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postal services Postdienstleistungen {pl}
postal services operator <PSO> Postdienstleister {m} <PDL>
postal shippingPostversand {m}
postal staff {sg} Postangestellte {pl}
postal stamp Freimarke {f}
postal stamps Postwertzeichen {pl}
postal stationery Ganzsache {f} [Postbeleg mit eingedruckter Briefmarke]
postal strike Poststreik {m}
postal system Postwesen {n}
postal systemPostverkehr {m}
postal systemPostsystem {n}
postal tariffPosttarif {m}
postal trafficPostverkehr {m}
postal transfer Postüberweisung {f} [bargeldlose Geldüberweisung]
postal tubeVersandrolle {f}
postal tuitionFernunterricht {m}
postal vote [Br.] Briefwahl {f}
postal vote [Br.]Wahlkarte {f} [österr.] [bei der Briefwahl]
postal vote forms [Br.] Briefwahlunterlagen {pl}
postal vote papers [Br.]Briefwahlunterlagen {pl}
postal voter Briefwähler {m}
postal votingBriefwahl {f}
postal voting district Briefwahlbezirk {m}
postal voting papers [Br.] Briefwahlunterlagen {pl}
postal workerPostangestellter {m}
postal worker [Am.]Postler {m} [ugs.]
postal worker [female] [Am.]Postlerin {f} [ugs.]
postal wrapperStreifband {n} [Postwesen]
postal zone Postzustellbezirk {m}
(postal) area codePostleitzahl {f} <PLZ>
postally validfrankaturgültig
postalveolar postalveolar
postamble Nachspann {m}
postamble Postambel {f}
post-amputation pain {sg}Postamputationsschmerzen {pl}
postanaesthesia care unit <PACU> [Br.]Aufwachraum {m} <AWR>
post-anaesthesia care unit <PACU> [Br.]Aufwachraum {m} <AWR>
postanaesthetic [Br.] postnarkotisch
postanaesthetic myopathy <PAM> [Br.]postanästhetische Myopathie {f} <PAM>
postanal postanal
postanalytic philosophypostanalytische Philosophie {f}
post-and-beam constructionPfosten-Riegel-Konstruktion {f}
post-and-beam profilePfosten-Riegel-Profil {n}
post-and-beam system Pfosten-Riegel-System {n}
postanesthesia care unit <PACU> [Am.] Aufwachraum {m} <AWR>
postanesthesia recovery <PAR> [Am.] Aufwachraum {m}
postanesthetic [Am.] postnarkotisch
postanesthetic myopathy <PAM> [Am.]postanästhetische Myopathie {f} <PAM>
postantennal organPostantennalorgan {n}
post-antiquity Nachantike {f}
post-apocalypse Postapokalypse {f}
post-apocalyptic postapokalyptisch
post-auction sale Nachverkauf {m}
postauditNachprüfung {f}
post-auricular postaurikulär
postbagPostbeutel {m}
postbagPostsack {m}
postbaptismal postbaptismal
postbellum [Am.] nach dem Sezessionskrieg
postbiblical [Am.]nachbiblisch
postblanking Nachaustastung {f}
postblanking circle [visible circle]Nachaustastkreis {m}
postbox Briefkasten {m}
postbox Postschließfach {n}
postboxPostkasten {m}
postbox at a bankSchalterfach {n}
postboxes Briefkästen {pl}
post-Breton SurrealismPost-Breton-Surrealismus {m}
postbusPostauto {n} [schweiz.] [Postbus]
post-Cambrian postkambrisch
postcapitalist nachkapitalistisch
post-capitalist nachkapitalistisch
postcapitalized nachaktiviert
post-Carboniferous postkarbonisch
postcard Postkarte {f}
postcard Korrespondenzkarte {f} [österr.] [veraltet]
postcard archive Postkartenarchiv {n}
postcard collection Postkartensammlung {f}
postcard idyll Postkartenidylle {f}
postcard picturePostkartenmotiv {n}
postcard rack Postkartenständer {m}
postcard sizePostkartengröße {f}
post-card village Postkartendorf {n} [fig.]
postcard writer Postkartenschreiber {m}
postcard writer [female] Postkartenschreiberin {f}
postcardiotomy failure Postkardiotomieversagen {n}
postcardiotomy syndrome Postkardiotomiesyndrom {n}
postcardiotomy syndrome Postkardiotomie-Syndrom {n}
postcards Postkarten {pl}
postcards rackKartenständer {m} [Postkarten]
postcards stand Kartenständer {m} [Postkarten]
postcenal <p.c., PC> [Am.]nach dem Essen <n. d. E.> [nachgestellt] [auch auf Rezepten]
post-censorship Nachzensur {f}
postcentral postzentral
postcentral gyrus [Gyrus postcentralis]hintere Zentralwindung {f} [Großhirn]
postcholecystectomy syndrome <PCS> Postcholezystektomiesyndrom {n} <PCS>
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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