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position Stelle {f}
position Stellung {f}
position Stellung {f} [Posten]
positionArbeitsplatz {m}
position Arbeitsstelle {f}
position Haltung {f} [Stellung]
position Platzierung {f}
position Ort {m}
positionPlatz {m} [Arbeitsplatz, Platz in der Gesellschaft etc.]
positionPosten {m}
position Situation {f}
position Stand {m}
position Rang {m}
position [e.g. 90° position, 0-position] Einstellung {f} [z. B. 90°-Einstellung, 0-Einstellung]
position [of an electron] Aufenthaltsort {m} [eines Elektrons]
position [opinion]Ansicht {f} [Meinung]
position [patient]Lagerung {f} [Patient]
position [social rank](gesellschaftlicher) Rang {m}
position [view, opinion] Meinung {f}
position accuracyPositionsgenauigkeit {f}
position as a lecturer Dozentenstelle {f}
position as a pioneerPionierstellung {f}
position as a ruler Herrscherstellung {f}
position as an outsider Außenseiterposition {f}
position as market leader Marktführerposition {f}
position as master craftsmanMeisterstelle {f}
position at rest Ruhestellung {f}
position at the edge of the village [Br.]Dorfrandlage {f}
position buttonPositionstaste {f}
position change Positionsveränderung {f}
position controlLageregelung {f}
position control Positionssteuerung {f}
position control system Lageregelungssystem {n}
position control systemPositionskontrollsystem {n}
position controller [e.g. software]Positionssteuerung {f} [z. B. Programm]
position counterPositionszähler {m}
position defense [Am.]Stellungsverteidigung {f}
position defense [Am.] starre Verteidigung {f}
position detectionPositionserfassung {f}
position determination Wegerfassung {f}
position determination Positionsbestimmung {f}
position deviationLageversatz {m}
position encoder Positionsgeber {m}
position energy Lageenergie {f}
position feedbackStellungsrückmeldung {f}
position feedback Positionsrückmeldung {f}
position finderPositionsfinder {m}
position fixingOrtsbestimmung {f}
position for employmentBeschäftigungslage {f}
position holding Positionshalten {n}
position in depth Tiefenlage {f}
position in the league Tabellenplatz {m}
position in the market Marktstellung {f}
position in the middle of the table Tabellenmittelfeld {n}
position in the party Parteiamt {n} [Stellung]
position in the table Tabellenplatz {m}
position indicating deviceSchaltstellungsanzeige {f}
position indicator Stellungsanzeige {f}
position indicator Positionsanzeige {f}
position indicatorPositionsanzeiger {m}
position informationPositionsangabe {f}
position isomerismOrtisomerie {f}
position limit Positionslimit {n}
position line Positionslinie {f}
position losses [job losses]Stelleneinbußen {pl}
position markPositionsmarkierung {f}
position markerPositionsmarkierung {f}
position measurementLagemessung {f}
position monitoring [of valves, taps, etc.]Stellungsüberwachung {f} [von Ventilen, Hähnen, etc.]
position of attention Habt-Acht-Stellung {f}
position of attention Habtachtstellung {f}
position of attentionHabachtstellung {f}
position of attention Hab-Acht-Stellung {f}
position of attention [formal position assumed by a military person in formation]Grundstellung {f}
position of authorityverantwortliche Stellung {f}
position of equilibriumGleichgewichtslage {f}
position of esteem angesehene Stellung {f}
position of implant Implantatposition {f}
position of incidenceEinfallsposition {f}
position of influenceeinflussreiche Position {f}
position of installation Einbaulage {f}
position of leadershipFührungsposition {f}
position of powerMachtposition {f}
position of powerMachtstellung {f}
position of responsibilityverantwortungsvolle Position {f}
position of responsibility verantwortliche Stellung {f}
position of responsibilityverantwortliche Position {f}
position of rest Ruhelage {f}
position of rest Ruhestellung {f}
position of the arms [e.g. ballet]Armposition {f} [z. B. Ballett]
position of the feet [e.g. ballet]Fußposition {f} [z. B. Ballett]
position of the mandibleUnterkieferposition {f}
position of the pillarsSäulenstellung {f}
position of the sun Sonnenstand {m}
position of the verb Verbstellung {f}
position of trust Vertrauensstellung {f}
position of trust Vertrauensstelle {f}
position of trustvertrauensvolle Position {f}
position of trust Vertrauensposten {m}
« portportportportPortposiposiposiposiposiposs »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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