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English-German Dictionary

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primary immunization Basisimpfung {f}
primary importancehöchste Bedeutung {f}
primary incisor (tooth) Milchschneidezahn {m}
primary indexPrimärindex {m} [auch: Primär-Index]
primary industries Primärindustrie {f}
primary industryGrundstoffindustrie {f}
primary infection Primärinfektion {f}
primary infection primäre Infektion {f}
primary infectious [rarely: primarily infectious] primär infektiös
primary infertilityPrimärunfruchtbarkeit {f}
primary ingredientelementarer Bestandteil {m}
primary inoculation Primärimpfung {f}
primary instinctUrinstinkt {m}
primary insulation Primärisolation {f}
primary intention healing [sanatio per primam intentionem] [also: healing by first / primary intention]p. p.-Heilung {f} [Heilung per primam intentionem, Primärheilung]
primary intuition primäre Anschauung {f}
primary issue [problem]Hauptproblem {n}
primary key Hauptschlüssel {m}
primary key Primärschlüssel {m}
primary kilogramUrkilogramm {n}
primary labor market [Am.] Arbeitsmarkt {m} für qualifizierte Kräfte
primary labour market [Br.] Arbeitsmarkt {m} für qualifizierte Kräfte
primary lamella Primärlamelle {f}
primary larvaPrimärlarve {f}
primary lateral sclerosis <PLS>primäre Lateralsklerose {f} <PLS>
primary layer Grundschicht {f}
primary legislation {sg} primäre Rechtsvorschriften {pl}
primary lesionPrimärläsion {f}
primary levelUnterstufe {f}
primary level Primarstufe {f}
primary liabilityunmittelbare Verpflichtung {f}
primary liability primäre Haftung {f}
primary light source Hauptlichtquelle {f}
primary literature Primärliteratur {f}
primary loadNormalbelastung {f}
primary location for a company Hauptgeschäftssitz {m}
primary magnetization Primärmagnetisierung {f}
primary manifestationPrimärmanifestation {f}
primary marketHauptmarkt {m}
primary marketPrimärmarkt {m}
primary market Emissionsmarkt {m}
primary market in futures Haupttermingeschäftsmarkt {m}
primary markets primäre Märkte {pl}
primary markets wichtigste Märkte {pl}
primary material Vormaterial {n}
primary materialAusgangsstoff {m}
primary materialGrundstoff {m}
primary materialsRohstoffe {pl}
primary materials Primärquellen {pl}
primary materials {pl} Primärmaterial {n}
primary maternal preoccupation primäre Mütterlichkeit {f}
primary matterUrstoff {m}
primary matterUrmaterie {f}
primary meaningursprüngliche Bedeutung {f}
primary means {pl} Hauptmittel {n}
primary measure Primärmaßnahme {f}
primary medium Primärmedium {n}
primary meeting erste Versammlung {f}
primary memory Hauptspeicher {m}
primary memoryPrimärspeicher {m} [Hauptspeicher]
primary memory [dated] [working memory]Arbeitsgedächtnis {n}
primary meristem primäres Meristem {n}
primary meristemPrimärmeristem {n}
primary metabolism Primärmetabolismus {m}
primary microplastics {pl} primäres Mikroplastik {n}
primary mirror Hauptspiegel {m}
primary mission Hauptauftrag {m}
primary modeprimärer Modus {m}
primary mode Primärmodus {m}
primary motor area <M1>primärmotorische Rinde {f} <M1>
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC>primär motorischer Cortex {m} <M1, PMC> [auch: primär-motorischer Cortex]
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC> primärmotorische Rinde {f} <M1>
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC>primär-motorischer Kortex {m} <M1>
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC>primärmotorischer Cortex {m} <M1, PMC>
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC> primärmotorischer Kortex {m} <M1>
primary motor cortex <M1, PMC> primär motorische Rinde {f} <M1> [auch: primär-motorische Rinde]
primary needs elementare Bedürfnisse {pl}
primary neurulation primäre Neurulation {f}
primary nocturnal enuresis <PNE>primäre Enuresis {f} (nocturna)
primary note Vorbemerkung {f}
primary number Primärzahl {f}
primary nursing Bezugspflege {f}
primary object Hauptziel {n}
primary objectiveHauptziel {n}
primary objective primäres Ziel {n}
primary objective vorrangiges Ziel {n}
primary objectivePrimärziel {n}
primary obligationhauptsächliche Vertragspflicht {f}
primary obligationsvordringliche Verpflichtungen {pl}
primary offering Erstangebot {n}
primary oocyteprimäre Oocyte {f}
primary oocyteprimäre Eizelle {f}
primary open angle glaucomaprimäres Offenwinkelglaukom {n}
primary opponent [main] Hauptgegner {m}
primary orthostatic tremor <POT>primärer orthostatischer Tremor {m} <POT>
primary ossification center <POC> [Am.] [Centrum ossificationis primarium] primäres Ossifikationszentrum {n}
primary ossification center <POC> [Am.] [Centrum ossificationis primarium] primärer Knochenkern {m}
primary ossification center <POC> [Am.] [Centrum ossificationis primarium] diaphysärer Knochenkern {m}
primary ossification centre <POC> [Br.] [Centrum ossificationis primarium]primäres Ossifikationszentrum {n}
primary ossification centre <POC> [Br.] [Centrum ossificationis primarium] primärer Knochenkern {m}
« pricprieprimprimprimprimprimprimprimprimprim »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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