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English-German Dictionary

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primary recycling Primärrecycling {n}
primary reference standard <PRS>primärer Referenzstandard {m} [Primärstandard]
primary relative [Am.] Verwandter {m} ersten Grades
primary relayprimäres Relais {n}
primary relay [IEC 60050]Primärrelais {n} [IEC 60050]
primary requirements {pl}Primärbedarf {m}
primary researchPrimärforschung {f}
primary resectionPrimäreingriff {m} [Primärresektion]
primary resection primäre Resektion {f}
primary resectionPrimärresektion {f}
primary reservePrimärreserve {f}
primary residence Hauptwohnsitz {m}
primary resources Primärressourcen {pl}
primary resourcesPrimärrohstoffe {pl}
primary responsibilityHauptverantwortung {f}
primary road Straße {f} erster Ordnung
primary rock Urgestein {n}
primary rocks {pl} Urgestein {n}
primary rocks {pl} Primärgestein {n}
primary role Primärrolle {f}
primary roleHauptrolle {f}
primary roll Primärrolle {f}
primary root Hauptwurzel {f}
primary rootPrimärwurzel {f}
primary routeHauptweg {m}
primary routeHauptstrecke {f}
primary route [Br.]Hauptroute {f}
primary routine primäre Routine {f}
primary saliva Primärspeichel {m}
primary school Volksschule {f} [österr.] [Grundschule] [in Deutschland veraltet]
primary school Primärschule {f} [selten] [Primarschule]
primary schoolKlippschule {f} [nordd.] [Grundschule]
primary school [Br.]Elementarschule {f} [veraltet] [Grundschule]
primary school [Br.] Grundschule {f}
primary school [Br.]Primarschule {f} [schweiz.] [Grundschule]
primary school ageGrundschulalter {n}
primary school certificate [Br.]Grundschulabschlusszeugnis {n}
primary school certificate [Br.] Grundschulabgangszeugnis {n}
primary school child [Br.]Grundschulkind {n}
primary school children [Br.]Grundschulkinder {pl}
primary school children [Br.] Volksschüler {pl} [österr.]
primary school pedagogyGrundschulpädagogik {f} <GSP>
primary school pupil [Br.] [female]Volksschülerin {f} [österr.] [in Deutschland veraltet]
primary school teacher [Br.]Grundschullehrer {m}
primary school teacher [Br.] Volksschullehrer {m} [österr.] [in Deutschland veraltet]
primary school teacher [Br.] Primarlehrer {m} [schweiz.]
primary school teacher [female] [Br.] Volksschullehrerin {f} [österr.]
primary school teacher [female] [Br.]Grundschullehrerin {f}
primary school teacher [female] [Br.]Primarlehrerin {f} [schweiz.]
primary sclerosing cholangitis <PSC> primär sklerosierende Cholangitis {f} <PSC>
primary sector Bereich {m} {n} der Primärindustrie
primary sector Primärbereich {m}
primary sector primärer Wirtschaftssektor {m}
primary sector primärer Sektor {m}
primary sectorPrimärsektor {m}
primary sedimentation basin Vorklärbecken {n}
primary sedimentation tank Vorklärbecken {n}
primary sensitization Primärsensibilisierung {f}
primary sensory cellprimäre Sinneszelle {f}
primary septum Primärseptum {n}
primary sequence primäre Folge {f}
primary sexual characteristicsprimäre Geschlechtsmerkmale {pl}
primary shaft Primärwelle {f}
primary shaping Urformen {n}
primary shares junge Aktien {pl}
primary side Primärseite {f}
primary socialization Primärsozialisation {f}
primary somatic sensory cortex <PSC, SI, S1> primärer somatosensorischer Cortex {m} <PSC, SI, S1>
primary somatosensory cortex <PSC, SI, S1>primärer somatosensorischer Cortex {m} <PSC, SI, S1>
primary source Primärquelle {f}
primary sourceHauptquelle {f}
primary source of incomeHaupteinkommensquelle {f}
primary sources [in literary studies] Realien {pl} [Primärliteratur]
primary spectrum Primärspektrum {n}
primary spermatocyteprimärer Spermatozyt {m}
primary spermatocytesprimäre Spermatozyten {pl}
primary spine Primärstachel {m}
primary spore Primärspore {f}
primary stagePrimärstadium {n}
primary stageAnfangsstadium {n}
primary standard [IEC] Primärnormal {n} [IEC, VDE, DIN]
primary starPrimärstern {m}
primary stationPrimärstation {f}
primary statistics [treated as sg.]Primärstatistik {f}
primary status Anfangszustand {m}
primary statusPrimärzustand {m}
primary steam Primärdampf {m}
primary steppe Primärsteppe {f}
primary storageHauptspeicher {m}
primary stressHauptton {m}
primary stress Hauptakzent {m}
primary stress mark <ˈ > [in the International Phonetic Alphabet] Betonungszeichen {n} <ˈ > [im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet]
primary structural components Primärstrukturbauteile {pl}
primary structure Primärstruktur {f}
primary structure Primärkonstruktion {f}
primary structures tragende Bauteile {pl}
primary substance Urstoff {m}
primary substanceUrsubstanz {f}
primary successionprimäre Sukzession {f}
primary suffixPrimärsuffix {n}
« primprimprimprimprimprimprimprimprimprimprim »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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