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political economy Volkswirtschaft {f}
political economy Nationalökonomie {f}
political economypolitische Ökonomie {f}
political economy Volkswirtschaftslehre {f}
political economy Volkswirtschaftspolitik {f}
political economy Politökonomie {f}
political economy Staatswirtschaft {f}
political economy [as an academic discipline] Staatswirtschaftslehre {f}
political editor [senior political reporter]leitender Politikredakteur {m}
political educationpolitische Bildung {f}
political effect politische Auswirkung {f}
political elite politische Elite {f}
political entities politische Organe {pl}
political environmentpolitisches Umfeld {n}
political equilibrium politisches Gleichgewicht {n}
political events Politika {pl}
political fallout {sg}politische Folgen {pl}
political firestorm [fig.]politischer Flächenbrand {m} [fig.]
political forum Polit-Forum {n}
political foundation politische Grundlage {f}
political foundation politische Stiftung {f}
political framework politischer Rahmen {m}
political framework {sg}politische Rahmenbedingungen {pl}
political framework conditionspolitische Rahmenbedingungen {pl}
political geography politische Geografie {f}
political geography politische Geographie {f}
political goal Politikziel {n}
political group chairman Fraktionsführer {m}
political heft [Am.] [of person, organisation, etc.]politisches Gewicht {n}
political high-flyerPolitstar {m} [ugs.]
political history Politikgeschichte {f}
political history Politgeschichte {f}
political instrumentpolitisches Instrument {n}
political integration politische Integration {f}
political intent politischer Wille {m}
political Islam politischer Islam {m}
political issuepolitische Angelegenheit {f}
political issuePolitikum {n}
political issues Politika {pl}
political issues politische Fragen {pl}
political journalismPolitikjournalismus {m}
political journalist politischer Journalist {m}
political journalist [female] politische Journalistin {f}
political landscape [fig.]politische Landschaft {f} [fig.]
political landslidepolitischer Erdrutsch {m}
political lawsuitpolitischer Prozess {m} [Gerichtsprozess]
political leaders Spitzenpolitiker {pl}
Political leaders almost inevitably pander to big business.Führende Politiker fügen sich fast zwangsläufig der Großindustrie.
political leadership politische Führerschaft {f}
political legacypolitisches Testament {n}
political leveragepolitische Beeinflussung {f}
political liability politische Verantwortung {f}
political life Staatsleben {n}
political lightweight [pej.] politischer Schmalspurfahrer {m} [pej.]
political machine Klientelismus {m}
political machineKlientenpolitik {f}
political management <PM> Politikmanagement {n} <PM>
political map politische Landkarte {f} [auch: politische Karte]
political missteppolitischer Fehltritt {m}
political motivated criminal Überzeugungstäter {m} [politisch]
political motivespolitische Beweggründe {pl}
political movement politische Bewegung {f}
political murder politischer Mord {m}
political newsPolitiknachrichten {pl}
political night-prayers {pl} politisches Nachtgebet {n} [Dorothee Sölle]
political novelStaatsroman {m}
political objectives politische Ziele {pl}
political observers {pl} politische Beobachter {pl}
political offences [Br.] politische Straftaten {pl}
political offender Staatsverbrecher {m}
political office politisches Mandat {n} [Amt]
political officer Politoffizier {m}
political officer [armed forces of the German Democratic Republic] Politnik {m} [ugs.] [politischer Offizier einer NVA-Truppeneinheit]
political official politischer Beamter {m}
political opinion politische Überzeugung {f}
political opponentpolitischer Gegner {m}
political opponent Parteigegner {m}
political opposition politische Opposition {f}
political oppression politische Unterdrückung {f}
political order Staatsordnung {f}
political participationpolitische Partizipation {f}
Political Parties Act Parteiengesetz {n}
political party politische Partei {f}
political party affiliationVerbindung {f} mit einer politischen Partei
political persecution politische Verfolgung {f}
political philosopherStaatstheoretiker {m}
political philosopherStaatsphilosoph {m}
political philosophypolitische Philosophie {f}
political philosophyStaatsphilosophie {f}
political power politische Macht {f}
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.Die politische Macht kommt aus den Gewehrläufen. [Mao Zedong]
political prisoner politischer Gefangener {m}
political prisoners politische Häftlinge {pl}
political propagandapolitische Propaganda {f}
political purge politisch motivierte Säuberungsaktion {f}
political pygmy politischer Zwerg {m}
political rallypolitische Großkundgebung {f}
political realist Realpolitiker {m}
political reason politische Vernunft {f}
political reasonspolitische Gründe {pl}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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