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English-German Dictionary

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principal source Hauptquelle {f}
principal staircase Haupttreppe {f}
principal stockholder [Am.]Hauptaktionär {m}
principal stress Hauptspannung {f}
principal subjectHauptfach {n}
principal supplierHauptlieferant {m}
principal supporter hauptsächlicher Unterstützer {m}
principal suspect Hauptverdächtiger {m}
principal taskHauptaufgabe {f}
principal task wesentliche Aufgabe {f}
principal temple Haupttempel {m}
principal terms and conditions allgemeine Vertragsbedingungen {pl}
principal theme Hauptthema {n}
principal thing Hauptsache {f}
principal topic Hauptthema {n}
principal townwichtigste Stadt {f}
principal traffic arteriesHauptverkehrsadern {pl}
principal tributary Hauptzufluss {m}
principal value Hauptwert {m}
principal vein Hauptblutader {f}
principal vein Hauptader {f}
principal veinsHauptvenen {pl}
principal voice Hauptstimme {f}
principal voice [Am.] Primstimme {f}
principal voltage Hauptspannung {f}
principal waterway Hauptschifffahrtsweg {m}
principal weakness Hauptschwäche {f}
principal wife Hauptfrau {f}
principal witness Kronzeuge {m} [Hauptzeuge]
principal witnessHauptzeuge {m}
principal witness regulationKronzeugenregelung {f}
principal wivesHauptfrauen {pl}
principal workHauptwerk {n}
principal work [e.g.of an artist or writer]Hauptstück {n}
[principal customs officer] Zollhauptsekretär {m} <ZHS>
(principal) square root of 2 / two Wurzel 2 {f}
(principal) square root of 2 / two Quadratwurzel {f} aus 2
principal-agent relationshipAuftraggeber / Auftragnehmer-Beziehung {f}
principalitiesFürstentümer {pl}
principalities Herrschaften {pl} [Fürstentümer]
principality Fürstentum {n}
Principality of Andorra Fürstentum {n} Andorra
Principality of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel Fürstentum {n} Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
Principality of Bulgaria [1878-1908]Fürstentum {n} Bulgarien
Principality of Galicia-Volhynia Fürstentum {n} Halytsch-Wolhynien
Principality of Hutt RiverFürstentum {n} Hutt River
Principality of Liechtenstein <.li>Fürstentum {n} Liechtenstein
Principality of Lower PannoniaPlattensee-Fürstentum {n}
Principality of MonacoFürstentum {n} Monaco
Principality of Reuss Elder LineFürstentum {n} Reuß ältere / älterer Linie
[principality within the Holy Roman Empire with an elected rather than hereditary prince] Wahlstaat {m}
principally im Prinzip
principally vornehmlich
principally in erster Linie
principally formed hauptsächlich gebildet
principally involved in sth.mit etw. [Dat.] hauptsächlich beschäftigt
principally usedhauptsächlich verwendet
principalsUniversitätsrektoren {pl}
principalsVorsteher {pl}
principal's officeRektorzimmer {n}
principal's officeRektorenzimmer {n}
principal's office [Am.] Direktorat {n} [Büro des Schuldirektors]
principal's office [Am.]Rektorat {n} [Büro des Schuldirektors]
principal's representativeVertreter {m} des Auftraggebers
principals' union [Am.] Schulleiterverband {m} [schweiz.]
principate Prinzipat {m} {n}
Principe canary [Serinus rufobrunneus, syn.: Crithagra rufobrunnea] Prinzengirlitz {m}
Príncipe drongo [Dicrurus modestus] Samtdrongo {m}
Principe flycatcher [Horizorhinus dohrni, syn.: Sylvia dohrni] Prinzendrossling {m}
Principe flycatcher-babbler [Horizorhinus dohrni, syn.: Sylvia dohrni] Prinzendrossling {m}
Principe glossy starling [Lamprotornis ornatus] Prinzenglanzstar {m}
Principe golden weaver [Ploceus princeps]Prinzenweber {m}
Príncipe green snake [Hapsidophrys principis] Príncipe-Smaragdnatter {f}
Principe Island kingfisher [Alcedo nais, syn.: Corythornis nais]Principezwergfischer {m} [auch: Principe-Zwergfischer]
Principe Island malachite kingfisher [Alcedo nais, syn.: Corythornis nais]Principezwergfischer {m} [auch: Principe-Zwergfischer]
Principe kingfisher [Alcedo nais, syn.: Corythornis nais]Principezwergfischer {m} [auch: Principe-Zwergfischer]
Principe seedeater [Serinus rufobrunneus] Prinzengirlitz {m}
Príncipe speirops [Speirops leucophoeus]Silberbrillenvogel {m}
Principe starling [Lamprotornis ornatus] Prinzenglanzstar / Prinzen-Glanzstar {m}
Principe sunbird [Anabathmis / Nectarinia hartlaubii] Hartlaubnektarvogel {m}
Principe thrush [Turdus xanthorhynchus]Príncipe-Drossel {f}
Principe thrush babbler [Horizorhinus dohrni]Prinzendrossling {m}
Príncipe white-eye [Zosterops ficedulinus/ficedulina] Fahlbrillenvogel {m}
principiality Prinzipialität {f}
principle Grundsatz {m}
principle Prinzip {n}
principleUrsache {f}
principle Gesetz {n}
principle Leitgedanke {m}
principleLeitlinie {f}
principle Leitsatz {m}
principle Naturgesetz {n}
principleRegel {f}
principleRichtlinie {f}
principleRichtschnur {f}
principle Satz {m}
principlePrincip {n} [veraltet] [Prinzip]
« primPrinprinprinprinprinprinprinprinPrinprin »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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