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English-German Dictionary

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polyculturePolykultur {f}
polycyclic polyzyklisch
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon <PAH> polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoff {m} <PAK>
polycyclical aromatic hydrocarbons <PAH> polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe {pl} <PAK>
polycystic polyzystisch
polycystic kidney <PK> polyzystische Niere {f}
polycystic kidney disease {sg} <PKD, PCKD> polyzystische Nieren {pl}
polycystic kidney disease <PKD> polyzystische Nierenerkrankung {f} <PKD>
polycystic kidney disease <PKD>Zystennieren {pl}
polycystic kidney syndrome <PLS>polyzystisches Nierensyndrom {n}
polycystic liver disease <PLD> Zystenleber {f}
polycystic liver disease <PLD> polyzystische Leber {f}
polycystic liver disease <PLD> polyzystische Leberkrankheit {f}
polycystic ovarian disease <PCOD>polyzystische Ovar-Erkrankung {f} [selten] [polyzystisches Ovarsyndrom]
polycystic ovarian syndrome <PCOS, POS>polyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom {n} <PCOS, POS>
polycystic ovaries polyzystische Ovarien {pl}
polycystic ovary <PCO> polyzystisches Ovar {n} <PCO>
polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS, POS> polyzystisches Ovarsyndrom {n} <PZOS, PZO-Syndrom>
polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS> polyzystisches Ovariensyndrom {n} <PCOS, PCO-Syndrom>
polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS> polyzystisches Ovarialsyndrom {n} <PCOS, PCO-Syndrom>
polycystic ovary syndrome <PCOS> polyzystisches Ovar-Syndrom {n} <PCO-Syndrom, PCOS>
polycythaemia <PC> [Br.] Polyzythämie {f} <PC>
polycythemia <PC> [Am.] Polyzythämie {f} <PC>
polycytidylic acidPolycytidylsäure {f}
polydactyl polydaktyl
polydactylia [having more than the normal number of toes or fingers]Polydaktylie {f}
polydactylism Polydaktylismus {m}
polydactylismPolydaktylie {f}
polydactylous polydaktyl
polydactyly Polydaktylie {f}
polydactyly of the feetVielzehigkeit {f} [Polydaktylie der Füße]
polydactyly of the handsVielfingrigkeit {f} [Polydaktylie der Hände]
polydemonismPolydämonismus {m}
polydendrocytePolydendrozyt {m}
polydextrose [E-1200]Polydextrose {f}
polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride <polyDADMAC, polyDDA>Polydiallyldimethylammoniumchlorid {n} <PolyDADMAC, PDADMAC> [auch: Poly-Diallyldimethyl-ammoniumchlorid]
polydimensional mehrdimensional
polydimethylsiloxane <PDMS>Polydimethylsiloxan {n} <PDMS>
polydipsia <PD> Polydipsie {f} <PD>
polydirectionalin mehreren Richtungen [nachgestellt]
polydisperse polydispers
polydispersity Polydispersität {f}
polydispersity index [obs. for: dispersity] Polymolekularitätsindex {m} [Dispersität]
polydispersity index <PDI>Polydispersitätsindex {m} <PDI>
polydontia Zahnüberzahl {f}
polydontia Polydontie {f}
polydymite [Ni3S4]Polydymit {m}
polyelectrolyte Polyelektrolyt {m}
polyelectrolyte coatingPolyelektrolytbeschichtung {f} [auch: Polyelektrolyt-Beschichtung]
polyelectrolyte desolverPolyelektrolyt-Lösestation {f}
polyelectrolyte solution Polyelektrolyt-Lösung {f}
polyembryoma Polyembryom {n}
polyembryonic polyembryonal
polyembryony Polyembryonie {f}
polyembryos Polyembryonen {pl}
polyene Polyen {n}
polyene antifungalsPolyen-Antimykotika {pl}
polyenergetic polyenergetisch
polyenes Polyene {pl}
polyester <PES> Polyester {m} <PES>
polyester bees [family Colletidae]Urbienen {pl}
polyester bees [family Colletidae] Kropfbienen {pl}
polyester bees [genus Colletes] [rare for: plasterer bees] Seidenbienen {pl}
polyester blouse Polyesterbluse {f}
polyester blouse Polyester-Bluse {f}
polyester board Polyesterplatte {f}
polyester casting resin Polyestergießharz {n}
polyester coating Polyesteranstrich {m}
polyester compoundPolyesterharzverbindung {f}
polyester concretePolyesterbeton {m}
polyester concrete Polybeton {m}
polyester fiber [Am.] Polyesterfaser {f}
polyester fibre [Br.] Polyesterfaser {f}
polyester foamPolyesterschaumstoff {m}
polyester fraction Polyesteranteil {m}
polyester lining Polyesterfutter {n}
polyester mastic Polyesterspachtel {m}
polyester paint Polyesterfarbe {f}
polyester putty Glasfaserkitt {m}
polyester resin film Polyesterharzfolie {f}
polyester resin finishPolyesterharzbeschichtung {f}
polyester resin mortarPolyesterharzmörtel {m}
polyester sewing threadPolyesternähgarn {n}
polyester shirt Polyester-Hemd {n}
polyester shirtPolyesterhemd {n}
polyester stopperPolyesterspachtel {m}
polyester strings Polyestersaiten {pl}
polyester velvet Polyestersamt {m}
polyestersPolyester {pl}
polyestrous [Am.] polyöstrisch
polyethene <PE> Polyethylen {n} <PE>
polyether Polyäther {m}
polyether ether ketone <PEEK> Polyetheretherketon {n} <PEEK>
polyethism Polyethismus {m}
polyethnic polyethnisch
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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