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palmtopPalmtop {m}
palmwinePalmwein {m}
palmy glorreich
palmy Palmen-
palmy [days]glücklich
palmy [days]unbeschwert
palmy [fig.] erfolgreich
Palmyra AtollPalmyra-Atoll {n}
Palmyran Palmyrisch {n}
Palmyran Palmyrer {m}
Palmyran [female] Palmyrerin {f}
Palmyrene sub-empire palmyrenisches Teilreich {n}
Palni Mountain burrowing snake [Teretrurus rhodogaster] Rotbauch-Schildschwanz {m}
Palni purple-brown worm thorntail snake [Platyplectrurus madurensis] Madurai-Schildschwanz {m}
palomino [coat color of horses] Palomino {n} [Fellfarbe von Pferden]
palomino [horse]Palomino {m} {n} [Pferd]
palooka [Am.] [coll.] Trampel {m} {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
palooza [Am.] [sl.]Megaevent {n} [ugs.]
palooza [Am.] [sl.] Megaparty {f} [ugs.]
palpFühler {m}
palp base Palpenbasis {f}
palp nervePalpennerv {m}
palp segment Palpensegment {n}
palpability Handgreiflichkeit {f} [konkrete Fassbarkeit]
palpability Tastbarkeit {f}
palpability Fühlbarkeit {f} [Tastbarkeit]
palpable fühlbar
palpable tastbar
palpable spürbar
palpable mit Händen zu greifen [fig.]
palpable offensichtlich
palpable [noticeable, tangible] handgreiflich [unübersehbar, konkret fassbar]
palpable [tumor etc. that can be felt]ertastbar [Tumor u. ä.]
palpable lesion palpable Läsion {f}
palpable lesion Tastbefund {m}
palpable thrill [murmur on auscultation] tastbares Schwirren {n} [Geräusch bei Auskultation]
palpable thrill [murmur on auscultation]palpables Schwirren {n} [Geräusch bei Auskultation]
palpableness Greifbarkeit {f}
palpableness Tastbarkeit {f}
palpably augenfällig
palpably fühlbar
palpably offenkundig
palpably offensichtlich
palpably [clearly] eindeutig
palpably [tangibly] spürbar
palpatingbetastend [i. S. v. abtastend]
palpationBetastung {f}
palpation Befühlen {n}
palpationPalpation {f}
palpationTastuntersuchung {f}
palpation Abtasten {n}
palpation findings {pl} Tastbefund {m}
palpation of the prostate gland through the rectumAbtasten {n} der Prostata durch den Darm
palpatory findings {pl} Tastbefund {m}
palpebra Augenlid {n}
palpebra Palpebra {f}
palpebrae {pl} Palpebrae {pl}
palpebraldas Augenlid betreffend
palpebral palpebral
palpebral elephantiasisLidelephantiasis {f}
palpebral elephantiasis Augenlidelephantiasis {f}
palpebral fissure [Rima palpebrarum] Lidspalte {f}
palpebral ligament [Ligamentum palpebrale] Lidband {n}
palpebral ligament [Ligamentum palpebrale]Lidbändchen {n}
palpebral reflex Lidreflex {m}
palpebral reflexBlinzelreflex {m}
palpebras Palpebrae {pl}
palpebronasal fold [Plica palpebronasalis] Epikanthus-Falte {f}
palped pug [Eupithecia analoga, syn.: E. strobilata, Tephroclystia strobilata] Zapfenspanner {m}
palped pug [Eupithecia analoga, syn.: E. strobilata, Tephroclystia strobilata]Fichtengallen-Blütenspanner {m}
palpiferPalpifer {m}
palpigrades [order Palpigradi]Tasterläufer {pl}
palpigrades [order Palpigradi] Palpenläufer {pl}
palpigrades [order] Palpigradi {pl} [Palpenläufer, Tasterläufer]
palpitant pochend
palpitating klopfend
palpitationHerzklopfen {n}
palpitation Palpitation {f}
palpitationHerzpochen {n} [Palpitation]
palpitation [throbbing of the heart] Klopfen {n} [Herzklopfen, Herzunruhe]
palpomere Palpensegment {n}
palpomerePalpomer {n}
palpomerePalpenglied {n}
palpometerPalpometer {n}
palprime [short for: palindromic prime] Primzahlpalindrom {n}
palsKameraden {pl}
Pals [Lou Antonio] Wie gefunden, so verschwunden
palsa formation Palsenbildung {f}
palsgrave Pfalzgraf {m}
palsicalgichtbrüchig [veraltet] [an Gicht leidend, gichtkrank]
palsical [obs.] [palsied]gelähmt
palsied gelähmt
« palipallpallpalmpalmpalmpalspampPanapancpanc »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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