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potato chipper [Br.] Pommes-frites-Schneider {m}
potato chips [Am.] Kartoffelchips {pl}
potato chips [Am.]Rohscheiben {pl} [österr.] [veraltend]
potato clamp [Br.]Kartoffelmiete {f}
potato climber [Solanum laxum, syn.: Solanum jasminoides]Jasminblütiger Nachtschatten {m}
potato clockKartoffeluhr {f}
potato cod [Epinephelus tukula] Gefleckter Riesenzackenbarsch {m}
potato crisp [Br.]Kartoffelchip {m}
potato crisps [Br.] Kartoffelchips {pl}
potato crop Kartoffelernte {f} [Ausbeute]
potato croquetteKartoffelkrokette {f}
potato croquettesKartoffelkroketten {pl}
potato cubes Kartoffelwürfel {pl}
potato cultivar Kartoffelsorte {f}
potato cultivation Kartoffelanbau {m}
potato cultivationKartoffelbau {m} [Kartoffelanbau]
potato dauphine Pommes Dauphine {f}
potato dibblerKartoffelpflanzlochstern {m}
potato digger Kartoffelroder {m}
potato digger Kartoffelgraber {m}
potato dish Kartoffelgericht {n}
potato dish [foodstuff] Kartoffelspeise {f}
potato dishes [foodstuffs] Kartoffelspeisen {pl}
potato dough Kartoffelteig {m}
potato dough Erdäpfelteig {m} [österr.]
potato dumpling Kartoffelknödel {m} [südd.]
potato dumpling Kartoffelkloß {m}
potato dumpling Reiberknödel {m} [bayer. für: Kartoffelknödel]
potato dumpling [from cooked or raw potatoes]Erdäpfelknödel {m} [österr.]
potato dumplingsKartoffelklöße {pl}
potato dumplings [made from raw potatoes only] rohe Klöße {pl}
potato dumplings [potato dough made from boiled potatoes only] baumwollene Klöße {pl} [ugs. Baumwollne] [fränk.]
potato earthball [Scleroderma bovista] (Netzigsporiger) Gelbflockiger Hartbovist {m}
potato earthball [Scleroderma bovista]Rotbrauner Hartbovist {m}
potato earthball [Scleroderma bovista] Wurzelnder Kartoffelbovist {m}
potato earthball [Scleroderma bovista] Gelbflockiger Kartoffelbovist {m}
potato elevator Kartoffelschrägförderer {m}
potato elevatorKartoffelverladeband {n}
potato family {sg} [family Solanaceae] Nachtschattengewächse {pl}
potato family {sg} [family Solanaceae]Solanaceen {pl}
potato farl [Irish] [potato bread]Kartoffelbrot {n}
potato farmer Kartoffelbauer {m}
potato field Kartoffelacker {m}
potato field Kartoffelfeld {n}
potato flakesKartoffelflocken {pl}
potato flea beetle [Psylliodes affinis] Kartoffelerdfloh {m}
potato flour Kartoffelstärke {f}
potato flour Kartoffelmehl {n}
potato fritter Kartoffelpuffer {m}
potato fritter [grated raw potatoes fried into a pancake]Reibekuchen {m} [regional] [Kartoffelpuffer]
potato fritters Reibeplätzchen {pl}
potato goulash Erdäpfelgulasch {n} [österr.] [Kartoffelgulasch]
potato goulashKartoffelgulasch {n} {m} [österr. nur {n}]
potato gratinKartoffelgratin {n} {m}
potato grouper [Epinephelus tukula]Gefleckter Riesenzackenbarsch {m}
potato growing Kartoffelanbau {m}
potato gun Kartoffelwumme {f} [ugs.]
potato harvest Kartoffelernte {f} [Vorgang]
potato harvest Erdäpfelernte {f} [südd.] [österr.]
potato harvesterKartoffelkombine {f}
potato harvesterKartoffelernter {m} [Maschine]
potato harvester Kartoffelvollerntemaschine {f}
potato harvester Kartoffelroder {m}
potato harvesterKartoffelerntemaschine {f}
potato harvesterKartoffel-Erntemaschine {f}
potato harvester [machine] Kartoffelvollernter {m}
potato harvester with delivery to trailerKartoffelverladeroder {m}
potato haulm extractorKartoffelkrautzieher {m}
potato haulm plucker Kartoffelkrautzieher {m}
potato haulm remover Kartoffelkrautschläger {m}
potato house [restaurant specialising in potatoes] Kartoffelhaus {n} [Gaststätte]
potato house [warehouse] Kartoffellager {n}
potato hydrometer Kartoffelhydrometer {n}
potato industryKartoffelindustrie {f}
potato juice Kartoffelsaft {m}
potato leaf miner [Liriomyza bryoniae, syn.: L. citrulli, L. solani, Agromyza bryoniae]Kartoffelminierfliege / Kartoffel-Minierfliege {f}
potato leafhopper [Empoasca fabae]Amerikanische Kartoffelzikade {f}
potato mash Kartoffelbrei {m}
potato mash Kartoffelmus {n} [seltener {m}] [regional]
potato masher Kartoffelquetscher {m} [ugs.]
potato masherKartoffelstampfer {m}
potato masher [British Army slang] Kartoffelstampfer {m} [ugs.] [Stielhandgranate]
potato moth [Phthorimaea operculella, syn.: P. solanella, Gnorimoschema operculella, Lita operculella, Scrobipalpa operculella] Kartoffel-Motte / Kartoffelmotte {f}
potato mousseKartoffelmousse {f}
potato nest Kartoffelnest {n}
potato noodles Kartoffelnudeln {pl}
potato noseKartoffelnase {f}
potato oil [fusel alcohol]Fuselöl {n}
potato omeletteKartoffelomelett {n}
potato pancake Kartoffelpuffer {m}
potato pancake Reibekuchen {m} [regional] [Kartoffelpuffer]
potato pancakeReiberdatschi {m} [bayer.] [österr.]
potato pancake Backes {m} [fränk.] [Kartoffelpuffer]
potato pancake Puffer {m} [regional] [kurz für: Kartoffelpuffer]
potato pancakes Kartoffelpuffer {pl}
potato pancakes Kartoffelpfannkuchen {pl}
potato pancakes Kartoffelplätzchen {pl}
potato paradox Kartoffelparadoxon {n}
potato peel Kartoffelschale {f}
potato peeler Sparschäler {m}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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