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panzergrenadiers Panzergrenadiere {pl}
panzerotto [Am.] [Aus.] Panzerotto {m} {f} [gefüllte Teigtasche]
panzers [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II]Panzer {pl} [Kampfpanzer]
Panzhihua burrowing snake [Achalinus panzhihuaensis]Panzhihua-Wühlnatter {f}
Panzhihua odd-scaled snake [Achalinus panzhihuaensis]Panzhihua-Wühlnatter {f}
panzootic [animal disease]Panzootie {f}
panzootic [related to an animal disease]panzootisch
Paoay Lake National Park Paoay-Lake-Nationalpark {m}
paolovite [Pd2Sn]Paolovit {m}
papBrei {m}
pap Kinderbrei {m}
pap [balderdash] Papp {m} [ugs.] [dummes Zeug]
pap [Br.] [coll.] [paparazzo]Paparazzo {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
pap [dial.: nipple] Brustwarze {f}
pap [fig.] [pej.] [nonsense]Schmarren {m} [fig.] [pej.]
pap [reading matter, entertainment]Schmarrn {m} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [anspruchsloses Zeug, z. B. Unterhaltungssendung]
pap [traditional porridge made from mielie-meal] [S.Afr.] Pap {n} {m} [Art Maisbrei; auch Ugali oder Mealie-Pap]
pap feeder Schnabeltasse {f}
pap feeder [for printers, etc.] Papierzuführung {f} [bei Druckern, Kopierern]
pap for children Kinderbrei {m}
Pap smearPAP-Abstrich {m}
Pap test [Papanicolaou smear]Pap-Test {m} [auch PAP-Test]
papa [Am.] [Br.: dated] Papa {m} [ugs.]
Papa Smurf Papa Schlumpf
Papa SmurfGroßer Schlumpf {m}
(Papa) Legba [e.g. in Haitian voodoo](Papa) Legba {m}
papabiles Papabili {pl}
papacy {sg} [line of popes, popes collectively] Päpste {pl} [Reihe der Päpste]
papacy [office of the pope; system]Papsttum {n}
papacy [office of the pope] Papstamt {n}
papacy [office or dignity of the pope] Papat {m} {n} [Amt oder Würde des Papstes]
papacy [office or tenure of office] Pontifikat {n} {m} [Amt oder Amtsdauer des Papstes]
papacy [tenure of office](päpstliche) Amtszeit {f}
papad [short for: papadom, papadam] Papad {m} [kurz für: Papadam]
papadum [also: papadom, papadam, pappadum, popadum, poppadom]Papadam {m}
papagoite [CaCuAlSi2O6(OH)3] Papagoit {m}
papaha [Cossack hat] Papacha {f} [Kosakenmütze]
Papaholua (sled) [traditional Hawaiian sled] Papaholua {m} [hawaiischer Schlitten für grasbewachsene oder mit Lavagranulat belegte Berghänge]
papain Papain {n}
papal Papst-
papal appealPapstappell {m} [auch: Papst-Appell]
papal audiencePapstaudienz {f}
papal bull päpstliche Bulle {f}
papal bulla Papstbulle {f}
papal burial Papstbeerdigung {f}
papal chapel päpstliche Kapelle {f}
papal church Papstkirche {f}
papal cross Papstkreuz {n}
papal crown [Mitra papalis] [species of sea snail]Papstkrone {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
papal election Papstwahl {f}
papal funeral Papstbeerdigung {f} [auch: Papst-Beerdigung]
papal infallibility Unfehlbarkeit {f} des Papstes
papal legate päpstlicher Legat {m}
papal liturgy Papstliturgie {f}
papal namePapstname {m}
papal nuncioApostolischer Nuntius {m}
papal nunciopäpstlicher Nuntius {m}
papal office Papstamt {n}
papal opponents Papstgegner {pl}
Papal Palace Papstpalast {m}
papal resignation Papstrücktritt {m}
Papal Schism [also: papal schism] Papstschisma {n}
papal secretary of state Kardinalstaatssekretär {m}
Papal States {pl} Kirchenstaat {m}
Papal Swiss Guard Päpstliche Schweizergarde {f}
Papal Swiss Guard päpstliche Leibgarde {f} [Schweizergarde]
papal thronePapstthron {m}
papal visit Papstbesuch {m}
Papal Zouaves [also: papal zouaves] [Zuavi Pontifici] päpstliche Zuaven {pl}
(papal) brief (päpstliches) Breve {n}
papalism Papalismus {m}
papalist papalistisch
papally päpstlich
Papanicolaou smear [Pap smear] Papanicolaou-Abstrich {m}
Papanicolaou's / Papanicolaou stain [ Papanicolaou smear] Papanicolaou-Abstrich {m}
Papanicolaou's testPapanicolaou-Abstrich {m}
paparazza Fotojägerin {f}
paparazzaPaparazza {f}
paparazzi Fotojäger {pl}
paparazzi [photographers] Paparazzi {pl} [Fotografen]
paparazzoFotojäger {m}
paparazzo [photographer] Paparazzo {m} [Fotograf]
papataci fever [Febris pappataci] Pappatacifieber / Pappataci-Fieber {n}
papatasi fever [Febris pappataci] Pappatacifieber / Pappataci-Fieber {n}
papaver Mohn {m}
papaverine [C20H21NO4] Papaverin {n}
papayaPapaya {f}
papaya [Carica papaya]Melonenbaum {m}
papaya family {sg} [family Caricaceae] Melonenbaumgewächse {pl}
papaya juice Papayasaft {m} [auch: Papaya-Saft]
papaya salad Papayasalat {m}
papaya scale [Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, syn.: Aulacaspis pentagona, Diaspis pentagona, Sasakiaspis pentagona] Maulbeerschildlaus / Maulbeer-Schildlaus {f}
papaya scale [Pseudaulacaspis pentagona, syn.: Aulacaspis pentagona, Diaspis pentagona, Sasakiaspis pentagona]Mandelschildlaus / Mandel-Schildlaus {f}
papaya (tree) [Carica papaya] Papayabaum {m}
papboat Soßenschale {f}
papboat (feeder) Trinkschälchen {n}
paper broschiert
paper Papier {n}
paper Dokument {n}
« panipanlpanoPantpantpanzpapepapepapepapepape »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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