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Port Lincoln parrot [Barnardius zonarius]Bauers Ringsittich {m}
Port Macquarie pine [Callitris macleayana, syn.: C. parlatorei, Frenela macleyana, F. parlatorei, Leichhardtia macleayana, Octoclinis macleayana] Queensland-Schmuckzypresse {f}
port maneuver [Am.] Hafenmanöver {n}
port map Hafenplan {m}
port master Hafenmeister {m}
port medical officer Hafenarzt {m}
port of arrival Ankunftshafen {m}
port of arrival Zielhafen {m}
port of callAnlaufhafen {m}
port of callZwischenhafen {m}
port of call [esp. fig.]Anlaufstation {f}
port of call for sth. [usu. fig.]Anlaufstelle {f} für etw.
port of clearance Zollabfertigungshafen {m}
port of debarkation Entladehafen {m}
port of debarkation Ausschiffungshafen {m}
port of departureAbfahrtshafen {m}
port of departureVerladehafen {m}
port of departure Abreisehafen {m}
port of departureAusgangshafen {m}
port of destinationBestimmungshafen {m}
port of destination Entladehafen {m}
port of destination Ankunftshafen {m}
port of discharge Entladehafen {m}
port of discharge Löschungshafen {m}
port of discharge Löschhafen {m}
port of disembarkationAusschiffungshafen {m}
port of distress Nothafen {m}
port of embarkation Einschiffungshafen {m}
port of embarkationVerladehafen {m}
port of embarkation Abfahrtshafen {m}
port of entry Importhafen {m}
port of entryEinfuhrhafen {m}
port of entryEinlaufhafen {m}
port of export Ausfuhrhafen {m}
port of exportExporthafen {m}
port of importationImporthafen {m}
port of importation Einfuhrhafen {m}
Port of Jebel Ali Hafen {m} Dschabal Ali
port of lading Verladehafen {m}
port of loading Verladehafen {m}
Port of London Authority <PLA> Londoner Hafenverwaltung {f}
port of origin Ursprungshafen {m}
port of refugeZufluchtshafen {m}
port of registrationRegistrierhafen {m}
port of registry Heimathafen {m}
port of registry Registrierhafen {m}
Port of Shadows [Marcel Carné]Hafen im Nebel
port of shipment Verschiffungshafen {m}
port of shipment Verladehafen {m}
Port of Spain [also: Port-of-Spain]Port of Spain {n}
port of transhipmentUmladehafen {m}
port of transhipment [spv.]Umschlaghafen {m}
port of transit Transithafen {m}
port of transshipmentUmschlaghafen {m}
port of transshipment Umschlagshafen {m}
port of transshipment Umladehafen {m}
port of unloadingEntladehafen {m}
port operations {pl}Hafenbetrieb {m}
port operatorHafenbetreiber {m}
Port Orford-cedar [Chamaecyparis lawsoniana] Oregonzeder {f}
Port Orford-cedar [Chamaecyparis lawsoniana] Lawsons Scheinzypresse {f}
port pilotHafenlotse {m}
port pilot [female] Hafenlotsin {f}
port police {pl} Hafenpolizei {f}
port radio communicationHafenfunk {m}
port railway Hafenbahn {f}
port release Portfreigabe {f}
port risk insuranceHafenrisikenversicherung {f}
port risksHafenrisiken {pl}
port saucePortweinjus {n} [Portweinsauce]
port selectionPortanwahl {f}
port sideBackbordseite {f}
port (side)Backbord {n} [österr. {m}]
Port St Johns Creeper [also: Port St. Johns Creeper] [Podranea ricasoliana] Rosa Trompetenwein {m}
port strategyHafenstrategie {f}
port technology Hafentechnik {f}
port throughput capacity [port ability to receive and discharge]Hafen-Entladekapazität {f}
port tongs {pl} [one pair]Portweinzange {f}
port tour [by boat] Hafenrundfahrt {f}
port towboat Hafenschlepper {m}
port town Hafenstadt {f}
port trafficHafenverkehr {m}
port tugboat [also: port tug boat]Hafenschlepper {m}
port type Anschlusstyp {m}
Port Vila Port Vila {n}
Port Vila Blues [Garry Disher] Port Vila Blues [auch: Vergeltung]
port wine Portwein {m}
port wine fig Portweinfeige {f}
port wine fig sauce Portwein-Feigen-Sauce {f}
port wine fig saucePortwein-Feigen-Soße {f}
port wine fig saucePortweinfeigensoße {f}
port wine fig saucePortweinfeigensauce {f}
port wine glassPortweinglas {n}
[port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security] Hafenaufsicht {f}
[port authority responsible for surveillance and attending to issues of security] Hafenwache {f}
[port authority that ensures health regulations are met onboard vessels]Hafengesundheitsbehörde {f}
Porta Hungarica Ungarische Pforte {f}
porta john mobile Toilettenkabine {f}
porta john [coll.] Mobiltoilette {f}
porta jonmobile Toilettenkabine {f}
« porcporeporkpornporpPortportportportportPort »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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