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English-German Dictionary

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pneumocystogramPneumozystogramm {n}
pneumocystographic pneumozystographisch
pneumocystographyPneumozystographie {f}
pneumocystography Pneumozystografie {f}
pneumocystosis Pneumozystose {f}
pneumocyte Pneumozyt {m}
pneumocytes Pneumozyten {pl}
pneumoencephalogram <PEG>Pneumoenzephalogramm {n} <PEG>
pneumoencephalographical pneumoenzephalographisch
pneumoencephalographical pneumoenzephalografisch
pneumoencephalographically pneumoenzephalographisch
pneumoencephalographically pneumoenzephalografisch
pneumoencephalography Pneumenzephalographie {f}
pneumoencephalographyPneumoenzephalographie {f}
pneumoencephalography Pneumoenzephalografie {f}
pneumoencephalographyPneumenzephalografie {f}
pneumoencephalomyelography Pneumoenzephalomyelographie {f}
pneumoencephalomyelography Pneumoenzephalomyelografie {f}
pneumoenteritis Pneumoenteritis {f}
pneumoenteritis Lungen- und Darmentzündung {f}
pneumogastric pneumogastrisch
pneumogastric nerve <CN X, CNX> [Nervus vagus] [tenth cranial nerve]Vagusnerv {m} <X> [zehnter Hirnnerv]
pneumogastrographyPneumogastrographie {f}
pneumogastrographyPneumogastrografie {f}
pneumogram Pneumogramm {n}
pneumographic pneumographisch
pneumographic pneumografisch
pneumographical pneumographisch
pneumographical pneumografisch
pneumographically pneumografisch
pneumographyPneumographie {f}
pneumography Pneumoradiographie {f}
pneumographyPneumografie {f}
pneumogynaecography [Br.] Pneumogynäkografie {f}
pneumogynaecography [Br.]Pneumogynäkographie {f}
pneumogynecography [Am.] Pneumogynäkographie {f}
pneumogynecography [Am.]Pneumogynäkografie {f}
pneumogynogram Pneumogynogramm {n}
pneumolith Pneumolith {m}
pneumolith Lungenstein {m}
pneumologist Pneumologe {m}
pneumologist [female] Pneumologin {f}
pneumology Pneumologie {f}
pneumology Lungenlehre {f} [veraltet]
pneumolysis Pneumolyse {f}
pneumomassage Pneumomassage {f} [Massage des Trommelfells durch Abwechseln von Luftdruck und Luftsog]
pneumomassageTrommelfellmassage {f} [Pneumomassage]
pneumomediastinogram Pneumomediastinogramm {n}
pneumomediastinographic pneumomediastinografisch
pneumomediastinography Pneumomediastinographie {f} [Mediastinumröntgenkontrastdarstellung nach Lufteinblasung]
pneumomediastinography Pneumomediastinografie {f} [Mediastinumröntgenkontrastdarstellung nach Lufteinblasung]
pneumomediastinumPneumomediastinum {n} [auch: Mediastinalemphysem]
pneumonectomy Pneumektomie {f}
pneumonectomyPneumonektomie {f}
pneumonia Lungenentzündung {f}
pneumonia Pneumonie {f} [fachspr.]
pneumonia in an immunocompromised hostLungenentzündung {f} des immunsupprimierten Patienten
pneumonia in immunodeficient patient Lungenentzündung {f} des immunsupprimierten Patienten
pneumonia malleosa Rotzpneumonie {f}
pneumonia of (the) lower lobe Unterlappenpneumonie {f}
pneumonia of (the) middle lobeMittellappenpneumonie {f}
pneumonia of (the) upper lobeOberlappenpneumonie {f}
pneumonia wave Pneumoniewelle {f}
pneumonic pneumonisch
pneumonic consolidation Lungenverdichtung {f}
pneumonic plague Lungenpest {f}
pneumonitisPneumonitis {f}
pneumonocentesis [rare] [paracentesis of the lung]Pneumozentese {f} [selten] [Lungenpunktion]
pneumonology Pneumonologie {f}
pneumonotomy Lungenschnitt {m}
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisQuarzstaublungenerkrankung {f}
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisQuarzstaublunge {f}
pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisQuarzstaublungenkrankheit {f} [Silikose]
pneumoperitoneum Pneumoperitoneum {n}
pneumoperitoneumPneumoperitonaeum {n} [Rsv.]
pneumopyelogramPneumopyelogramm {n}
pneumopyelography Pneumopyelographie {f}
pneumopyelography Pneumopyelografie {f}
pneumoradiographic pneumoradiographisch
pneumoradiography Pneumoradiographie {f}
pneumoradiography Pneumoradiografie {f}
pneumoretroperiotoneum Pneumoretroperitoneum {n}
pneumoretroperitoneumPneumoretroperitoneum {n}
pneumosinus dilatans <PD>Pneumosinus dilatans {m} <PD>
pneumosinus dilatans <PD> übermäßige Erweiterung {f} einer Nasennebenhöhle
pneumostomePneumostom {n}
pneumotherapy Pneumotherapie {f}
pneumothoraces Pneumothoraces {pl} [fachspr.]
pneumothorax Pneu {m} [Fachjargon] [Pneumothorax]
pneumothorax <PT> Pneumothorax {m}
pneumothorax <PT> Gasbrust {f}
pneumothoraxes Pneumothoraxe {pl}
pneumotomyLungenschnitt {m}
« plunplurpluspluvpneupneupneupockpockpodapoem »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers