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pointed weapon Stechwaffe {f} [veraltet] [Stichwaffe]
pointed windowSpitzbogenfenster {n}
pointed-leaf maple [Acer argutum] Spitzblättriger Ahorn {m}
pointed-leaf maple [Acer argutum] Feinzähniger Ahorn {m}
pointedly bewusst
pointedly absichtlich
pointedly betont
pointedly eindringlich
pointedly demonstrativ
pointedly ostentativ [geh.]
pointedly pointiert
pointedly zugespitzt
pointedly deutlich
pointedly [comment, look]spitz
pointedly [explicitly] ausdrücklich
pointedly [sharp, cutting] treffend
pointedness Spitzigkeit {f}
pointed-petal fritillary [Fritillaria acmopetala]Spitzkronige Fritillarie {f}
pointed-post reticle [of a telescopic sight] Zielstachel {m} [eines Zielfernrohrs]
pointed-snout wrasse [Symphodus rostratus]Schnauzen-Lippfisch {m}
pointed-tongued floating frog [Occidozyga lima] Java-Schwimmfrosch {m}
pointed-wing flies [family Lonchopteridae]Lanzenfliegen {pl}
pointed-wing flies [family Lonchopteridae] Lanzettfliegen {pl}
pointed-winged wave [Scopula ancellata] [moth] Scopula ancellata {f} [Nachtfalter aus der Familie der Spanner]
pointer Anzeichen {n}
pointerTipp {m}
pointer Fingerzeig {m}
pointer Hinweis {m}
pointerSignal {n}
pointer Anzeiger {m} [eines Messinstruments]
pointer Anhaltspunkt {m}
pointer Zeigefinger {m}
pointer [dog] Vorstehhund {m}
pointer [dog] Pointer {m}
pointer [indicator] [also in programming] Zeiger {m} [Indikator] [auch bei Programmierung]
pointer [indirect address] Hinweisadresse {f}
pointer [on a scale] Zünglein {n} [einer Waage]
pointer [scale]Zunge {f} [Waage]
pointer [stick] Zeigestock {m}
pointer [stick]Zeigestab {m} [österr.] [Zeigestock]
pointer arithmeticZeigerarithmetik {f}
pointer deflectionZeigerausschlag {m}
pointer function Zeigerfunktion {f}
pointer instrument Zeigerinstrument {n}
Pointer NunatakPointer-Nunatak {m}
pointer rest positionRuhelage {f} des Zeigers [Ruhestellung]
pointer telegraph [also: pointer-telegraph]Zeigertelegraph {m} [Rsv.]
pointer to sth.Hinweis {m} auf etw.
pointer toe [coll.] [Digitus pedis II] [second toe] Zeigezeh {m} [selten] [ugs.] [zweiter Zeh]
pointer variableZeigervariable {f}
pointer variable expected Zeiger-Variable {f} erwartet
pointers Zeiger {pl}
pointers Hinweise {pl}
pointers [dogs]Pointer {pl}
pointillism Pointillismus {m}
pointillistPointillist {m}
pointillist [female]Pointillistin {f}
pointillistic pointillistisch
pointing weisend
pointing [of walls] [act]Ausfugung {f}
pointing [of walls] [material] Fugenmörtel {m}
pointing accuracy [in space] Ausrichtungsgenauigkeit {f} [im Weltraum]
pointing at hinweisend auf
pointing away from the sound source [postpos.]schallabgewandt
pointing deviceZeigegerät {n}
pointing dog Vorstehhund {m}
pointing finger Zeigefinger {m}
pointing formAbdachform {f}
pointing function Zeigefunktion {f}
pointing mortar Mauerspeise {f} [südd.] [Fugenmörtel]
pointing outhinweisend
pointing telescope Zielfernrohr {n}
pointing the way aheadrichtungsweisend
pointing the way (ahead) richtungweisend
pointing trowel Spitzkelle {f}
pointing trowel Fugenkelle {f}
pointing-stock [archaic]Gegenstand {m} des Spottes
pointless sinnlos [zwecklos]
pointless unnütz
pointlesswitzlos [ugs.]
pointless zwecklos
pointlessmüßig [geh.] [zwecklos]
pointless unsinnig
pointless [blunt, not pointed]ohne Spitze [stumpf]
pointless [purposeless] ziellos
pointless effortleere Kilometer {pl} [ugs.] [österr.]
pointless faffing around [coll.] Rumgemurkse {n} [ugs.]
pointless question müßige Frage {f} [geh.]
pointlessly witzlos
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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