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poor wretch armer Schlingel {m}
poor wretch armer Teufel {m}
poor wretch [coll.] armes Schwein {n} [ugs.]
poor year schlechtes Jahr {n}
Poor you. [coll.] Ihr Armen. [ugs.]
Poor you. [coll.] Du Ärmster! [ugs.]
Poor you. [female] [coll.] Du Arme. [ugs.]
Poor you. [female] [coll.]Du Ärmste! [ugs.]
Poor you. [male] [coll.]Du Armer. [ugs.]
(poor) robin's plantain [Erigeron philadelphicus] [Philadelphia fleabane] Philadelphia-Feinstrahl {m}
(poor) robin's plantain [Erigeron philadelphicus] [Philadelphia fleabane] Philadelphia-Berufkraut {n}
(poor) souls in Purgatory arme Seelen {pl} (im Fegefeuer) [auch: Arme Seelen]
poorest am ärmsten [nur prädikativ]
poorhouseArmenhaus {n}
poorhouse [dated] Armenheim {n} [veraltet] [selten]
poor-law infirmaryArmenspital {n}
poorly dürftig
poorly schlecht
poorlyauf mangelhafte Weise
poorly [Br.] unpässlich
poorly [Br.] [ill] schlecht
poorly [inadequately]unzureichend
poorly [Br.] marod [österr.] [ugs.] [leicht krank]
poorly [Br.] [ill] krank
poorly [Br.] [in poor health] kränklich
poorly [Br.] [in poor health] schlecht beisammen [bes. südd., österr.] [kränkelnd]
poorly [dressed, furnished etc.]ärmlich
poorly [not rich]arm
poorly [pay]schäbig [entlohnen]
poorly accessible schlecht zugänglich
poorly attended [event etc.]schwach besucht [Veranstaltung usw.]
poorly conceivedunausgereift [Plan, Idee]
poorly developed gering entwickelt
poorly differentiated [cancer cells] wenig differenziert [Krebszellen]
poorly documented schlecht dokumentiert
poorly done [e.g. homework]schlecht gemacht [z. B. Hausaufgaben]
poorly drained schlecht drainiert
poorly endowed by nature von der Natur schlecht ausgestattet
poorly graded gravelKies {m} unregelmäßiger Körnung
poorly kept secret schlecht gehütetes Geheimnis {n}
poorly litlichtarm [schlecht beleuchtet]
poorly maintained schlecht erhalten
poorly managed schlecht verwaltet
poorly myelinated markarm
poorly myelinatedmyelinarm
poorly paidschlecht bezahlt
poorly paid job schlecht bezahlte Arbeit {f}
poorly screened [not sufficiently protected]schlecht abgeschirmt
poorly shielded schlecht geschützt [vor Wasser etc.]
poorly shielded schlecht abgeschirmt [z. B. Strahlung]
poorly structuredschlecht strukturiert
poorly suitedwenig geeignet
poorly trained schlecht ausgebildet
poorly ventilated schlecht belüftet
poorly ventilatedschlecht gelüftet
poor-man's asparagus [Chenopodium bonus-henricus]Guter Heinrich {m}
poor-man's asparagus [Chenopodium bonus-henricus] Wilder Spinat {m}
poorman's barometer [Anagallis arvensis] Roter Gauchheil {m}
poorman's barometer [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel]Acker-Gauchheil {m}
poorman's barometer [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel] Nebelpflanze {f} [Acker-Gauchheil]
poorman's barometer [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel] Weinbergsstern {m} [Acker-Gauchheil]
poorman's barometer [Anagallis arvensis] [scarlet pimpernel] Wetterkraut {n} [Acker-Gauchheil]
poor-man's orchid [Impatiens glandulifera] Drüsiges Springkraut {n}
poor-man's orchid [Impatiens glandulifera] Indisches Springkraut {n}
poor-man's orchid [Impatiens glandulifera]Emscherorchidee {f}
poor-man's orchid [Impatiens glandulifera]Wupperorchidee {f}
poor-man's rhubarb [Thalictrum flavum, syn.: T. flavum subsp. flavum] [common meadow-rue]Gelbe Wiesenraute {f}
poorman's weatherglass [Anagallis foemina, syn.: Anagallis arvensis subsp. caerulea, Anagallis arvensis subsp. foemina] Blauer Gauchheil {m}
poor-me-ones [family Nyctibiidae, genus Nyctibius]Tagschläfer {pl}
poorness Armseligkeit {f}
poorness Armut {f}
poorness Schwäche {f}
poor-quality minderwertig
poor-spirited ängstlich
Poortman's emerald hummingbird [Chlorostilbon poortmani]Kurzschwanz-Smaragdkolibri {m}
poot butt [coll.] grüner Junge {m} [ugs.] [unerfahrener / dummer (meist junger) Mensch]
poot-butt [coll.] grüner Junge {m} [ugs.] [unerfahrener / dummer (meist junger) Mensch]
pootbutt [coll.]grüner Junge {m} [ugs.] [unerfahrener / dummer (meist junger) Mensch]
Pooterish [Br.] [small-minded] kleinkariert [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.]
pooting cushion [Am.] [coll.] [practical joke device]Furzkissen {n} [derb] [Scherzartikel]
pootle [Br.] [coll.]Spaziergang {m}
pooty [dialectal for pretty] [Am.] [coll.] niedlich
poove [Br.] [coll.] [pej.] [spv.] [poof] Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
poozle [Am.] [sl.]Vagina {f}
popPop {m}
pop Popmusik {f}
popPuff {m} [Knall]
pop Sprudel {m}
pop Popmusik-
pop Pop-
pop poppig
« ponypoolpooppoorpoorpoorpop[Popepopipopppops »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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