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English-German Dictionary

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portion of overall costs Gesamtkostenanteil {m}
portion of the costs Anteil {m} an den Kosten
portion of the incomeEinkommensanteil {m}
portion of the populationBevölkerungsteil {m} [Anteil]
portion of the profitAnteil {m} am Gewinn
portion of wages Lohnanteil {m}
portion packPortionspackung {f}
portion sizePortionsgröße {f}
[portion of salary invested in company investment savings scheme] Investivlohn {m}
[portion of word present in all inflected forms] Flexionsstamm {m}
portionable portionierbar
portioned aufgeteilt
portionsPortionen {pl}
portions Teile {pl}
portions [sections]Abschnitte {pl} [Teile einer Menge]
portionwise portionsweise
Portland Portland {n}
Portland blast furnace (slag) cement <PBFC> Portlandhüttenzement {m} <CEM II/A-S + CEM II/B-S> [früher Eisenportlandzement genannt]
Portland blast-furnace (slag) cement <PBFC>Eisenportlandzement {m} <EPZ> [veraltete Bezeichnung; heute Portlandhüttenzement genannt]
Portland cementPortlandzement {m} <PZ>
Portland cement mortar Portland-Zementmörtel {m}
Portland composite cement <PCC> Portlandkompositzement {m} <CEM II/B-M(SV)>
Portland fly ash cement <PFAC>Portlandflugaschezement {m} <CEM II/A-V>
Portland fly ash cement <PFAC> [with 10 - 21 % slag]Portlandflugaschehüttenzement {m} <CEM II/B-SV>
Portland FormationPortland-Formation {f}
Portland limestonePortlandkalk {m}
Portland limestone cement <PLC> Portlandkalksteinzement {m} <CEM II/A-L>
Portland moth [Actebia praecox]Flugsand-Kräuterflur-Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Portland moth [Actebia praecox]Grüne Beifuß-Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Portland moth [Actebia praecox]Grüne Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Portland moth [Actebia praecox] Grünliche Erdeule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
Portland oil shale cementPortland-Ölschieferzement {m}
Portland oil shale cementPortlandölschieferzement {m} <CEM II/A-T + CEM II/B-T>
Portland pozzolana cement <PPC>Portlandpuzzolanzement {m} [Kurzzeichen: CEM II/A-P + CEM II/B-P]
Portland ribbon wave [Idaea degeneraria] [moth]Zweifarbiger Doppellinien-Zwergspanner {m} [Nachfalterspezies]
Portland ribbon wave [Idaea degeneraria] [moth] Veränderlicher Magerrasen-Kleinspanner {m}
Portland ribbon wave [Idaea degeneraria] [moth] Veränderlicher Staudenspanner {m}
Portland shale cement Portlandschieferzement {m} <CEM II/B-T>
Portland silicate cement Portlandsilikastaubzement {m} <CEM II/AD>
Portland-burnt shale cementPortlandschieferzement {m} [Kurzzeichen: CEM II/BT]
Portlander Person {f} aus Portland
portlandite [Ca(OH)2]Portlandit {m}
portlet Portlet {n}
portliness Würde {f}
portlinessBeleibtheit {f}
portlinessStattlichkeit {f}
portliness Korpulenz {f}
portliness Behäbigkeit {f} [Beleibtheit]
portliness Fülle {f} [Beleibtheit]
portly beleibt
portly stattlich
portlybehäbig [beleibt, stattlich]
portly korpulent
portly [person]füllig [Mensch]
portly figurekorpulente Figur {f}
[(portly) matron] Madam {f} [ugs.]
portmanteau Handkoffer {m}
portmanteau Kofferwort {n}
portmanteau Wortkreuzung {f}
portmanteauSchachtelwort {n}
portmanteau film Episodenfilm {m}
portmanteau morph Portmanteaumorphem {n} [auch: Portmanteau-Morphem]
portmanteau theoremPortmanteau-Theorem {n}
portmanteau wordKombinationsform {f}
portmanteau wordWortkreuzung {f} [Kofferwort]
portmanteau word Schachtelwort {n}
portmanteau word Kofferwort {n}
[portmanteau of "democracy" and "dictatorship", used to describe authoritarian tendencies in a democracy] Demokratur {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
Portnoy's Complaint [Philip Roth] Portnoys Beschwerden
PortoPorto {n}
Porto Alegre golden-eyed treefrog [Trachycephalus mesophaeus]Hensels Krötenlaubfrosch {m}
Porto Rican grackle [Quiscalus niger] Antillengrackel / Antillen-Grackel {f}
Porto Rican thrush [Turdus plumbeus, syn.: Mimocichla plumbea] Rotfußdrossel {f}
Porto Walter spindle snake [Atractus nawa]Porto-Walter-Spindelnatter {f}
portobello (mushroom) [Agaricus bisporus]Zuchtchampignon {m} [Portobello-Champignon]
portobello (mushroom) [Agaricus bisporus] Portobello {m} [Portobello-Champignon]
portocaval portokaval
Portofino / portofino (cuff) [cocktail cuff, James Bond cuff] Portofino-Manschette {f}
portogram Portogramm {n}
portographic portografisch
portographical portografisch
portographically portographisch
portographically portografisch
portographyPortografie {f}
portography Portographie {f}
portohepatogram Portohepatogramm {n}
portolanPortulan {m}
portolan chart Portulankarte {f}
Porto-Novo Porto-Novo / Porto Novo {n}
port-oriented hafenbezogen
portosystemic shunt <PSS>portosystemischer Shunt {m} <PSS>
porto-systemic shunt <PSS> porto-systemischer Shunt {m} <PSS>
portrait Bildnis {n} [geh.]
portrait Portrait {n} [alt]
portrait Porträt {n}
« porpportportportportportportportPortposiposi »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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