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poop [sl.] [inside information]Insiderinformationen {pl}
poop chute [sl.] [vulg.] Arschloch {n} [vulg.] [Anus]
poop chute [sl.] [vulg.] [anus]Rosette {f} [derb] [Anus]
poop deck (erhöhtes) Achterdeck {n}
poop (deck)Poopdeck {n}
poop (deck) Hüttendeck {n}
poop (deck) Poop {f}
poop (deck)Poppdeck {n} [selten]
poop scoop Schäuflein {n} zum Wegräumen von Hundekot
poop sheet [Am.] [coll.]Merkblatt {n}
pooped [Am.] [coll.] [exhausted] erledigt [ugs.]
pooped [coll.] ausgepowert [ugs.]
pooped [coll.] ausgepumpt [ugs.]
pooped [coll.] [defecated]gekackt [vulg.]
pooper [coll.] Muffel {m} [ugs.]
pooper scooper [coll.] Hundekotgreifer {m}
pooper-scooper Kotschaufel {f}
pooping [esp. Am.] [coll.] Kacken {n} [derb]
pooping seahinten überkommende Sturzsee {f}
poo-poo [coll.]Kacka {f} {n} {m} [Kindersprache]
poo-poo [coll.] Kaka {f} [Kindersprache]
poo-poo cushion [coll.] Pupskissen {n} [ugs.] [Scherzartikel]
poopy [Am.] [coll.]bekackt [vulg.]
poor armselig
poormager [dürftig]
poor ärmlich
poor mangelnd
poor [coll.] [health] angeschlagen [ugs.] [Gesundheit]
poor [inferior]mangelhaft
poor [grade] geringwertig
poor [inadequate] schlecht [minderwertig, auch Gesundheitszustand]
poor [joke, remark] billig [pej.] [Witz, Bemerkung]
poor [lacking money] unbemittelt [geh.]
poor [performance, attendance, demand, etc.]schwach [Leistung, Beteiligung, Nachfrage etc.]
poor [quality] minderwertig
poor [without means] mittellos
poor accessibility schlechte Anbindung {f} [Verkehrsanbindung]
poor accommodation unzulängliche Unterkunft {f}
poor adhesionmangelnde Haftung {f}
poor affair armseliges Ding {n}
poor affair armselige Geschichte {f}
poor aid Armenhilfe {f}
poor Annie [Veratrum viride] Grüner Germer {m}
poor appearancearmseliges Aussehen {n}
poor appetiteschlechter Appetit {m}
poor arithmetic Rechenschwäche {f}
poor as a church mouse [idiom]arm wie eine Kirchenmaus [Redewendung]
poor as dirtbettelarm
poor attemptkläglicher Versuch {m}
poor attendance geringe Beteiligung {f}
poor attendance schwache Beteiligung {f}
poor attendance niedrige Besucherzahl {f}
poor attendancegeringe Teilnehmerzahl {f}
poor bastard [except Am.] [coll.] armes Schwein {n} [ugs.] [fig.]
poor bastard [except Am.] [coll.]armer Hund {m} [ugs.] [fig.]
poor beggararmer Bettler {m}
Poor beggar! [Br.] [coll.] Armer Kerl! [ugs.]
poor blighter [coll.]armer Wicht {m} [ugs.]
poor bloke [Br.] [coll.] armer Kerl {m}
poor bone qualityschlechte Knochenqualität {f}
poor box Almosenbüchse {f}
poor box Armenkasse {f}
poor boy [Am.] [less frequent than: po'boy] Poor-boy-Sandwich {m} {n} [Po'boy-Sandwich]
Poor boy! Armer Junge!
poor bugger [coll.]armer Tropf {m}
poor bugger [esp. Br.] [coll.] armes Schwein {n} [ugs.]
poor businessschlechtes Geschäft {n}
poor chest [also: poor-chest] Armenkasten {m}
poor circulation of the bloodKreislaufschwäche {f}
poor circumstances ärmliche Verhältnisse {pl}
Poor Clare [nun] Klarisse {f} [Nonne]
Poor Clares <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>Klarissen {pl} <OSC, O.S.C., OSCL, OSCl>
Poor Clares <OSCl> Klarissinnen {pl}
poor clothes {pl}ärmliche Kleidung {f}
poor cod [Trisopterus minutus]Zwergdorsch {m}
poor compliance mangelnde Einhaltung {f}
poor compliance <PC>schlechte Compliance {f}
poor concrete Magerbeton {m}
poor conditions schlechte Bedingungen {pl}
poor conductor schlechter Leiter {m}
poor connection schlechte Anbindung {f}
Poor Conrad [rebellious peasant group in 1514] Armer Konrad {m} [Bündnis aufständischer Bauern i. J. 1514]
poor consolation schwacher Trost {m}
poor contactschlechter Kontakt {m}
poor creature arme Kreatur {f}
poor creaturearmes Luder {n} [ugs.]
poor crop kümmerliche Ernte {f}
poor debtor armer Schuldner {m}
poor demandschwache Nachfrage {f}
poor devilarmer Schlucker {m} [ugs.]
poor devil armer Teufel {m}
poor devilarmer Tropf {m}
poor devilarmes Würstchen {n} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
poor devil armes Schwein {n} [ugs.]
poor devil [coll.] armer Wicht {m} [ugs.]
poor devil [coll.] armes Aas {n} [ugs.]
poor diet ärmliche Diät {f}
« pomppondpontponypoolpooppoorpoorpoorpop[Pope »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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