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panoramic sunroof Panoramadach {n}
panoramic terrace Panoramaterrasse {f}
panoramic tomography Panoramaschichtaufnahme {f} <PSA>
panoramic tomography Panorama-Tomographie {f}
panoramic tomography Panorama-Tomografie {f}
panoramic tomographyPanoramaschichtverfahren {n} [Panoramatomographie]
panoramic tomography Panoramaschichttechnik {f}
panoramic trailPanoramaweg {m}
panoramic view herrlicher Ausblick {m}
panoramic viewPanoramaaussicht {f}
panoramic viewPanoramablick {m}
panoramic viewRundsicht {f}
panoramic view Rundumsicht {f}
panoramic view Rundblick {m}
panoramic view Panoramabild {n}
panoramic view Panoramaansicht {f}
panoramic views Panoramabilder {pl}
panoramic visionPanoramasehen {n}
panoramic X-ray apparatus Panoramaschichtaufnahmegerät {n}
panoramic X-ray imagePanorama-Röntgenbild {n}
panoramic X-ray (image) Panoramaröntgenaufnahme {f}
panoramic X-ray unitPanoramaschichtaufnahmegerät {n}
Panorex / panorex ® exposure [panoramic exposure]Panorex-Aufnahme ® {f} [Röntgen-Aufnahme der Ober- und Unterkiefer]
pan-Pacificpan-pazifisch / panpazifisch
pan-pan Pan-pan {n}
panpharmacon Allheilmittel {n}
panpharmacon [rare]Allerheilmittel {n} [bes. schweiz.] [auch fig.]
Pan-Philippine Highway [also: Maharlika Highway] Pan-Philippinische Straße {f}
panphobia Panphobie {f}
panpipe [often used in the plural: panpipes] Panflöte {f}
panpipes {pl} Panflöte {f}
panpsychism Panpsychismus {m}
panpsychism Allbeseelungslehre {f}
pan-ready [also fig.] pfannenfertig [schweiz. auch fig.]
panretinal photocoagulation <PRP> [also: pan-retinal photocoagulation] panretinale Photokoagulation {f} <PRP>
pans Pfannen {pl}
pansSchwenks {pl} [in horizontaler Richtung]
pans Kameraschwenks {pl} [in horizontaler Richtung]
Pan's box turtle [Cuora pani] Pan's Scharnierschildkröte {f}
Pan's Labyrinth [Guillermo Del Toro]Pans Labyrinth
pansexual pansexuell
pansexualismPansexualismus {m}
pansexualityPansexualität {f}
pansies Stiefmütterchen {pl}
pansinus operation Pansinusoperation {f} [auch: Pansinus-Operation] <Pansinsus-OP>
pansinus surgery [branch of medicine] Nasennebenhöhlenchirurgie {f}
pansit [pancit] Pancit {n}
Panslavic panslawistisch
Pan-Slavism Panslawismus {m}
pansophismPansophie {f}
panspermiaPanspermie {f}
pansubtropic pansubtropisch
pansubtropical pansubtropisch
pansy Stiefmütterchen {n}
pansy [coll.] [pej.] [male homosexual, esp. one considered effeminate] Tunte {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [Homosexueller mit angeblich femininem Gebaren]
pansy [coll.] [pej.] [male homosexual]Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.]
pansy [coll.] [pej.] [weak and often cowardly man]Weichei {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
pansy [coll.] [pej.] [weak and often cowardly man] Weichling {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pansy [coll.] [pej.] [weak and often cowardly man]Schlappschwanz {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
pansy [pej.] [gay man] Schwulette {f} [pej.]
pansy family {sg} [family Violaceae] Veilchengewächse {pl}
pansy shell [S.Afr.] [order Clypeasteroida] Sanddollar {m}
pansy violet [Viola arvensis, syn.: V. tricolor L. subsp. arvensis] [field pansy](Wildes) Stiefmütterchen {n}
pansy violet [Viola pedata] Vogelfuß-Veilchen {n}
pansystolic [persisting through systole]pansystolisch [während der gesamten Systole]
pant Atemstoß {m}
pant [literary] [throb of a person's heart] Pochen {n} [des Herzens]
pant fabric [Am.] Hosenstoff {m}
pant inseam length [Am.] innere Schrittlänge {f} [Hose]
pant leg [Am.] Hosenbein {n}
pant legs [Am.] Hosenbeine {pl}
pant liner [also: pantliner] [also for men and the woman's version may be for slimming, not hygiene]Slipeinlage {f}
pant skirt [esp. Am.]Hosenrock {m}
pant suit [Am.] Hosenanzug {m}
Pantabangan dam Pantabangan-Staudamm {m}
Pantabangan reservoir Pantabangan-Stausee {m}
Pantagruelian [rare]gewaltig [umfangreich]
Pantagruelian [rare]pantagruelisch [geh.]
pantaleon Pantaleon {n}
pantaleon Pantaleonzug {m} [Clavichord]
pantaloon Hanswurst {m}
pantaloonWurstel {m} [bayer., österr.] [Hanswurst]
pantaloon Wurschtel {m} [bayer., österr.] [Hanswurst]
Pantaloon [figure of the commedia dell'arte] Pantalone {m}
pantaloon bee [Dasypoda altercator, syn.: Dasypoda hirtipes] (Braunbürstige) Hosenbiene {f}
pantaloonsPantalons {pl}
pantaloonsBeinkleider {pl} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
pantaloons {pl} [Indian or Turkish style]Pluderhose {f}
Pantanal Pantanal {n}
Pantanal big-headed turtle [Acanthochelys macrocephala, syn.: A. chacoensis, Phrynops chacoensis, Platemys macrocephala] Großkopfplattschildkröte {f}
Pantanal big-headed turtle [Acanthochelys macrocephala, syn.: A. chacoensis, Phrynops chacoensis, Platemys macrocephala]Pantanal-Plattschildkröte {f}
Pantanal swamp turtle [Acanthochelys macrocephala, syn.: A. chacoensis, Phrynops chacoensis, Platemys macrocephala] Pantanal-Plattschildkröte {f}
pantanencephalic [brainless] gehirnlos
pantechnicon [Br.]Umzugswagen {m}
pantelegraphPantelegraph {m}
« pandpanepanepanipanlpanoPantpantpanzpapepape »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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