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[priest responsible for celebrating early mass] Frühmesser {m} [Primissarius]
priestcraft [derog.]Pfaffenlist {f}
priestess Priesterin {f}
priestesses {pl} Priesterinnen {pl}
priesthood Priesteramt {n}
priesthood Priestertum {n}
priesthood Priesterstand {m}
priesthoodPriestersein {n}
priesthoodPriesterwürde {f}
priesthood [priests collectively] Priesterschaft {f}
priesthood of all believersPriestertum {n} aller Gläubigen
priesthood of all believers allgemeines Priestertum {n} [der Gläubigen]
priest-kingPriesterkönig {m}
Priestley Glacier Priestley-Gletscher {m}
priestliness Priestertum {n}
priestling [pej.] Priesterlein {n} [pej.]
priestly priesterlich
priestly Priester-
Priestly [related to the Priestly Source of the Pentateuch]priesterschriftlich [Pentateuch]
priestly aristocracy Priesteradel {m}
Priestly Blessing Aaronitischer Segen {m} [Num. 6.22]
priestly blessingPriestersegen {m}
priestly caste Priesterkaste {f}
Priestly CodePriesterkodex {m}
priestly courses priesterliche Dienstklassen {pl}
priestly dynastyPriesterdynastie {f}
priestly familyPriesterfamilie {f}
priestly jubileePriesterjubiläum {n}
priestly office priesterliche Würde {f}
priestly officePriesteramt {n}
priestly robes Priestergewand {n}
Priestly Source <P> [Pentateuch]Priesterschrift {f} <P> [Pentateuch]
priest-ridden klerikalistisch
priests Priester {pl}
priest's cassockPriestergewand {n}
priest's chair Priestersitz {m}
Priests' Charter [Swiss history]Pfaffenbrief {m}
priest's officePfarrbüro {n}
priest's officePfarrei {f}
priest's officePfarramt {n}
priest's pintle [Arisaema triphyllum, syn.: A. atrorubens, Alocasia triphylla, Arum atrorubens, A. triphyllum] [Jack-in-the-pulpit] Dreiblatt-Feuerkolben {m}
priest's robe Priesterrobe {f}
priest's secretary [female]Pfarrsekretärin {f} [katholisches Pfarramt]
priest's secretary [female]Pfarramtsekretärin {f} [katholisches Pfarramt]
priest's secretary [female] Pfarramtssekretärin {f} [katholisches Pfarramt]
(priest's) vestmentPriestergewand {n} [liturgisches Gewand]
prig selbstgefällige Person {f}
prig(selbstgefälliger) Pedant {m}
prigTugendbold {m}
prig [goody-goody] [pej.] Musterknabe {m} [pej.]
prig [moralizer] Moralapostel {m}
prig [self-righteous]eingebildet [selbstgerecht]
prig [snob](eingebildeter) Schnösel {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
prigger [sl.] [archaic] Dieb {m}
priggery [pej.] [priggish behaviour]tugendhaftes Getue {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
priggishmoralinsauer [pej.] [auch hum.]
priggish selbstgefällig
priggish [pej.] [snobbish]hochnäsig [ugs.] [pej.]
priggish [snobbish] eingebildet [snobistisch]
priggish [snobbish]affektiert
priggish girl Nockerl {n} [österr.] [dümmliches, eingebildetes Mädchen]
priggishly [conceitedly]eingebildet [selbstgefällig]
priggishness [snobbishness] Hochnäsigkeit {f}
Prignitz [historical region]Prignitz {f} [auch: Priegnitz] [historische Landschaft]
Prigogine's alseonax [Muscicapa itombwensis, syn.: Alseonax itombwensis] Itombweschnäpper {m}
Prigogine's flycatcher [Muscicapa itombwensis, syn.: Alseonax itombwensis]Itombweschnäpper {m}
Prigogine's greenbul [Chlorocichla prigoginei] Prigoginebülbül {m}
Prigogine's ground thrush [Zoothera kibalensis]Kibaledrossel {f}
Prigogine's ground-thrush [Zoothera cameronensis, syn.: Z. camaronensis, Geokichla camaronensis, G. cameronensis]Kamerundrossel {f}
Prigogine's nightjar [Caprimulgus prigoginei] Prigoginenachtschwalbe {f}
Prigogine's nightjar [Caprimulgus prigoginei]Kivunachtschwalbe {f}
Prigogine's owlet [Glaucidium albertinum]Albertseekauz {m}
Prigogine's owlet [Glaucidium albertinum]Albert-Sperlingskauz {m}
Prigogine's sunbird [Cinnyris/Nectarinia prigoginei] Marungunektarvogel {m}
prigsMusterknaben {pl}
prillGranalie {f} [Element eines Granulats] [Metallurgie]
prilling Sprühkristallisation {f}
prills {pl}Granalien {pl} [Elemente eines Granulats] [Metallurgie]
prilocaine Prilocain {n}
prim pedantisch sauber
prim steif
prim überkorrekt
prim prüde
prim zimperlich [etepetete, prüde]
prim gedrechselt [ugs. für: steif, überkorrekt]
primspröde [Person] [steif]
prim [affected]affektiert
prim [demure] sittsam
prim [starchy, formal]formell
prim and proper [idiom]geschniegelt und gestriegelt [Redewendung]
prima [top-quality]prima [veraltend.] [indekl.] [erstklassig]
prima ballerina Primaballerina {f}
prima ballerina assoluta [the "absolute first ballerina"] Primaballerina Assoluta {f} [die „absolut größte Ballerina ihrer Zeit“]
prima donna Primadonna {f}
prima donna-ishprimadonnenhaft
prima donnasPrimadonnen {pl}
prima facieauf den ersten Blick
prima facie dem ersten Anschein nach
prima faciebeim ersten Anschein
« pricpricpricpricpricprieprimprimprimprimprim »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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