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populist Populist {m}
populist populistisch
populist volksnah
populist [female] Populistin {f}
populists Populisten {pl}
populous volkreich
populousdicht besiedelt
populousdicht bevölkert
populous mit vielen Einwohnern [nachgestellt]
populousdichtbesiedelt [Rsv.]
populously volkreich
populousness Bevölkerungsdichte {f}
pop-upaufklappendes Fenster {n}
pop-up Werbeeinblendung {f}
pop-up Pop-up {n}
pop-up book Aufklappbuch {n}
pop-up bookStehaufbuch {n}
pop-up book Pop-up-Buch {n}
pop-up food cover [tent] Insektenschutzhaube {f}
pop-up headlamps Klappscheinwerfer {pl}
pop-up restaurant Pop-up-Restaurant {n}
pop-up sprinkler Versenkregner {m}
pop-up store / shop Kurzzeitgeschäft {n}
pop-up tentWurfzelt {n}
pop-up window auftauchendes Fenster {n}
pop-up window Dialogfenster {n}
pop-up windowPop-up-Fenster {n}
pop-ups Werbeeinblendungen {pl}
pop-upsPop-ups {pl}
porage [Scott's Porage Oats ™] [porridge]Haferbrei {m}
porbeagle [Lamna nasus] Heringshai {m}
porbeagle [Lamna nasus] Seestör {m} [ugs.] [Heringshai]
porbeagle shark [Lamna nasus, syn.: L. cornubica, L. whitleyi, Oxyrhina daekayi, Squalus cornubicus, S. cornubiensis, S. monensis, S. nasus, S. pennanti, S. selanonus]Heringshai {m}
porbeagle shark [Lamna nasus, syn.: L. cornubica, L. whitleyi, Oxyrhina daekayi, Squalus cornubicus, S. cornubiensis, S. monensis, S. nasus, S. pennanti, S. selanonus] Seestör {m} [ugs.] [Heringshai]
porbeagle (shark) [Lamna nasus, syn.: L. cornubica, L. whitleyi, Oxyrhina daekayi, Squalus cornubicus, S. cornubiensis, S. monensis, S. nasus, S. pennanti, S. selanonus]Kalbfisch {m} [Heringshai]
porcelain Porzellan {n}
porcelain [attr.] [e.g. artist, cement, figure, furnace, painter] Porzellan- [z. B. Künstler, Kitt, Figur, Brennofen, Maler]
porcelain [coll.] Urinal {n}
porcelain art Porzellankunst {f}
porcelain artistPorzellankünstler {m}
porcelain artist [female] Porzellankünstlerin {f}
porcelain bake-on alloy Porzellanaufbrennlegierung {f}
porcelain bird Porzellanvogel {m}
porcelain casserole (dish)Porzellankasserolle {f}
porcelain cement Porzellanzement {m}
porcelain cementPorzellankitt {m}
porcelain clayPorzellanerde {f}
porcelain collectionPorzellansammlung {f}
porcelain crab [family Porcellanidae]Porzellankrebs {m}
porcelain crabs [family Porcellanidae]Porzellankrebse {pl}
porcelain crown Porzellankrone {f}
porcelain dishPorzellanschale {f}
porcelain dog Porzellanhund {m}
porcelain doll Porzellanpuppe {f}
porcelain enamel coating on sheet Stahlblechemaillierung {f} [Schicht]
porcelain enamel for sheet steelStahlblechemail {n}
porcelain enamel signEmailschild {n}
porcelain factory Porzellanfabrik {f}
porcelain factory Porzellanmanufaktur {f}
porcelain factory Porzellanwerk {n}
porcelain figurePorzellanfigur {f}
porcelain figurine Nippesfigur {f}
porcelain figurine Teepüppchen {n}
porcelain filling Porzellanfüllung {f}
porcelain fungus [Mucidula mucida, syn.: Oudemansiella mucida] Beringter Schleimrübling {m}
porcelain fungus [Mucidula mucida, syn.: Oudemansiella mucida] (Beringter) Buchen-Schleimrübling / Buchenschleimrübling {m}
porcelain furnace Porzellanbrennofen {m}
porcelain industryPorzellanindustrie {f}
porcelain insulator Porzellanisolator {m}
porcelain lidPorzellandeckel {m}
porcelain limpet-like nerite [Septaria porcellana, syn.: Navicella porcellana, N. suborbicularis]Muschelschnecke {f}
porcelain manufacture Porzellanmanufaktur {f}
porcelain margin Porzellanrand {m}
porcelain mass Porzellanmasse {f}
porcelain modeler [Am.]Porzellanmodelleur {m}
porcelain modeller [Br.] Porzellanmodelleur {m}
porcelain mushroom [Mucidula mucida, syn.: Oudemansiella mucida] (Beringter) Buchen-Schleimrübling / Buchenschleimrübling {m}
porcelain mushroom [Mucidula mucida, syn.: Oudemansiella mucida]Beringter Schleimrübling {m}
porcelain painter Porzellanmaler {m}
porcelain painter [female] Porzellanmalerin {f}
porcelain paintingPorzellanmalerei {f}
porcelain picture Porzellanbild {n}
porcelain productionPorzellanherstellung {f}
porcelain rose [Etlingera elatior, syn.: Nicolaia elatior, Phaeomeria magnifica, P. speciosa] Fackel-Ingwer / Fackelingwer {m}
porcelain rose [Etlingera elatior, syn.: Nicolaia elatior, Phaeomeria magnifica, P. speciosa]Porzellanrose / Porzellan-Rose {f}
porcelain sculpturePorzellanskulptur {f}
porcelain shardsPorzellanscherben {pl}
porcelain shopPorzellanladen {m}
porcelain stagPorzellanhirsch {m}
porcelain stoneware Feinsteinzeug {n}
porcelain stoneware tiles Feinsteinzeugfliesen {pl}
porcelain stove Porzellanofen {m}
porcelain toothPorzellanzahn {m}
porcelain vase Porzellanvase {f}
porcelain with gold rimPorzellan {n} mit Goldrand
porcelain-faced crown Krone {f} mit Porzellanfacette
porcelain-faced dowel crown Richmond-Krone {f}
porcelainiteMullit {m}
« popppopspopupopupopupopuporcporeporkpornporp »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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