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English-German Dictionary

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polysomnographic polysomnographisch
polysomnographically polysomnographisch
polysomnography <PSG>Polysomnografie {f} <PSG>
polysomnography <PSG> Polysomnographie {f} <PSG>
polyspecific polyspezifisch
polyspecifically polyspezifisch
polyspermous mehrsamig
polyspermyPolyspermie {f}
polysphaerite Polysphaerit {m} [Ca-haltiger Pyromorphit]
polystelePolystele {f}
polystemonous polystemon
polystemonyPolystemonie {f}
polystichum [Polystichum spp.] Brauns Schildfarn {m}
polystyrene <PS> Styropor ® {n}
polystyrene <PS> Polystyrol {n} <PS>
polystyrene <PS> Polystyren {n} <PS>
polystyrene chips [Verpackungsmaterial] Styroporflocken {pl}
polystyrene chips [Verpackungsmaterial] Styroporschnitzel {pl} [ugs.]
polystyrene cup Styroporbecher {m} [Styropor ®]
polystyrene fiber [Am.] Polystyrolfaser {f}
polystyrene foamSchaumpolystyrol {n}
polystyrene sulfonate [Am.] Polystyrolsulfonat {n}
polystyrene sulphonate [Br.] Polystyrolsulfonat {n}
polysulfanePolysulfan {n}
polysulfane compound Polysulfanverbindung {f}
polysulfate <PS> [Am.] Polysulfat {n} <PS>
polysulfide [Am.] Polysulfid {n}
polysulfide rubber [Am.] Polysulfidkautschuk {m}
polysulfides [Am.]Polysulfide {pl}
polysulfone [Am.] Polysulfon {n}
polysulphate <PS> [Br.] Polysulfat {n} <PS>
polysulphide [Br.] Polysulfid {n}
polysulphides [Br.]Polysulfide {pl}
polysulphone [Br.] Polysulfon {n}
polysyllabic mehrsilbig
polysyllabic vielsilbig
polysyllabic words mehrsilbige Wörter {pl}
polysyllablevielsilbiges Wort {n}
polysyllable Polysyllabum {n}
polysyllogism Polysyllogismus {m}
polysymmetric polysymmetrisch
polysymmetrical polysymmetrisch
polysymmetrically polysymmetrisch
polysyndactylyPolysyndaktylie {f}
polysyndetic polysyndetisch
polysyndetonPolysyndeton {n}
polysynthetic polysynthetisch
polytechnicFachhochschule {f} <FH>
polytechnic polytechnisch
polytechnic Polytechnikum {n}
polytechnic [Br.] höhere technische Lehranstalt {f}
polytechnic degreeFachhochschulabschluss {m}
polytechnic institute polytechnische Lehranstalt {f}
polytechnic universitytechnische Hochschule {f} <TH>
polytechnical schoolpolytechnische Schule {f}
polytene chromosome Polytänchromosom {n}
polytenizationPolytänisierung {f}
polyterpene Polyterpen {n}
polytetrafluoroethylene <PTFE> Polytetrafluorethylen {n} <PTFE>
polytetrafluoroethylene hose <PTFE hose>Polytetrafluorethylenschlauch {m} <PTFE-Schlauch>
polytetrafluoroethylene hose <PTFE hose> Polytetrafluorethylen-Schlauch {m} <PTFE-Schlauch>
polytextual mehrtextig
polytextualityMehrtextigkeit {f}
polythalamous mehrkammerig
polytheism Polytheismus {m}
polytheismVielgötterei {f}
polytheismVielgötterglaube {m}
polytheistPolytheist {m}
polythelia [the condition of having more than the normal number of nipples] Polythelie {f} [die zusätzliche Anlage einer oder mehrerer Brustwarzen]
polythely [polythelia] Polythelie {f}
polythenePolyäthylenfolie {f}
polythene <PE> [esp. Br.] [polyethylene] Polyethen {n} <PE> [selten] [Polyethylen]
polythene <PE> [esp. Br.] [polyethylene] Polyethylen {n} <PE>
polythene bag Plastiktüte {f}
polythene sheet Plastikfolie {f}
polytherapy Polytherapie {f}
polythetic polythetisch
polythiazidePolythiazid {n}
polythioether Polythioether {m}
polythioethersPolythioether {pl}
polytocous polytok
polytomic polytomisch
polytomous polytom
polytomyPolytomie {f}
polytonalityPolytonalität {f}
polytonic polyton
polytope Polytop {n}
polytope theoryPolytoptheorie {f}
polytopic polytopisch
« polypolypolypolypolypolypolypomapomppondpong »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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