpferd {n}
plow land [Am.] [coll.]Ackerland {n} [pflügbar]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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