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English-German Dictionary

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pornpic [coll.]Pornobild {n} [ugs.]
pornpics [coll.] Pornobilder {pl} [ugs.]
pornstache [sl.] Pornobalken {m} [ugs.] [Schnurrbart]
pornstar Pornostar {m}
porny [coll.] [pornographic] pornographisch
porny [coll.] [pornographic]pornografisch
porocephalosisPorozephalose {f}
porocephalus [family Porocephalidae] Porocephalus {m} [Helminthologie; Zungenwürmer]
porocytePorozyte {f}
porogamyPorogamie {f}
porokeratosis Porokeratosis {f}
porokeratosisPorokeratose {f}
porometry Porometrie {f}
poroporo [NZ] [Solanum aviculare]Queensland-Känguruapfel {m}
poroporo [NZ] [Solanum aviculare] Känguruapfel {m}
porosimetry Porosimetrie {f}
porosis Porose {f}
porosities Poren {pl}
porosities Porositäten {pl}
porosity Durchlässigkeit {f}
porosity Porosität {f}
porosityPorigkeit {f}
porosity Löchrigkeit {f} [Porosität]
porosity data Porositätsdaten {pl}
porosity level Porositätsgrad {m}
porosity range Porositätsbereich {m}
porous porös
porous löchrig [auch: durchlässig, porig]
porous [e.g. skin]porig
porous asphalt offenporiger Asphalt {m} <OPA>
porous concreteGasbeton {m}
porous defence [football]löchrige Abwehr {f}
porous filter media poröse Filtermittel {pl}
porous membraneporöse Membran {f}
porous pea mussel [Pisidium obtusale] Stumpfe Erbsenmuschel {f}
porous pea mussel [Pisidium obtusale] Aufgeblasene Erbsenmuschel {f}
porous rock poröses Gestein {n}
porous sea star [Fromia milleporella] Tausendpunkt-Seestern {m}
porousnessPorosität {f}
porousnessDurchlässigkeit {f}
porous-shelled pea mussel [Pisidium obtusale] Stumpfe Erbsenmuschel {f}
porous-shelled pea mussel [Pisidium obtusale]Aufgeblasene Erbsenmuschel {f}
porpentine [obs.] [porcupine; Shakespeare] Stachelschwein {n}
porpezite Porpezit {m} [Gold mit 5-10 % Palladium]
porphinPorphin {n}
porphobilinogen <PBG>Porphobilinogen {n} <PBG>
porphyria Porphyrie {f}
porphyrin Porphyrin {n}
porphyrin synthesisPorphyrinsynthese {f}
porphyrinaemia [Br.]Porphyrinämie {f}
porphyrinemia [Am.] Porphyrinämie {f}
porphyrinogen Porphyrinogen {n}
porphyrins Porphyrine {pl}
porphyrinuriaPorphyrinurie {f}
porphyrite Porphyrit {m}
porphyritic porphyrisch
porphyroblastic porphyroblastisch [selten]
porphyrogene [sometimes capitalised] [porphyrogenite] Purpurgeborener {m}
porphyrogenite [sometimes capitalized]Purpurgeborener {m}
porphyry Porphyr {m}
porphyry columnPorphyrsäule {f}
porphyry mushroom [Agaricus porphyrizon]Rosen-Champignon / Rosenchampignon {m}
porphyry mushroom [Agaricus porphyrizon] Purpurfaseriger Egerling {m}
porphyry mushroom [Agaricus porphyrizon]Purpurfaseriger Champignon {m}
porphyry mushroom [Agaricus porphyrizon] Lilarötlicher Egerling {m}
porphyry mushroom [Agaricus porphyrizon] Lilarötlicher Champignon {m}
porphyry quarryPorphyrsteinbruch {m}
porphyry salamander [Ambystoma texanum, syn.: A. nothagenes, Salamandra texana]Schmalkopf-Querzahnmolch {m}
porphyry slabPorphyrplatte {f}
porphyry spleenBauernwurstmilz {f}
porphyry spleenBauernspeckwurstmilz {f}
porphyry spleen Porphyrmilz {f}
porphyry statue Porphyrstatue {f}
porphyry tilesPorphyrfliesen {pl}
porphyry tilesPorphyrplatten {pl}
porpoise Tümmler {m}
porpoise [family Phocoenidae] Schweinswal {m}
porpoises [family Phocoenidae] Schweinswale {pl}
porpoising Porpoising {n} [Tauchstampfen]
Porpy the Porpoise [Disney]Tümmi
porraceous [rare]lauchgrün
Porretans [adherents of Gilbert Porreta] Porretaner {pl}
porricin Porricin {m} [nadelige Aegirin-Augit-Varietät]
porridge Brei {m}
porridgeHaferflockenbrei {m}
porridgePorridge {m} {n}
porridgeGrütze {f} [Brei]
porridge [Br.] [coll.] Knastaufenthalt {m} [ugs.]
porridge [oat porridge] Haferbrei {m}
porridge mealBreimahlzeit {f}
porridge oats Haferflocken {pl}
porringer Napf {m}
porringer Suppennapf {m}
Porro prismPorroprisma {n}
Porsche enginePorschemotor {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers