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poor dietunzulängliche Diät {f}
poor diet [unhealthy diet]schlechte Ernährung {f}
poor dinnermageres Essen {n}
poor districtArmenviertel {n}
poor dividend geringe Dividende {f}
poor eater schlechter Esser {m}
poor economy schlecht fundierte Wirtschaft {f}
poor effect schwache Wirkung {f}
poor efforts nur schwache Anstrengungen {pl}
poor Englishschlechtes Englisch {n} [sprechen, schreiben]
poor examplemiserables Beispiel {n}
poor excuse schwache Entschuldigung {f}
poor excuse matte Entschuldigung {f}
poor excuse schlechte Ausrede {f}
poor eyesightSehschwäche {f}
poor farm [Am.] Armenhof {m} [hier: Bauernhof, auf dem Bedürftige arbeiten konnten od. mussten]
poor feedbackschwache Resonanz {f}
poor feedback unergiebige Rückmeldungen {pl}
poor fellow armer Hund {m}
poor fellow armer Kerl {m}
poor fellow armer Schlucker {m} [ugs.]
poor fellow bedauernswerter Kerl {m}
poor financial showingschwache finanzielle Präsentation {f}
poor fish [coll.] [person] armer Kerl {m}
Poor Folk [also: Poor People] [Fyodor Dostoevsky] Arme Leute [Fjodor Dostojewski]
poor foolarmer Irrer {m} [ugs.]
poor gainschwacher Zuwachs {m}
poor grassland Magerwiese {f}
poor growth dürftiges Wachstum {n}
poor growth of hairärmlicher Haarwuchs {m}
poor hand [dated for: bad handwriting] schlechte Schrift {f} [Handschrift]
poor handwriting Klaue {f} [ugs.] [unleserliche Handschrift]
poor handwritingunleserliche Handschrift {f}
poor harvest magere Ernte {f}
poor harvestMisswachs {m} [regional]
poor haul [fishing]magerer Fang {m}
poor haul [of thieves etc.] magere Beute {f}
poor health schlechte Gesundheit {f}
poor healthschlechter Gesundheitszustand {m}
poor health angegriffene Gesundheit {f}
poor houseArmenhaus {n}
poor image qualitymangelnde Bildqualität {f}
poor imitation Abklatsch {m} [pej.] [bloße, minderwertige Nachahmung eines Vorbildes; Kopie]
poor in carbon [postpos.]kohlenstoffarm
poor in contrast [postpos.] kontrastarm
poor in contrast [postpos.] kontrastlos
poor in contrast [postpos.] [image] flau
poor in iron [attr.] eisenarm
poor in macrophytes [postpos.]makrophytenarm
poor in minerals [postpos.] [rare] [low in minerals] arm an Mineralien [postpos.]
poor in natural resources [postpos.]rohstoffarm
poor in nutrients [postpos.] nährstoffarm
poor in oxygen [postpos.]sauerstoffarm
poor in phosphorus [postpos.] phosphorarm
poor in proportion to the price minderwertig im Verhältnis zum Preis
poor in quartz [postpos.] quarzarm
poor in species [postpos.]artenarm
poor in spirit [postpos.]demütig
poor in spirit [postpos.] arm im Geiste [postpos.] [geh.]
poor in vitamins [postpos.]vitaminarm
poor in words [postpos.] wortarm
poor investmentschlechte Anlage {f}
poor jokedürftiger Scherz {m}
poor judgementschwaches Urteilsvermögen {n}
poor knight [French toast]armer Ritter {m} [Frühstücksgericht]
Poor Knights / Fellow-Soldiers {pl} of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon [Pauperes commilitones Christi templique Salomonici] [Templars] Arme Ritterschaft {f} Christi und des salomonischen Tempels zu Jerusalem [Tempelritter, Templerorden]
Poor Knights lily [Xeronema callistemon][Tagliliengewächs der Poor Knights Islands und Taranga Island]
Poor Knights of Windsor [Br.] Arme Ritter {pl}
poor law Armenrecht {n}
poor law [law providing for the relief or support of the poor] Armenordnung {f}
poor law boardArmendirektion {f}
poor laws {pl}Armengesetzgebung {f}
poor laws [laws relating to poverty] Armengesetze {pl}
poor life armseliges Leben {n}
poor lightschlechtes Licht {n}
poor little creaturearmer Wicht {m} [ugs.] [Kind, bes. Junge]
poor little thing armer Wicht {m} [ugs.] [Kind, bes. Junge]
poor little thing [coll.] [pitiable person] arme Socke {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [bemitleidenswerter Mensch]
poor little thing [girl] armes Ding {n} [ugs.]
poor livingdürftiger Lebensunterhalt {m}
poor living quarters {pl} ärmliches Wohngebiet {n}
poor lotdürftiges Los {n}
poor man Armer {m}
poor manarmer Mann {m}
poor man pork [regional, Barbados] [Plectranthus amboinicus, syn.: Coleus amboinicus, Coleus aromaticus] Jamaika-Thymian {m}
poor man's foodArmenkost {f}
poor man's foodArmeleuteessen {n}
poor man's ginseng [Codonopsis pilosula] Feinbehaarte Glockenwinde {f}
poor man's ginseng [Codonopsis pilosula] Dangshen {f}
poor man's ginseng [Codonopsis pilosula] Feinbehaarte Tigerglocke {f}
poor man's licorice [Bulgaria inquinans](Gemeiner) Schmutzbecherling / Schmutz-Becherling {m}
poor man's moorish idol [Heniochus diphreutes] [schooling bannerfish] Schwarm-Wimpelfisch {m}
poor man's mustard [coll.] [Alliaria petiolata, Alliaria officinalis, Erysimum alliaria, Sisymbrium alliaria] (Gewöhnliche) Knoblauchsrauke {f}
poor man's orchid [Bauhinia variegata] [orchid tree] Bunte Bauhinie {f}
poor man's pepper [Lepidium sativum] Gartenkresse {f}
poor man's pepper / pepperweed [Lepidium virginicum, syn.: L. iberis]Virginische Kresse {f}
poor man's procedure Poor-Man-Verfahren {n}
poor man's weather-glass [Anagallis arvensis] Roter Gauchheil {m}
poor man's weather-glass [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel] Acker-Gauchheil {m}
poor man's weather-glass [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel]Nebelpflanze {f} [Acker-Gauchheil]
« pondpontponypoolpooppoorpoorpoorpop[Popepopi »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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