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polished manners elegante Manieren {pl}
polished manners gesittete Manieren {pl}
polished marble geschliffener Marmor {m}
polished marble glatter Marmor {m}
polished nerite [Nerita polita, syn.: Amphinertia polita] Glatte Nixenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
polished plate glassKristallspiegelglas {n}
polished stone value <PSV> Polierwert {m} [Straßenbau]
polished surfacespolierte Oberflächen {pl}
polished to a mirror / mirror-like finish [postpos.]spiegelblank poliert
polished to a mirror / mirror-like shine [postpos.] spiegelblank poliert
polished willow [Salix laevigata] Glattblättrige Weide {f}
polisherSchleifer {m}
polisher Polierer {m}
polishersSchleifer {pl}
polishers for precious metals Edelmetallpolierer {pl}
polishers for resins and ceramicsKunststoff- und Keramikpolierer {pl}
polishes Polituren {pl}
polishing abschleifend
polishing polierend
polishing Polieren {n}
polishing Glätten {n}
polishing Schleifen {n}
polishing Abschleifen {n}
polishingPolitur {f}
polishing [attr.] [e.g. agent, brush, cloth, disc, machine] Polier- [z. B. Mittel, Bürste, Tuch, Scheibe, Maschine]
polishing agentPoliermittel {n}
polishing and buffing materials Polier- und Schleifmittel {pl}
polishing brush Glanzbürste {f}
polishing brush Polierbürste {f}
polishing brushWichsbürste {f} [bes. der Schuhe]
polishing cloth Poliertuch {n}
polishing compoundPolierpaste {f}
polishing cremePoliercreme {f}
polishing cupPolierkelch {m}
polishing cup Poliernapf {m}
polishing discPolierscheibe {f}
polishing disk [Am.]Polierscheibe {f}
polishing emeryPolierschmirgel {m}
polishing lake Schönungsteich {m}
polishing machinePoliermaschine {f}
polishing material Poliermaterial {n}
polishing oil Polieröl {n}
polishing powder Schleifpulver {n}
polishing powderPutzpulver {n}
polishing process Polierprozess {m}
polishing processPoliervorgang {m}
polishing processPolierverfahren {n}
polishing propertiesPoliereigenschaften {pl}
polishing properties {pl}Polierverhalten {n} [Poliereigenschaften]
polishing ragPoliertuch {n}
polishing robot Polierroboter {m}
polishing (rubber) wheels Gummipolierer {pl}
polishing sludgeSchleifschlamm {m} [Steinbearbeitung]
polishing spindle Polierspindel {f}
polishing stick Polierstift {m}
polishing strip Polierstreifen {m}
polishing timePolierdauer {f} [Polierzeit]
polishing time Polierzeit {f}
polishing tool Polierwerkzeug {n}
polishing (up)aufpolierend
polishing wax Politurwachs {n}
polishing wheel Polierrad {n}
polishing woolPutzwolle {f}
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Polen-Litauen {n}
Polish-Ottoman War [1620–1621] Osmanisch-Polnischer Krieg {m}
Polish-Soviet War [1919-1921] Polnisch-Sowjetischer Krieg {m}
Polish-speaking polnischsprachig
politainment Politainment {n}
politbureauPolitbüro {n}
politburo Politbüro {n}
politefreundlich [Person]
polite [attr.] [civilized, cultured] [e.g. polite society] vornehm [fein] [bes. Gesellschaft]
polite [courteous] artig [geh.] [veraltend] [höflich]
polite arts schöne Künste {pl}
polite form (of address) Höflichkeitsform {f} (der Anrede)
polite manners höfliche Manieren {pl}
polite manners {pl}höfliches Benehmen {n}
polite nerite [Nerita polita, syn.: Amphinertia polita] Glatte Nixenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
polite phrase Höflichkeitsfloskel {f} [pej.]
polite phrase Höflichkeitsformel {f}
polite receptionhöflicher Empfang {m}
polite smilehöfliches Lächeln {n}
polite societyfeine Gesellschaft {f}
polite to höflich gegen
polite way of talkinghöfliche Ausdrucksweise {f}
polite wordhöfliches Wort {n}
polite young manhöflicher junger Mann {m}
politeia Politie {f}
politelyauf höfliche Weise
politely but firmly höflich aber bestimmt
politeness Vornehmheit {f}
politeness Höflichkeit {f}
politeness [refinement, elegance of manners]Abgeschliffenheit {f} [veraltet] [Eleganz der Umgangsformen]
Politeness costs nothing. Höflich zu sein kostet nichts.
politeness formulaeHöflichkeitsformeln {pl}
politeness theory Höflichkeitstheorie {f}
politeness (to sb.)Höflichkeit {f} (jdm. gegenüber)
politer höflicher
« polipolipolipolipolipoliPolipolipolipolipoll »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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