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poplar-buttercup aphid [Thecabius affinis, syn.: T. agnotus, T. populneus, T. ranunculi, Bucktonia affinis, Pemphigus affinis, P. ranunculi] Pappelblattrandgallenlaus / Pappelblattrand-Gallenlaus {f}
Poplarism Poplarismus {m}
poplar-leaved cistus [Cistus populifolius] Pappelblättrige Zistrose {f}
poplar-leaved rockrose / rock rose [Cistus populifolius]Pappelblättrige Zistrose {f}
poplar-leaved stonecrop [Hylotelephium populifolium] Pappelblättriges Sedum {n}
poplar-leaved stonecrop [Hylotelephium populifolium] Zwergstrauch-Fetthenne {f}
poplar-lined pappelgesäumt
poplar-lined road Pappelallee {f}
poplar-lined road von Pappeln gesäumte Straße {f}
poplin Popelin {m}
poplin Popeline {m} {f}
poplit [coll.] [popliteal fossa] [Fossa poplitea] Kniekehle {f}
popliteal Kniekehlen-
popliteal artery [arteria poplitea] Kniekehlenarterie {f}
popliteal cavity Kniekehle {f}
popliteal cyst [Baker's cyst]Poplitealzyste {f} [Baker-Zyste]
popliteal fascia [Fascia poplitea] Kniefaszie {f}
popliteal fossa [Fossa poplitea]Kniekehle {f}
popliteal lymph nodes [Nodi lymphoidei poplitei]Kniekehlenlymphknoten {pl}
popliteal pterygium syndrome <PPS>popliteales Pterygiumsyndrom {n} <PPS>
popliteal pterygium syndrome <PPS>popliteales Flügelfellsyndrom {n} [auch: popliteales Flügelfell-Syndrom]
popliteal region [Regio poplitea] Kniekehlregion {f}
popliteal vein [Vena poplitea]Kniekehlenvene {f}
popo [sl.] Bulle {m} [ugs.] [Polizist]
Popocatépetl Popocatépetl {m}
popolo [Solanum nigrum] Schwarzer Nachtschatten {m}
Popondetta blue-eye [Pseudomugil connieae] Connies Blauauge {n}
Popondetta rainbowfish [Pseudomugil connieae] Connies Blauauge {n}
pop-open braBH {m} mit aufklappbaren Schalen
poporanism Poporanismus {m}
Popov line Popov-Gerade {f}
popoverPopover {n} [aufgehendes Eiergebäck]
Popovtsy [Поповцы] Popowzy {pl}
poppa [Am.] [coll.] Papa {m} [ugs.]
poppadomPapadam {n} [Fladen aus Linsenmehl]
poppadom [Br.] [popadam]Papadam {m}
poppadum [esp. Br.] Papadum {n} [Fladen aus Linsenmehl]
popped [e.g. balloon] geplatzt
popped [e.g. popcorn]gepoppt [ugs.]
popped [sl.] [arrested by the police]hopsgenommen [salopp] [festgenommen]
popped collar hochgeschlagener Kragen {m}
popped ears [coll.] verschlagene Ohren {pl} [österr.] [ugs.]
popped ribCyriax-Syndrom {n}
popped up plötzlich erschienen
popper [Am.] Popcornmaschine {f}
popper [Am.] [part of a stockwhip]Cracker {m} [Ende der Peitschenschnur]
popper [Am.] [part of a stockwhip] Schmitze {f} [regional] [Cracker]
popper [Br.] [coll.] Druckknopf {m}
popper [Br.] [Eton] Präfekt {m} [älterer Mitschüler]
popper [popping dancer] Popper {m} [Poppingtänzer]
poppersPoppers {n} [Sexualstimulanzium]
Poppe's angaria [Angaria poppei] Poppes Delphinschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
poppet Püppchen {n}
poppet Ventilkegel {m}
poppet [Br.] [coll.] Süße {f} [Freundin, Mädchen]
poppet [Br.] [coll.] [form of address also] Schätzchen {n}
poppet head Docke {f} [einer Drehbank]
poppet head [also: poppethead] Förderturm {m}
poppet head [also: poppethead]Fördergerüst {n}
poppet head [also: poppethead]Schachtturm {m}
poppet head [also: poppethead] Schachtgerüst {n}
poppet valve Schnüffelventil {n}
poppet valveTellerventil {n}
poppet valve Sitzventil {n}
poppet valveAbblasventil {n}
poppiesMohnblumen {pl}
poppiite [Ca2(V,Fe,Mg)(V,Al)2 [(O,OH)3]|SiO4|Si2O] Poppiit {m}
popping [coll.] lebhaft
popping [street dance]Popping {n} [Streetdance]
popping of flashbulbs Blitzlichtgewitter {n}
popping (of the TMJ)Knacken {n} (des Kiefergelenks)
popping up [sudden appearance]Auftauchen {n} [plötzliches Erscheinen]
poppleWellenschlag {m}
popple [Populus tremuloides, syn.: P. aurea, P. cercidiphylla, P. vancouveriana] [white poplar, American aspen]Amerikanische Zitterpappel {f}
popple [Populus tremuloides, syn.: P. aurea, P. cercidiphylla, P. vancouveriana] [white poplar, American aspen]Amerikanische Espe {f}
poppling [rare] [choppy]wellig [Wasser]
popplywellig [Wasser]
pop-pop cracker [fire cracker] Knallerbse {f} [Feuerwerkskörper]
poppy Mohnblume {f}
poppy Mohn {m}
poppy poppig
poppy [Br.] [coll.] [money] Flöhe {pl} [ugs.] [Geld]
poppy [coll.] [granddad] [dated] Opa {m} [ugs.]
Poppy and Remembrance Mohn und Gedächtnis [Paul Celan]
poppy anemone [Anemone coronaria] Kronen-Anemone {f}
poppy anemone [Anemone coronaria] Garten-Anemone {f}
poppy anemone [Anemone coronaria]Kronen-Anemone / Kronenanemone {f}
poppy anemone [Anemone coronaria]Garten-Anemone / Gartenanemone {f}
Poppy Day [Br.] [Remembrance Sunday] Volkstrauertag {m} [in Deutschland]
poppy family {sg} [family Papaveraceae] Mohngewächse {pl}
poppy fieldMohnfeld {n}
poppy field Mohnblumenfeld {n}
poppy flower Mohnblüte {f} [einzelne Blüte]
poppy gall cynipid [Aylax papaveris, syn.: Timaspis papaveris] Mohnstängelgallwespe / Mohnstängel-Gallwespe {f}
poppy gall wasp [Aylax papaveris, syn.: Timaspis papaveris] Mohnstängelgallwespe / Mohnstängel-Gallwespe {f}
poppy growingMohnanbau {m}
poppy juice Mohnsaft {m} [Opium]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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