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Pope Clement XIV Papst {m} Clemens XIV.
Pope Conon Papst {m} Konon
Pope ConstantinePapst {m} Constantinus I.
Pope ConstantinePapst {m} Konstantin I.
Pope Damasus I Papst {m} Damasus I.
Pope Damasus II Papst {m} Damasus II.
Pope DonusPapst {m} Donus
Pope emeritus emeritierter Papst {m}
Pope Eugene IVPapst {m} Eugen IV.
Pope Felix IVPapst {m} Felix III. (IV.)
Pope FormosusPapst {m} Formosus
Pope FrancisPapst {m} Franziskus
Pope Gelasius II Papst {m} Gelasius II.
Pope Gregory XVI Papst {m} Gregor XVI.
Pope HilariusPapst {m} Hilarius
Pope Honorius IVPapst {m} Honorius IV.
Pope HormisdasPapst {m} Hormisdas
Pope Innocent XIII Papst {m} Innozenz XIII.
Pope Joan [novel: Donna Woolfolk Cross] Die Päpstin [Film: Sönke Wortmann]
Pope John Paul IPapst {m} Johannes Paul I.
Pope John Paul IIPapst {m} Johannes Paul II.
Pope John XXIII Papst {m} Johannes XXIII.
Pope Julius IIIPapst {m} Julius III.
Pope Lando Papst {m} Lando
Pope Leo XIII Papst {m} Leo XIII.
Pope Lucius III Papst {m} Lucius III.
Pope Marcellus II Papst {m} Marcellus II.
Pope Marinus IIPapst {m} Marinus II.
Pope Martin V Papst {m} Martin V.
Pope Nicholas V Papst {m} Nikolaus V.
Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the Seat of Saint Mark Papst {m} von Alexandrien und Patriarch des Stuhls vom heiligen Markus
Pope Paschal II Papst {m} Paschalis II.
Pope Paul III and His Grandsons [Titian] Papst Paul III. und seine Nepoten [Tizian]
Pope Paul VI Papst {m} Paul VI.
Pope Pelagius II Papst {m} Pelagius II.
Pope Pius XIIPapst {m} Pius XII.
pope reeler Poperoller {m}
Pope RomanusPapst {m} Romanus
Pope Sabinian Papst {m} Sabinianus
Pope Sergius IV Papst {m} Sergius IV.
Pope SeverinusPapst {m} Severinus
Pope Silverius Papst {m} Silverius
Pope Simplicius Papst {m} Simplicius
Pope Siricius Papst {m} Siricius
Pope SisinniusPapst {m} Sisinnius
Pope Sixtus VPapst {m} Sixtus V.
Pope Stephen IX Papst {m} Stephan IX.
Pope Sylvester IIIPapst {m} Silvester III.
Pope Symmachus Papst {m} Symmachus
Pope Tawadros II of Alexandria Papst {m} Tawadros II.
Pope Theodore II Papst {m} Theodor II.
Pope Urban VIII Papst {m} Urban VIII.
Pope Valentine Papst {m} Valentin
Pope Victor III Papst {m} Viktor III.
Pope VigiliusPapst {m} Vigilius
Pope Vitalian Papst {m} Vitalian
Pope ZacharyPapst {m} Zacharias
Pope Zosimus Papst {m} Zosimus
popemobilePapstmobil {n}
popemobile Papamobil {n} [ugs.]
popery [pej.] Papismus {m} [pej.]
popery [pej.]Päpstlerei {f} [veraltet]
popes Päpste {pl}
pope's aircraft Papstmaschine {f} [Flugzeug]
pope's airplane [Am.]Papstmaschine {f} [Flugzeug]
Pope's bamboo pitviper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Bambusotter {f}
Pope's bamboo pitviper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Lanzenotter {f}
pope's crown [Mitra papalis] [species of sea snail] Papstkrone {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Pope's green pit viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Bambusotter {f}
Pope's green pit viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Lanzenotter {f}
pope's nose [tail of a turkey] Pfaffenstück {n} [Geflügelteil]
Pope's pit viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Bambusotter {f}
Pope's pit viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Lanzenotter {f}
Pope's tree viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum]Popes Bambusotter {f}
Pope's tree viper [Trimeresurus popeiorum, syn.: Popeia popeiorum] Popes Lanzenotter {f}
popess Päpstin {f}
Popeye [Robert Altman] Popeye – Der Seemann mit dem harten Schlag
Popeye elbow [coll.] [Bursitis olecrani] [olecranon bursitis]Ellenbogenschleimbeutelentzündung {f}
popeye hyla [Agalychnis moreletii] Morelets Laubfrosch {m}
popeye hyla [Agalychnis moreletii] Popeye-Laubfrosch {m}
popeye hyla [Agalychnis moreletii] Schwarzaugen-Laubfrosch {m}
popeyedglotzäugig [ugs.]
popeyedmit Glotzaugen [nachgestellt] [ugs.]
popeyed scorpionfish [Rhinopias frondosa] Tentakel-Drachenkopf {m}
popgun Kindergewehr {n}
popgun Spielzeuggewehr {n} [Korken od. Stöpsel schießend]
popgun Spielzeugpistole {f} [Korken od. Stöpsel schießend]
popgun Korkenknaller {m}
popgunStopselgewehr {n} [Korken od. Stöpsel schießend]
popgun [toy gun] Pufferchen {n} [ugs.] [Kinderspielpistole]
popi [Aus.] [coll.] [granddad] Opi {m} [ugs.]
popi [Aus.] [coll.] [granddad] Opa {m} [ugs.]
popinjay [archaic] [parrot] Papagei {m}
popinjay [dated] [fop, dandy] (eitler) Fatzke {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
popinjay [dated] [fop, dandy] Geck {m} [pej.]
popinjay [dated] [fop, dandy] Laffe {m} [veraltend] [pej.]
popinjay [dated] [fop, dandy] Gigerl {m} {n} [österr.] [südd.] [ugs.] [Modegeck]
popinjay [dated] [fop, dandy] Schönling {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
popinjay [shooting sport] Papageienschießen {n} [Vogelschießen; Brauchtum]
popinjay [shooting sport] Vogelschießen {n} [Brauchtum]
« pooppoorpoorpoorpop[Popepopipopppopspopupopu »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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