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poor man's weather-glass [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel]Weinbergsstern {m} [Acker-Gauchheil]
poor man's weather-glass [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel] Wetterkraut {n} [Acker-Gauchheil]
(poor man's) black velvet [Guiness mit Cider]
poor marketschwacher Markt {m}
poor market shareniedriger Marktanteil {m}
poor market share kleiner Marktanteil {m}
poor marks schlechte Noten {pl}
Poor me! [said by a female]Ich Ärmste!
Poor me! [said by a male]Ich Ärmster!
poor means geringe Mittel {pl}
poor memory schwaches Gedächtnis {n}
poor motivation geringe Motivation {f}
poor nationsarme Nationen {pl}
poor need erbärmliche Not {f}
Poor of Lombardy [Waldenes]Lombardische Arme {pl} [Waldenser]
poor of oxygen [postpos.]sauerstoffarm
Poor old chap! Armer Kerl!
poor oratorschlechter Redner {m}
poor outcomedürftiges Ergebnis {n}
poor people Arme {pl} [arme Menschen]
poor performance schwache Aufführung {f}
poor performance mangelhafte Leistung {f}
poor physical condition schlechter physischer Zustand {m}
poor picture qualityschlechte Bildqualität {f}
poor piece of workschlechtes Stück {n} Arbeit
poor polling [Ind.] [voter turnout]geringe Wahlbeteiligung {f}
poor postureHaltungsfehler {m}
poor posture schlechte Haltung {f} [Körperhaltung]
poor price schlechter Preis {m}
poor prognosis schlechte Prognose {f}
poor programme [Br.]miserables Programm {n}
Poor Pussy Armer schwarzer Kater
poor quality schlechte Qualität {f}
poor qualitygeringe Qualität {f}
poor qualitymindere Qualität {f}
poor quality minderwertige Qualität {f}
poor quality niedrige Qualität {f}
poor quality mangelnde Qualität {f}
poor quality costs <PQC> Fehlerkosten {pl} <FK>
poor quality of passesAbspielschwäche {f} [Fußball]
poor quarter Armenviertel {n}
poor reaction schwache Reaktion {f}
poor reason schwaches Argument {n}
poor receptionschwacher Empfang {m}
poor reception schlechter Empfang {m}
poor reception area [e.g. radio]Gebiet {n} mit schlechtem Empfang [z. B. Radio]
poor recordmagere Bilanz {f}
poor relation [fig.] Stiefkind {n} [fig.]
poor relief Armenfürsorge {f}
poor relief Armenhilfe {f}
poor relief Armenpflege {f}
poor relief Armenversorgung {f}
poor relief [assistance to the poor]Armenunterstützung {f}
poor relief fund Armenkasse {f}
poor restart [weld imperfection]Ansatzfehler {m} [Nahtfehler]
poor result mageres Ergebnis {n}
poor result schlechtes Ergebnis {n}
poor result on the testschlechtes Testergebnis {n}
poor resultskümmerliche Ergebnisse {pl}
poor riskschlechtes Risiko {n}
poor sanitation {sg} unzureichende sanitäre Anlagen {pl}
poor school performance {sg} schlechte Leistungen {pl} in der Schule
poor shot schlechter Schuss {m}
poor sight schwaches Sehvermögen {n}
poor sight schlechte Sicht {f}
poor signal [cell phone] schlechter Empfang {m} [Handy]
poor singer schlechter Sänger {m}
poor sinner armer Sünder {m}
poor sinner [female]arme Sünderin {f}
poor sleep schlechter Schlaf {m}
poor sod [Br.] [sl.] arme Sau {f} [ugs.] [derb]
poor sod [Br.] [sl.] [inoffensive use]armes Schwein {n} [ugs.] [armer Kerl]
poor soil magerer Boden {m}
poor soil Magerboden {m}
poor soilschlechter Boden {m}
poor soul arme Seele {f}
poor soul armer Kerl {m}
poor soul Hascherl {n} [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
poor spelling Rechtschreibschwäche {f}
poor sport [female who is rude or angry about losing] schlechte Verliererin {f}
poor sport [male who is rude or angry about losing] schlechter Verlierer {m}
poor stream schwacher Strahl {m}
poor stuff armseliges Zeug {n}
poor stuffdummes Zeug {n}
poor stuffmindere Ware {f}
poor stuff Schund {m}
poor substitute schlechter Ersatz {m}
poor sucker [Am.] [coll.] armer Wicht {m} [ugs.]
poor sucker [Am.] [coll.] armes Schwein {n} [ugs.]
poor tensile strength geringe Reißfestigkeit {f}
poor thing Hascherl {n} [südd.] [österr.]
poor thing armes Waserl {n} [österr.]
poor thing [fig.] [esp. girl] armes Maus {n} [ugs.] [fig.] [bes. Mädchen] [armes Ding]
poor thing [girl] armes Ding {n} [ugs.] [Mädchen]
poor timing schlechtes Timing {n}
poor tool schwaches Werkzeug {n}
poor visibility schlechte Sicht {f}
poor visibility unsichtiges Wetter {n}
poor visibility conditions schlechte Sichtverhältnisse {pl}
poor woman Arme {f}
« pontponypoolpooppoorpoorpoorpop[Popepopipopp »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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