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« backPage 647 for words starting with P in the English-German dictionarynext page »
primitive groove Primitivrinne {f}
primitive gutUrdarm {m}
primitive integral [antiderivative] Stammfunktion {f}
primitive intestine [archenteron]Archenteron {n}
primitive intestine [archenteron] Urdarm {m} [Archenteron]
primitive knockabout comedySchmierenkomödie {f} [abwertend]
primitive knot [less frequent than: primitive node] Primitivknoten {m}
primitive machine einfache Maschine {f}
primitive money Primitivgeld {n}
primitive monotheism Urmonotheismus {m}
primitive neuroectodermal tumor <PNET> [Am.]primitiver neuroektodermaler Tumor {m} <PNET>
primitive neuroectodermal tumour <PNET> [Br.]primitiver neuroektodermaler Tumor {m} <PNET>
primitive node Primitivknoten {m}
primitive peopleurwüchsiges Volk {n}
primitive people Naturvolk {n}
primitive peoples Naturvölker {pl}
primitive pitPrimitivgrube {f}
primitive polynomial primitives Polynom {n}
primitive Pythagorean tripleprimitives pythagoreisches Tripel {n}
primitive race Naturvolk {n}
primitive reaction Primitivreaktion {f}
primitive reflex primitiver Reflex {m} [frühkindlicher Reflex]
primitive reflex Primitivreflex {m} [frühkindlicher Reflex]
primitive religion Urreligion {f}
primitive revelation [primeval revelation]Uroffenbarung {f}
primitive rocks {pl} Urgestein {n}
primitive rootPrimitivwurzel {f}
primitive securityprimitive Sicherheit {f}
primitive segment [dated] [somite] Somit {m}
Primitive Sponge [SpongeBob SquarePants] Prähistorischer SpongeBob [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
Primitive Starfish [SpongeBob SquarePants] Prähistorischer Patrick [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
primitive state Urzustand {m}
primitive streak Primitivstreifen {m}
primitive structureeinfache Struktur {f}
primitive thinking primitives Denken {n}
primitive thinking Primitivdenken {n}
primitive times {pl}Urzeit {f}
primitive traitPrimitivmerkmal {n}
primitive traitprimitives Merkmal {n}
primitive unit cell primitive Elementarzelle {f}
primitive unit cell primitive Einheitszelle {f}
primitive weird numberprimitive merkwürdige Zahl {f}
primitively primitiv
primitiveness Ursprünglichkeit {f}
primitiveness Primitivität {f}
primitivism Primitivismus {m}
primitivity Primitivität {f}
primly [in a prim manner] zimperlich
primnessSteifheit {f}
primness Geziertheit {f}
primo [coll.]1A / 1a [ugs.]
primogenitor Urahn {m}
primogenitor Vorfahr {m}
primogenitor Vorfahre {m}
primogenitor Ahne {m} [geh.]
primogenitor Ahn {m} [geh.]
primogeniture Primogenitur {f}
primogeniture Majorat {n}
primogeniture Erstgeburt {f}
primordialnaturwüchsig [urwüchsig]
primordial Ur-
primordial basis Urgrund {m}
primordial beginningUranfang {m}
primordial being Urwesen {n}
primordial black hole <PBH> primordiales Schwarzes Loch {n}
primordial bonePrimordialknochen {m}
primordial cellUrzelle {f}
primordial chaosUrchaos {n}
primordial churchUrkirche {f}
primordial experienceUrerfahrung {f}
primordial factUrtatsache {f}
primordial fear Urangst {f}
primordial fire Urfeuer {n}
primordial fluctuation Primordiale Fluktuation {f}
primordial folliclePrimordialfollikel {m}
primordial formUrgestalt {f}
primordial forms of life Urformen {pl} des Lebens
primordial gas Urgas {n}
primordial germ cell Urgeschlechtszelle {f}
primordial germ cellUrkeimzelle {f}
primordial godUrgott {m}
Primordial History [Gen. 1-11] Urgeschichte {f}
primordial human being Urmensch {m}
primordial hypha Primordialhyphe {f}
primordial law Urgesetz {n}
Primordial Light Urlicht [G. Mahler]
primordial man Urmensch {m}
primordial matterUrstoff {m}
primordial matter Urmaterie {f}
primordial motherUrmutter {f}
primordial nature Urnatur {f}
primordial needurmenschliches Bedürfnis {n}
primordial nucleosynthesisprimordiale Nukleosynthese {f}
primordial ocean Urmeer {n}
primordial organ Organanlage {f}
primordial plant Urpflanze {f}
primordial plasmaUrplasma {n}
« primprimprimprimprimprimprimPrinprinprinprin »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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