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positive überzeugt
Positive. Absolut.
positiveversöhnlich [erfreulich]
positive [coll.] [attr.] [downright, complete] vollkommen
positive [criticism, suggestion] konstruktiv
positive [definite] sicher [bestimmt]
positive [definite] bestimmt [entschieden]
positive [evidence, answer]definitiv
positive [primary degree of an adjective or adverb] Positiv {m} [ungesteigerte Form des Adjektivs od. Adverbs]
positive [sth. that is positive]Positivum {n} [geh.]
Positive. [yes]Positiv. [ja]
positive / negative definit
positive / negativepositiv / negativ
positive / negative bias (voltage) positive / negative Vorspannung {f}
positive acknowledgement <ACK> positive Rückmeldung {f}
positive acknowledgmentpositive Quittung {f}
positive acknowledgment positive Rückmeldung {f}
positive acknowledgment <ACK> positive Rückmeldung {f}
positive affect <PA> positiver Affekt {m} <PA>
positive affectivity <PA>positive Affektivität {f} <PA>
positive affirmationBejahung {f}
positive afterimage positives Nachbild {n}
positive answer Akzept {n}
positive answerAnnahme {f}
positive answerZusage {f}
positive appraisalpositive Einschätzung {f}
positive aspectPositivum {n} [geh.]
positive aspectsPositiva {pl} [geh.]
positive assertionZusicherung {f}
positive aversion toklare Abneigung {f} gegen
positive behavior support [Am.] <PBS> positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
positive behavioral support [Am.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
positive behaviour support [Br.] <PBS> positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
positive behavioural support [Br.] <PBS>positive Verhaltensunterstützung {f} <PVU>
positive busbar positive Sammelschiene {f}
positive cablePlusleitung {f}
positive camber positiver Sturz {m}
positive cast Positivabdruck {m}
positive chargepositive Ladung {f}
positive contributionwertvoller Beitrag {m}
positive controlPositivkontrolle {f}
positive coping with stresspositiver Umgang {m} mit Stress
positive correlationpositive Korrelation {f}
positive culture resultpositives Kulturergebnis {n}
positive declaration Zusicherung {f}
positive definite positiv definit
positive dilemma [also: constructive dilemma]positives Dilemma {n} [auch: konstruktives Dilemma]
positive diodePlusdiode {f}
positive discriminationpositive Diskriminierung {f}
positive displacement pump Druckpumpe {f}
positive display Positivdarstellung {f}
positive economics positive Nationalökonomie {f}
positive economics positive Volkswirtschaftslehre {f}
positive effectpositive Wirkung {f}
positive effect positive Auswirkung {f}
positive effects positive Auswirkungen {pl}
positive electrode positive Elektrode {f}
positive end-expiratory pressure <PEEP> positiver endexspiratorischer Druck {m} <PEEP>
positive evidence tatsächlicher Nachweis {m}
positive example Positivbeispiel {n}
positive experience {sg} gute Erfahrungen {pl}
positive externalitypositiver externer Effekt {m}
positive feedback positive Rückkopplung {f}
positive feedback Mitkopplung {f}
positive feedback {sg} [e.g. on eBay] positive Bewertungen {pl} [z. B. auf eBay]
positive filmPositivfilm {m}
positive fool ausgemachter Dummkopf {m}
positive foolrichtiger Trottel {m}
positive gap positive Lücke {f}
positive gate voltagepositive Steuerspannung {f}
positive gravitropism positiver Gravitropismus {m}
positive ignition Fremdzündung {f}
positive imagePositivbild {n} [Lichtbild in der wirklichkeitsgetreuen Wiedergabe von Licht, Schatten und Farben; Ggs. Negativ]
positive imagePositiv {n} [Lichtbild in der wirklichkeitsgetreuen Wiedergabe von Licht, Schatten und Farben; Ggs. Negativ]
positive infinitely variable <PIV> drive mechanisch verstellbares Stufenlosgetriebe {n}
positive inputPluseingang {m}
positive integer positive ganze Zahl {f}
positive interest Erfüllungsinteresse {n}
positive interest [interest in fulfillment] positives Interesse {n} [Erfüllungsinteresse]
positive lawpositives Recht {n}
positive lens [converging lens]Sammellinse {f}
positive lightningPositivblitz {m}
positive list Positivliste {f}
positive matchpositive Übereinstimmung {f}
positive material identificationpositive Materialerkennung {f}
positive mold [Am.] Positivform {f}
positive money [full-reserve banking] Vollgeld {n}
positive mould [Br.] Positivform {f}
positive muon [antimuon]positives Myon {n} [Antimyon]
positive nuisanceglatter Unfug {m}
positive offerfestes Angebot {n}
positive offset positiver Versatz {m}
positive offset steering Lenkgeometrie {f} mit positivem Lenkrollradius
positive operating pressure Betriebsüberdruck {m}
positive orders ausdrücklicher Befehl {m}
positive ordersgenaue Anweisungen {pl}
positive organ Positiv {n}
positive organRückpositiv {n} [Orgel]
positive path Pluspfad {m}
positive pole Pluspol {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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