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pantomimicryGebärdenkunst {f}
pantomiming nachahmend
pantomography Pantomographie {f}
pantomography Pantomografie {f}
Panton–Valentine leukocidin <PVL>Panton-Valentine-Leukozidin {n} <PVL>
pantonality Pantonalität {f}
Pantone ® formula guidePantone-Farbfächer {m} [Pantone ®]
Pantone ® matching system <PMS>Pantone-Farbsystem {n} [Pantone ®]
pantonematic pantonematisch
pantophagous alles fressend
pantophobia Pantophobie {f}
pantopragmatic [hum.] Wichtigtuer {m}
pantoprazole Pantoprazol {n}
pantoscopic tilt pantoskopische Neigung {f}
pantot [Mydaus marchei]Palawan-Stinkdachs {m}
pantothenasePantothenase {f}
pantothenate Pantothenat {n}
pantothenate kinasePantothenatkinase {f}
pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration <PKAN>Neurodegeneration {f} mit Eisenablagerung im Gehirn
pantothenic acid [C9H17NO5] Pantothensäure {f}
pantothenic acid deficiencyPantothensäuremangel {m}
pantragicism Pantragismus {m}
pantragicism Pantragizismus {m} [selten für: Pantragismus]
pantriesVorratskammern {pl}
pantropic pantotrop
pantropic pantrop
pantropical spotted dolphin [Stenella attenuata] Schlankdelfin {m}
pantropically pantropisch
pantry Speisekammer {f}
pantry Vorratskammer {f}
pantryVorrätekammer {f} [veraltet]
pantry [room where food is arranged for serving] Anrichte {f} [Raum]
pantry cook [garde manger] Gardemanger {m}
pantry doorSpeisekammertür {f}
pantry line cook [rare] [pantry cook, garde manger]Gardemanger {m}
pantry moth [Plodia interpunctella] (Kupferrote) Dörrobstmotte {f}
pantry moth [Plodia interpunctella] Vorratsmotte {f}
pantry moth [Plodia interpunctella]Hausmotte {f}
pants {pl} [Am.] [one pair of trousers]Buchse {f} [nordd.] [Rsv.] [Buxe] [Hose]
pants {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [rubbish, nonsense] Blödsinn {m} [ugs.]
pants {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [rubbish, nonsense] Müll {m} [ugs.] [Schrott, Quatsch]
pants {pl} [Br.] [coll.] [rubbish] Kack {m} [ugs.]
pants {pl} [Br.] [underpants] [one pair] Unterhose {f}
pants {pl} [esp. Am.] [one pair of trousers] Büx {f} [regional, bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [Hose]
pants {pl} [esp. Am.] [one pair of trousers] Buxe {f} [regional, bes. nordd.] [ugs.] [Hose]
pants {pl} [esp. Am.] [one pair]Hose {f}
pants {pl} at half-mast [one pair] [Am.] [coll.] [hum.] Hochwasserhose {f} [ugs.] [hum.]
pants {pl} made of fifty-percent linen [one pair] [Am.] Halbleinenhose {f}
pants [after verb] [Br.] [sl.] scheiße [vulg.]
pants [Br.] [coll.]Kack- [ugs.]
pants [Br.] [sl.] mies [ugs.]
pants [esp. Am.] [more than one pair] Hosen {pl}
pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [trousers] Büxen {pl} [ugs.] [nordd.] [Hosen]
pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [trousers] Büxen {pl} [ugs.] [nordd.] [Hosen]kuckuck
pants [more than one pair] [Br.] [underpants] Unterhosen {pl}
pants cuff [Am.]Hosenaufschlag {m}
pants factory [esp. Am.] Hosenfabrik {f}
pants leg [esp. Am.] Hosenbein {n}
pants pocket [Am.] Hosentasche {f}
pants pocket [Am.] [coll.]Hosensack {m} [schweiz., österr.] [südd.]
pants rabbits [Am.] [sl.] [lice] Sackratten {pl} [vulg.]
pants store [Am.] [rare]Hosengeschäft {n}
pants store [Am.] [rare]Hosenladen {m} [selten] [Hosengeschäft]
pants suit [Am.] Hosenanzug {m}
pantskirt [esp. Am.] Hosenrock {m}
pantsuit [Am.] Hosenanzug {m}
pantsuits Hosenanzüge {pl}
pan-TurkismPanturkismus {m}
Pan-Turkism Panturkismus {m}
pantyHöschen {n}
panty girdleHüfthalterhöschen {n}
panty girdle Miederhöschen {n}
panty girdle Miederhose {f}
panty hose {pl} [Am.]Strumpfhose {f}
panty liner Slipeinlage {f}
panty shield [pad, often made from cotton, washable; e.g. Lunapads ®] Wäscheschutzeinlage {f} [Slipeinlage, oft aus Baumwolle, waschbar; z. B. Lunapads ®]
pantyhose {pl} [Am.] Strumpfhose {f}
pantyliner Slipeinlage {f}
pantywaist [coll.] Warmduscher {m} [ugs.]
pantywaist [coll.] [Am.]Schwächling {m}
pantywaist [coll.] [Am.] Memme {f} [ugs.]
Panum Institute [Copenhagen] Panum-Institut {n} [benannt nach Peter Ludvig Panum]
Panum visionPanumsehen {n} [Optometrie]
Panum's areaPanumgebiet {n} [Optometrie]
Panum's (fusional) area Panumbereich {m} [Optometrie]
Panum's (fusional) areaPanum-Areal {n} [Optometrie]
Panum's phenomenon Panumsches Phänomen {n} [Optometrie]
Panum's space Panumraum {m} [Optometrie]
panunzite [(K,Na)AlSiO4]Panunzit {m}
panzanella Panzanella {f}
panzer [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II]Panzer {m} [Kampfpanzer]
panzer assault badge [WW II German Armed Forces] Panzer-Kampfabzeichen {n} [dt. Wehrmacht]
Panzer Training Division [WW II, German Army] Panzer-Lehr-Division {f} <PLD> [ugs. auch: Panzer Lehr] [2. WK, dt. Heer]
Panzerfaust [anti-tank weapon used in WWII]Panzerfaust {f}
Panzergrenadier Division <Pz.Gren.Div.> [WW II German mechanized infantry division] [Am.] Panzergrenadierdivision {f} <Pz.Gren.Div.>
« panepanipanlpanoPantpantpanzpapepapepapepape »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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