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polo-neck sweater [Br.] Rollkragenpullover {m}
polo-neck sweater [Br.]Rollkragenpulli {m}
polonide Polonid {n}
polonides Polonide {pl}
Polonisation [Br.] [also: polonisation] Polonisierung {f}
PolonismPolonismus {m}
PolonistPolonist {m}
polonium <Po> Polonium {n} <Po>
polonium atomPoloniumatom {n}
polonium dichloride [PoCl2]Poloniumdichlorid {n}
polonium dihydride [H2Po, PoH2]Poloniumwasserstoff {m}
polonium hydride [H2Po, PoH2] Poloniumwasserstoff {m}
polonium isotope Poloniumisotop {n} [auch: Polonium-Isotop]
polonium monoxide [PoO]Poloniummonoxid {n}
polonium poisoning Poloniumvergiftung {f} [auch: Polonium-Vergiftung]
polonium tetrabromide [PoBr4] Poloniumtetrabromid {n}
polonium(II) oxide [PoO]Polonium(II)-oxid {n}
Polonization [rarely also: polonization] Polonisierung {f}
Polonovski reaction Polonovski-Reaktion {f}
Polonovski rearrangement Polonovski-Umlagerung {f}
polony [bologna sausage] Mortadella {f}
polos Polos {pl}
Polotsk Polazk {n}
polpetta Polpetta {f}
polster Polsterpflanze {f}
polt junger Puter {m}
Poltava Poltawa {n}
poltergeistPoltergeist {m}
poltergeistKlopfgeist {m}
Poltergeist [Tobe Hooper] Poltergeist
Poltergeist II: The Other Side [Brian Gibson] Poltergeist II - Die andere Seite
Poltergeist III: The Final Chapter [Gary Sherman] Poltergeist III – Die dunkle Seite des Bösen
Poltergeist: The Legacy Poltergeist
poltergeists Poltergeister {pl}
poltophagyPoltophagie {f}
poltroon [archaic or literary] Feigling {m}
poltroon [archaic or literary]Memme {f} [ugs.]
poltroonery [archaic]Feigheit {f}
Polus [Coeus]Polos {m}
polvidone <PVP>Polvidon {n} <PVP>
polvoron [polvorón] Polvoron {n} [Polvorón] [Schmalzgebäck]
poly- viel-
poly- mehr-
poly acid [spv.] Polysäure {f}
poly distributionPolydistribution {f}
poly drug use Mischkonsum {m} [Drogen]
poly ethylene-vinyl acetate <PEVA> [ethylene-vinyl acetate]Polyethylen-co-vinylacetat {n} <PEVA> [Ethylen-Vinylacetat-Copolymer]
poly gas can [Am.] Benzinkanister {m} aus Kunststoff
poly (p-phenylene sulfide) <PPS> [Polyphenylene sulfide] [Am.] Poly(thio-p-phenylen) {n} <PPS> [Polyphenylensulfid]
Pólya processPólya-Prozess {m}
poly(A) polymerase Poly(A)-Polymerase {f}
poly(A) tail Poly(A)-Schwanz {m}
poly(A)-binding protein <PAB, PABP> Poly(A)-Bindungsprotein {n}
polyaboloPolyabolo {n}
polyacetal Polyacetal {n}
polyacid mehrbasige Säure {f}
polyacid Polysäure {f}
polyacrylamide Polyacrylamid {n}
polyacrylamide gelPolyacrylamidgel {n}
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis <PAGE>Polyacrylamidgel-Elektrophorese {f}
polyacrylatePolyacrylat {n}
polyacrylate resinPolyacrylatharz {n}
polyacrylic Polyacryl {n}
polyacrylic aus Polyacryl [nachgestellt]
polyacrylic acidPolyacrylsäure {f}
polyacrylics {pl}Polyacryl {n}
polyacrylonitrile <PAN>Polyacrylnitril {n} <PAN>
polyaddition Polyaddition {f}
polyadductPolyaddukt {n}
polyadenylationPolyadenylierung {f}
polyadenylation signal Polyadenylierungssignal {n}
Polyakov action Polyakov-Wirkung {f}
Polyakov loop Polyakov-Loop {m}
polyalkenes Polyolefine {pl}
polyalkenesPolyalkene {pl}
polyalphabetic cipher polyalphabetische Ersetzungschiffre {f}
polyalphabetic substitutionpolyalphabetische Substitution {f}
poly-alpha-olefin <PAO>Polyalphaolefin {n} <PAO>
polyamide <PA> Polyamid {n} <PA>
polyamide resinPolyamidharz {n}
polyamide socks Polyamidsocken {pl}
polyamide-curing [attr.] polyamidhärtend
polyamides Polyamide {pl}
polyamidimide Polyamidimid {n}
polyaminePolyamin {n}
polyamine biosynthesis Polyaminbiosynthese {f}
polyaminesPolyamine {pl}
polyaminoethylene Polyaminoethylen {n}
polyamorous polyamor
polyamory Polyamory {f} [Beziehungspraxis, polyamore Lebensweise]
polyamoryPolyamorie {f} [Beziehungspraxis, polyamore Lebensweise]
polyandrous Vielmännerei betreibend
polyandry Polyandrie {f}
polyandryVielmännerei {f}
« poliPolipollpollpollpolopolypolypolypolypoly »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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