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paper pattern Papiermuster {n}
paper pennant Papierfähnchen {n}
paper plane Papierflieger {m}
paper plane Papierflugzeug {n}
paper plane [short for: paper airplane] Papierschwalbe {f} [Papierflieger]
paper plant Papierfabrik {f}
paper plate Pappteller {m}
paper point Papierspitze {f}
paper position Papierposition {f}
paper press Papierpresse {f}
paper pricesPapierpreise {pl}
paper prints {pl}Papierkopie {f} [Film]
paper producer Papierproduzent {m} [Unternehmen, auch Land]
paper productionPapierherstellung {f}
paper productionPapierproduktion {f}
paper products Papierprodukte {pl}
paper profit Buchgewinn {m} [nicht realisierter Gewinn]
paper profitScheingewinn {m} [nicht realisierter Gewinn]
paper profitsrechnerische Gewinne {pl}
paper punch Papierlocher {m}
paper pusher [coll.]Büromensch {m}
paper pusher [coll.] Bürohengst {m} [pej.]
paper pusher [coll.] Bürokrat {m}
paper qualityPapierqualität {f}
paper reed [Cyperus papyrus] Echter Papyrus {m}
paper reed [Cyperus papyrus]Papyrusstaude {f}
paper reel Papierrolle {f}
paper ribbon Satzstreifen {m}
paper ribbon Papierstrang {m}
paper rollPapierrolle {f}
paper roll holder Papierrollenhalter {m}
paper roundZeitungstour {f} [Weg beim Austragen]
paper sackPapiersack {m}
paper scissors {pl} [one pair]Papierschere {f}
paper scraps Papierfetzen {pl}
paper sector Papiersektor {m}
paper sectorPapierbranche {f}
paper securities Papierwerte {pl}
paper shavings Papierabfälle {pl}
paper shavingsPapierstückchen {pl}
paper shavings Schnipsel {pl}
paper shop [Br.] [coll.]Zeitschriftenladen {m}
paper sizePapiergröße {f}
paper sizePapierformat {n}
paper sizeBlattformat {n}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris] Warzenkraut {n}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris] Wühlmauswolfsmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris] Vierzeilige Wolfsmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris]Springwolfsmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris] Springwurzel {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris] Spechtwurzel {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris]Giftmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris]Teufelsmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris]Hexenmilch {f}
paper spurge [Euphorbia lathyris]Kreuzblättrige Wolfsmilch {f}
paper statement Papierauszug {m}
paper streamerLuftschlange {f}
paper streamer cutting machine Luftschlangenschneidemaschine {f}
paper streamer cutting machine Luftschlangen-Schneidemaschine {f}
paper stripPapierstreifen {m}
paper stump Papierwischer {m}
paper tablecloth Papiertischdecke {f}
paper tablecloth Papiertischtuch {n}
paper tape Lochstreifen {m}
paper tape punch Lochstreifenstanzer {m}
paper tape puncherLochstreifenstanzer {m}
paper tape readerLochstreifenleser {m}
paper technique Papiertechnik {f}
paper technology Papiertechnologie {f}
paper template Papierschablone {f}
paper tension Papierspannung {f}
paper tension unit Papierspanneinheit {f}
paper theater [Am.] Puppentheater {n} [aus Papier]
paper theatre [Br.] Puppentheater {n} [aus Papier]
paper theatre [Br.]Papiertheater {n}
paper thicknessPapierdicke {f}
paper thicknessPapierstärke {f}
paper tiger Papiertiger {m}
paper tissue Tempotaschentuch {n} [ugs.] [generalisierter Markenname] [Tempo ®]
paper towelKüchenpapier {n}
paper towelPapierhandtuch {n}
paper towel Küchenkrepp {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
paper towel Papiertuch {n}
paper towel [Am.]Haushaltspapier {n} [Küchenrolle]
paper towel [Am.]Haushaltpapier {n} [Rsv.] [schweiz.] [Küchenrolle]
paper towel holderKüchenrollenhalter {m}
paper towelsPapiertücher {pl}
paper towels {pl} [Am.]Küchenrolle {f}
Paper Towns [John Green] Margos Spuren
paper trail {sg} [Am.] [written or printed record when used to incriminate sb.] belastende Unterlagen {pl}
paper trail {sg} [Am.] [written or printed record when used to incriminate sb.]belastende Dokumente {pl}
paper trail [coll.] [written evidence] Papierspur {f} [Papierbeweis]
paper transactionScheingeschäft {n}
paper transportPapiertransport {m}
paper transportPapiervorschub {m}
paper transportPapiertransport {m} [Drucktechnik]
paper trayPapierschacht {m}
paper tray Papierfach {n}
paper trimmerPapierschneider {m}
paper war [fig.] [bureaucracy] Papierkrieg {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
« pantpantPaptpapepapepapepapepapepapopapupara »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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