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power measurementLeistungsmessung {f}
power measurements Kraftmessungen {pl}
power meter Stromzähler {m}
power meter Stromverbrauchszähler {m}
power methodLeistungsverfahren {n}
power mirror elektrisch verstellbarer Außenspiegel {m}
power modePotenzschreibweise {f}
power mower fly [Stomoxys calcitrans]Wadenstecher {m}
power mower fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Wadenbeißer {m}
power mower fly [Stomoxys calcitrans]Gemeine Stechfliege {f}
power mower fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Brennfliege {f}
power mower fly [Stomoxys calcitrans] Stallfliege {f}
power nailer Elektronagler {m}
power nap Kraftnickerchen {n} [ugs.]
power of a point Potenz {f} eines Punktes
power of a relation Potenz {f} einer Relation
power of agencyVertretungsbefugnis {f}
power of alienation Veräußerungsrecht {n}
power of appointment Bestellungsvollmacht {f}
power of arrestFestnahmerecht {n}
power of associationAssoziationsvermögen {n}
power of attorney Handlungsvollmacht {f}
power of attorney Prokura {f}
power of attorney Bevollmächtigung {f}
power of attorney <POA, PoA>Vollmacht {f}
power of attorney <POA> Vertretungsvollmacht {f} [Prozessvollmacht]
power of attorney for property Vermögensvollmacht {f}
power of attorney for real property Grundstücksvollmacht {f}
power of attorney granted to one person Einzelvollmacht {f}
power of attraction Anziehungskraft {f}
power of audit Befugnis {f} zur Überprüfung
power of authorityErmächtigung {f}
power of authorityVertretungsvollmacht {f}
power of authority Vollmacht {f}
power of breath [Skt. prāṇa]Atemkraft {f}
power of chaosChaosmacht {f}
power of cognition Erkenntniskraft {f}
power of commandKommandogewalt {f}
power of composition Darstellungsvermögen {n} [bes. in Kunst und Literatur]
power of concentration Konzentrationsfähigkeit {f}
power of controlVerfügungsgewalt {f}
power of decisionEntscheidungsgewalt {f}
power of deduction Kombinationsgabe {f}
power of definition [definatory power] Bestimmungsgewalt {f} [Definitionsmacht]
power of discipline Disziplinargewalt {f}
power of discoveryEntdeckerkraft {f}
power of discretion Ermessensfreiheit {f}
power of disposalVerfügungsgewalt {f}
power of disposition Verfügungsgewalt {f}
power of disposition Verfügungsberechtigung {f}
power of disposition Verfügungsbefugnis {f}
power of disposition Verfügungsmacht {f}
power of faith Glaubenskraft {f}
power of governance [potestas regiminis]Leitungsgewalt {f}
power of hearingHörvermögen {n}
power of imagination Vorstellungskraft {f}
power of integration Integrationskraft {f}
power of interpretation Deutungsmacht {f}
power of interventionInterventionsrecht {n}
power of intuitionEingebungskraft {f}
power of investigation Ermittlungsbefugnis {f}
power of judgementUrteilskraft {f}
power of judgement Urteilsfähigkeit {f}
power of judgmentUrteilskraft {f}
power of judgment Urteilsfähigkeit {f}
power of life Lebensmacht {f}
power of loveMacht {f} der Liebe
power of money Macht {f} des Geldes
power of movement Bewegungsvermögen {n}
power of observationBeobachtungsgabe {f}
power of order Befehlsgewalt {f}
power of persuasion Überzeugungskraft {f}
power of procuration Vollmacht {f}
power of procuration with sole signature rightsEinzelprokura {f}
power of redemptionRückkaufrecht {n}
power of representation Vertretungsvollmacht {f}
power of representationVertretungsmacht {f}
power of resistance Widerstandskräfte {pl}
power of resistance Widerstandskraft {f}
power of resistanceAbwehrkraft {f}
power of seeing Sehvermögen {n}
power of sole representationEinzelvertretungsbefugnis {f}
power of speech Sprachfähigkeit {f}
power of suggestionSuggestionskraft {f} [geh.]
power of supervision Aufsichtsbefugnis {f}
power of supply and demand Angebots- und Nachfragemacht {f}
power of the keys Schlüsselgewalt {f}
power of the mind geistige Kraft {f}
power of the people [strength of the people] Volkskraft {f} [geh.] [veraltet]
power of the purseBudgetrecht {n}
power of the state staatliche Macht {f}
power of the state Staatsmacht {f}
power of the sun Sonnenenergie {f}
Power of the Sword [Wilbur Smith] Wer aber Gewalt sät
power of thought Gedankenkraft {f}
power of twoZweierpotenz {f}
power of (ultimate) decision Entscheidungshoheit {f}
power of veto Vetorecht {n}
power of veto Einspruchsrecht {n}
power of veto Vetomacht {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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