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polar fox [Alopex lagopus] Blaufuchs {m}
polar fox [Vulpes lagopus, formerly: Alopex lagopus] Steinfuchs {m} [Polarfuchs]
polar fox [Vulpes lagopus, syn.: Alopex lagopus] Eisfuchs {m}
polar fox [Vulpes lagopus, syn.: Alopex lagopus]Polarfuchs {m}
polar foxtail [Alopecurus alpinus, syn.: A. alpinus alpinus, A. behringianus, A. borealis, A. glaucus, A. magellanicus]Alpen-Fuchsschwanz / Alpenfuchsschwanz {m}
polar foxtail [Alopecurus alpinus, syn.: A. alpinus alpinus, A. behringianus, A. borealis, A. glaucus, A. magellanicus] Gerards Fuchsschwanz {m}
polar foxtail [Alopecurus alpinus, syn.: A. alpinus alpinus, A. behringianus, A. borealis, A. glaucus, A. magellanicus]Anden-Fuchsschwanzgras {n}
polar front Polarfront {f}
polar front theoryPolarfronttheorie {f}
polar glacier Polargletscher {m}
polar grid Polarnetz {n}
polar grid Polargitter {n}
polar headgroup polare Kopfgruppe {f}
polar highPolarhoch {n}
polar icePolareis {n}
polar ice capPolkappe {f}
polar ice cap polare Eiskappe {f}
polar ice cap meltingPolarkappenschmelze {f}
polar ice sheets polare Eismassen {pl}
polar jet stream Polarfrontjetstream {m}
polar lake Polarsee {m}
polar lightPolarlicht {n}
polar low Polartief {n}
polar migration Polverschiebung {f}
polar migration [polar drift] Polwanderung {f}
polar modifiedpolar modifiziert
polar moleculepolares Molekül {n}
polar molecules polare Moleküle {pl}
polar moment of inertia polares Trägheitsmoment {n}
polar motionPolbewegung {f}
polar motionPolschwankung {f}
polar nightPolarnacht {f}
polar oppositegenaues Gegenteil {n}
polar opposites polare Gegensätze {pl}
polar oppositionpolarer Gegensatz {m}
polar orbit polare Umlaufbahn {f}
polar orbitpolarer Orbit {m}
polar partpolarer Anteil {m}
polar pattern Richtcharakteristik {f}
polar plaice [Liopsetta glacialis, syn.: Pleuronectes glacialis] Polarscholle {f}
polar planimeter Polarplanimeter {n}
Polar Plateau Polarplateau {n}
polar question geschlossene Frage {f}
polar questionEntscheidungsfrage {f}
polar question Ja-Nein-Frage {f}
polar question Satzfrage {f}
polar rabbit [Lepus arcticus] Polarhase {m}
polar radius Polarradius {m}
polar region Polargebiet {n}
polar region Polregion {f}
polar regions Polarregionen {pl}
polar research Polarforschung {f}
polar residues polare Reste {pl}
polar sea Eismeer {n}
polar section modulus <PSM> polares Widerstandsmoment {n}
polar shift Polwanderung {f}
polar (slender) sea star [Henricia sanguinolenta, syn.: Asterias sanguinolenta, Cribrella sanguinolenta, Echinaster sanguinolentus, E. sarsi, Henricia curta, H. perforata, Linckia pertusa]Blutstern {m}
polar solvent polares Lösungsmittel {n}
polar starPolarstern {m}
Polar Star Nordstern {m}
Polar Star [Martin Cruz Smith]Polar Star
polar station Polarstation {f}
polar stratospheric clouds <PSC> polare Stratosphärenwolken {pl} <PSC>
polar stratospheric clouds <PSC>Perlmuttwolken {pl}
polar vectorpolarer Vektor {m} <PV>
polar vesselPolarschiff {n}
polar vortexPolarwirbel {m}
polar vortex polarer Wirbel {m}
polar wandering Polverschiebung {f}
polar wandering [polar drift]Polwanderung {f}
polar whale [Am.] [Balaena mysticetus] [bowhead whale] Grönlandwal {m}
polar wheel anglePolradwinkel {m}
polar willow [Salix polaris] Polar-Weide / Polarweide {f}
polar winterPolarwinter {m}
polar wolf [Canis lupus albus]Polarwolf {m}
polar year Polarjahr {n}
(polar) waste(polare) Wildnis {f}
(polar) wasteEinöde {f}
polargraphy Polarographie {f}
Polari [slang]Polari {n}
polarimeterPolarimeter {n}
polarimetric polarimetrisch
polarimetry Polarimetrie {f}
PolarisPolarstern {m}
polarisability [Br.] Polarisierbarkeit {f}
polarisability ellipsoid [Br.] Polarisierbarkeitsellipsoid {n}
polarisation [Br.] Polarisation {f}
polarisation [Br.]Polarisierung {f}
polarisation angle [Br.] Polarisationswinkel {m}
polarisation characteristics [Br.] Polarisationseigenschaften {pl}
polarisation correction [Br.]Polarisationskorrektur {f}
polarisation effect [Br.]Polarisationseffekt {m}
polarisation film [Br.]Polarisationsfolie {f}
polarisation formula [Br.]Polarisierungsformel {f}
polarisation modulation [Br.]Polarisationsmodulation {f}
polarisation of light [Br.]Lichtpolarisation {f}
polarisation pattern [Br.]Polarisationsmuster {n}
polarisation plane [Br.] Polarisationsebene {f}
polarisation properties [Br.]Polarisationseigenschaften {pl}
polarisation state [Br.]Polarisationszustand {m}
« poinpoinpoispoispokopolapolapolapolepolipoli »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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