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English-German Dictionary

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press pack Presse-Dossier {n}
press packPressedossier {n}
press padding Bügelpressenpolster {n}
press pass Presseausweis {m}
press photo Pressefoto {n}
press photographerPressefotograf {m}
press photographer [female]Pressefotografin {f}
press policePressepolizei {f}
press poolPressepool {m}
press portofolio Pressemappen {pl}
press preview Pressevorführung {f}
press product Presseerzeugnis {n}
press product Presseprodukt {n}
press reception Presseempfang {m}
press release Presseverlautbarung {f}
press releasePresseveröffentlichung {f}
press releasePresseaussendung {f} [österr.]
press releasePressecommuniqué {n} [schweiz.] [sonst veraltete Schreibweise für: Pressekommuniqué]
press releasePressetext {m}
press releasePressefreigabe {f}
press release Presseerklärung {f}
press release Pressemeldung {f}
press release <PR>Pressemitteilung {f} <PM>
press release <PR> Presseinformation {f} <PI>
press releases Presseinformationen {pl}
press reportPressebericht {m}
press report Pressemeldung {f}
press reports Pressestimmen {pl} [Berichte]
press reviewPresseschau {f}
press review Pressespiegel {m}
press reviewsPressestimmen {pl} [Kritiken, Berichte, Kommentare]
press secretaryPressereferent {m}
press sheetPresseheft {n}
press spokesmanPressesprecher {m}
press spokesman Mediensprecher {m} [schweiz.] [Pressesprecher]
press spokesperson Pressesprecher {m}
press spokesperson [female] Pressesprecherin {f}
press spokeswomanPressesprecherin {f}
press stand [e.g. at exhibitions] Pressestand {m} [z. B. auf Messen]
press stand [e.g. in a stadium] Pressetribüne {f}
press stud [Br.] Druckknopf {m}
press subsidies Presseförderung {f} [finanziell]
press team Presseteam {n}
press to talk button Sprechtaste {f}
(press) portfolioPressemappe {f}
(press) spokespeople Pressesprecher {pl}
press-bearPressenbär {m}
pressboard [esp. Am.]Pressspan {m}
pressbook Presseheft {n}
press-button switch Drucktastenschalter {m}
press-cutting agency [Br.] Ausschnittbureau {n}
press-cutting agency [Br.]Ausschnittbüro {n}
press-cuttings Zeitungsausschnitte {pl}
press-down time Andruckzeit {f}
pressed aufgebügelt
pressed gedrückt
pressedgepreßt [alt]
pressed knapp
pressed [ironed] gebügelt
pressed [grapes] gekeltert [Trauben]
pressed after nachgedrängt
pressed charcoal Reißkohle {f}
pressed down herabgedrückt
pressed flat flachgedrückt
pressed for funds [postpos.] knapp an Mitteln
pressed for money [postpos.] in Geldverlegenheit [nachgestellt]
pressed for timein Zeitknappheit
pressed for timeknapp an Zeit
pressed for timeunter Zeitdruck
pressed forward vorgedrängt
pressed glass Pressglas {n}
pressed ham Pressschinken {m}
pressed ham Formfleisch-Hinterschinken {m}
pressed hard bedrängte
pressed honeyPresshonig {m}
pressed ineingepresst
pressed meatPressfleisch {n} [Formfleisch]
pressed part Pressling {m} [gepresstes Stück]
pressed powderKompaktpuder {m} [ugs. auch {n}]
pressed steel rim gepresste Stahlfelge {f}
pressed steel rim Pressstahlfelge {f}
pressed tobacco Presstabak {m}
pressed wine Presswein {m}
pressed wood Flachpressplatte {f} [FPY-Platte]
pressed wood Holzspanwerkstoff {m}
pressed wood Pressholz {n}
(pressed) cooked hamKochschinken {m}
pressed-steel body [Br.] [obs.] Ganzstahlkarosserie {f}
presser Presser {m}
presser [sl.] Pressekonferenz {f} <PK> [Abk. im Journalistenjargon]
presser footFüßchen {n} [an Nähmaschine]
presser foot [sewing machine]Nähfuß {m}
presser foot [sewing machine] Presserfuß {m}
presser foot [sewing machine] Drückerfuß {m}
presser foot [sewing machine] Nähfüßchen {n}
presser foot [sewing machine]Nähmaschinenfüßchen {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers