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English-German Dictionary

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Polynesian arrowroot [Tacca leontopetaloides, syn.: Tacca pinnatifida]Grüne Fledermauslilie {f}
Polynesian ground dove [Gallicolumba erythroptera] Tahititaube {f}
Polynesian ground dove [Gallicolumba erythroptera]Polynesische Erdtaube {f}
Polynesian ground dove [Gallicolumba erythroptera]Gesellschaftsinseln-Erdtaube {f}
Polynesian imperial pigeon [Ducula aurorae] Aurorafruchttaube {f}
Polynesian kingfisher [Todiramphus tuta, syn.: T. tutus, Todirhamphus tuta, Todirh. tutus, Halcyon tuta] Boraboraliest {m} [auch: Bora-Bora-Liest]
Polynesian languages polynesische Sprachen {pl}
Polynesian megapode [Megapodius pritchardii] Pritchardhuhn {n}
Polynesian rat [Rattus exulans]Pazifische Ratte {f}
Polynesian rat [Rattus exulans] Polynesische Ratte {f}
Polynesian rat [Rattus exulans] Kleine Pazifikratte {f}
Polynesian reed warbler [Acrocephalus aequinoctialis] Fanningrohrsänger {m}
Polynesian scrub fowl [Megapodius pritchardii] Pritchardhuhn {n}
Polynesian scrub hen [Megapodius pritchardii] Pritchardhuhn {n} [auch: Pritchard-Huhn]
Polynesian scrubfowl [Megapodius pritchardii]Pritchardhuhn {n}
Polynesian starling [Aplonis tabuensis] Südseestar {m}
Polynesian storm petrel [Nesofregetta fuliginosa] Weißkehl-Meerläufer {m}
Polynesian tattler [Tringa brevipes] [formerly Heteroscelus brevipes] Grauschwanzwasserläufer {m} [auch: Grauschwanz-Wasserläufer]
Polynesian tiger mosquito [Aedes polynesiensis] Polynesische Tigermücke {f}
Polynesian Triangle Polynesisches Dreieck {n}
Polynesian triller [Lalage maculosa] Südsee-Lalage {f}
Polynesians Polynesier {pl}
Polynesians [female] Polynesierinnen {pl}
polyneural polyneural
polyneuralgia Polyneuralgie {f}
polyneuritidesPolyneuritiden {pl}
polyneuritisPolyneuritis {f}
polyneuritises Polyneuritiden {pl}
polyneuronal innervationpolyneuronale Innerveration {f}
polyneuropathyPolyneuropathie {f}
Polynices [Πολυνείκης]Polyneikes {m}
polynomial mehrnamig
polynomial Polynom {n}
polynomial polynomial
polynomial vielgliedrig
polynomial convexity Polynomkonvexität {f}
polynomial convexityPolynomialkonvexität {f}
polynomial discriminant Diskriminante {f} eines Polynoms
polynomial divisionPolynomdivision {f}
polynomial equation Polynomgleichung {f}
polynomial functionPolynomfunktion {f}
polynomial (function) ganzrationale Funktion {f}
polynomial interpolation Polynominterpolation {f}
polynomial long divisionPartialdivision {f}
polynomial long division Polynomdivision {f}
polynomial matrix polynomiale Matrize {f}
polynomial matrixpolynomiale Matrix {f}
polynomial of degree 2Polynom {n} zweiten Grades
polynomial relationship polynomialer Zusammenhang {m}
polynomial ringPolynomring {m}
polynomial subordination polynomiale Unterordnung {f}
polynomial time polynomielle Zeit {f}
polynose [coll.] [samara] Flügelnuss {f}
polynuclear mehrkernig
polynuclear polynukleär
polynuclear polynucleär
polynucleotidePolynukleotid {n}
polynucleotide Polynucleotid {n}
polynucleotide chainPolynukleotidkette {f}
polynucleotide chainPolynucleotidkette {f}
polynya Polynja {f} [große offene Wasserfläche oder dünne Meereisschicht im arktischen oder antarktischen Meereis]
polynyaPolynya {f} [große offene Wasserfläche oder dünne Meereisschicht im arktischen oder antarktischen Meereis]
polyodontiaHyperodontie {f}
polyoestrous [Br.] polyöstrisch
polyol Polyol {n}
polyol mixture Polyol-Mischung {f}
polyol processPolyolprozess {m} [auch: Polyol-Prozess]
polyol production Polyolproduktion {f}
polyolefinic polyolefinisch
polyolefins Polyolefine {pl}
polyolefinsPolyalkene {pl}
polyolsPolyole {pl}
polyoma virus infection [budgerigar disease] Polyoma-Infektion {f} [Polyomaviren bei Sittichen, Papageien]
polyomavirusPolyomavirus {n} [ugs.: {m}]
polyomino Polyomino {n}
polyonomous polyonym
polyonomy Vielnamigkeit {f}
polyonomyPolyonymie {f}
polyonymous vielnamig
polyonymous polyonym
polyonymyPolyonymie {f}
polyonymy Vielnamigkeit {f}
polyopiaPolyopie {f}
polyose Polyose {f}
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia <PFD, polyostotic FD>polyostotische fibröse Dysplasie {f} <polyostotische FD>
polyostotic fibrous dysplasia <PFD, polyostotic FD> Morbus Jaffé-Lichtenstein {m} [polyostotische fibröse Dysplasie]
polyoxethylatedpolyoxethyliert [auch: polyoxäthyliert]
polyoxymethylene Polyoxymethylen {n}
polyoxymethylenes Polyoxymethylene {pl}
polypPolyp {m}
polyp Stielgeschwulst {f} [der Schleimhaut]
polyp anatomy Polypenanatomie {f}
polyp branch Polypenast {m}
polyp colonyPolypenkolonie {f}
polyp colony Polypenstock {m}
polyp development Polypenentwicklung {f}
polyp generationPolypengeneration {f}
polyp polymorphismPolypenpolymorphismus {m}
polyp removal Polypenentfernung {f}
« polypolypolypolypolyPolypolypolypolypolyPomm »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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