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English-German Dictionary

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parabolic trough power plant Parabolrinnenkraftwerk {n}
parabolic trough technologyParabolrinnentechnologie {f}
paraboloidParaboloid {n}
paraboloid of revolutionRotationsparaboloid {n}
paraboloidal reflectorParabolspiegel {m}
paraboloidal reflector Parabolreflektor {m}
paraboloids Paraboloide {pl}
parabolt Ankerschraube {f}
parabrandtite [Ca2Mn(AsO4)·2H2O] Parabrandtit {m}
parabronchi Parabronchien {pl}
parabronchi Lungenpfeifen {pl}
parabutlerite [Fe(SO4)(OH)·2H2O] Parabutlerit {m}
paracaecal [Br.]parazäkal
paracaecally [Br.]parazökal
paracanoeist Parakanute {m}
paracapillitium Paracapillitium {n}
paracardiac parakardial
paracardial parakardial
paracarpous parakarp
paracecal [Am.] parazökal
paracecal [Am.] parazäkal
paracecally [Am.] parazökal
Paracel Islands Paracel-Inseln {pl}
paracellular parazellulär
paracellularly parazellulär
paracelsian [BaAl2Si2O8]Paracelsian {m}
Paracelsism Paracelsismus {m}
Paracelsus Paracelsus {m}
paracentesisParazentese {f}
paracentesis of the pleural cavity [thoracentesis] Pleurapunktion {f}
paracentesis of the tympanic membrane Trommelfelldurchstechung {f}
paracentesis of the tympanic membraneTrommelfellschnitt {m}
paracentesis of the tympanic membrane Trommelfellinzision {f}
paracentesis of the tympanic membrane [myringotomy, tympanostomy, tympanotomy]Trommelfellparazentese {f}
paracentesis (tympani) Stichinzision {f} [Trommelfellinzision]
paracentric parazentrisch
paracentric inversionparazentrische Inversion {f}
paracetamol [Br.] [C8H9NO2]Paracetamol {n}
paracetamol [Br.] [C8H9NO2]Acetaminophen {n}
paracetamol suppository [Br.] Paracetamol-Zäpfchen {n}
paracholera Paracholera {f}
parachronology Parachronologie {f}
para-church [also: parachurch]parakirchlich
parachute Fallschirm {m}
parachute [BDSM]Hodenparachute {m} [BDSM]
parachute [play canopy] Schwungtuch {n}
parachute bag Fallschirmtasche {f}
parachute bomb Bremsschirmbombe {f}
parachute bomb Fallschirmbombe {f}
parachute containerFallschirmcontainer {m}
parachute descentFallschirmabsprung {m}
parachute descentFallschirmsprung {m}
parachute flowers [genus Ceropegia] Leuchterblumen {pl}
parachute harness Fallschirmgurt {m}
parachute harness Fallschirmgurtzeug {n}
parachute jumpFallschirmabsprung {m}
parachute jump Fallschirmsprung {m}
parachute jump training Fallschirmsprungausbildung {f}
parachute landingFallschirmlandung {f}
parachute mine Fallschirmmine {f}
parachute pack bagFallschirmpacksack {m}
parachute payment Abfindung {f}
parachute plant [Ceropegia sandersonii] Kletternde Leuchterblume {f}
parachute reaction [e.g. in infants] Sprungbereitschaft {f} [z. B. als Reifungsreflex beim Säugling]
parachute school Fallschirmspringerschule {f}
parachute silkFallschirmseide {f}
parachute troops Fallschirmtruppen {pl}
parachuted [dropped] (mit dem Fallschirm) abgeworfen
parachuted [jumped](mit dem Fallschirm) abgesprungen
parachutedrag bomb fallschirmgebremste Bombe {f}
parachute-drag bomb fallschirmgebremste Bombe {f}
parachute-retarded bomb schirmgebremste Bombe {f}
parachute-retarded bomb schirmverzögerte Bombe {f}
parachutes Fallschirme {pl}
parachutingFallschirmspringen {n}
parachutistFallschirmspringer {m}
parachutist Fallschirmler {m} [schweiz.] [Fallschirmspringer]
parachutist [female] Fallschirmspringerin {f}
Parachutist Badge [commonly referred to as "Jump Wings"] [U.S. Army]Fallschirmspringerabzeichen {n} [Bundeswehr]
Parachutist Badge [commonly referred to as "Jump Wings"] [U.S. Military]Fallschirmsprungabzeichen {n} [NVA]
parachutists Fallschirmspringer {pl}
paraclesis [supplication]Paraklese {f}
Paraclete Paraklet {m}
paracoccidioidal granuloma [Granuloma paracoccidioides] parakokzidioidales Granulom {n}
paracoccidioidomycosis [Granuloma paracoccidioides]Parakokzidioidomykose {f}
paracoccidioidomycosis [Granuloma paracoccidioides]Paracoccidioidomykose {f} [Rsv.]
paracompact Hausdorff spaceparakompakter Hausdorff-Raum {m}
paracompact space parakompakter Raum {m}
paracompactnessParakompaktheit {f}
paracone Paraconus {m}
paraconformity Parakonformität {f}
paraconidParaconid {m}
paraconsistency Parakonsistenz {f}
paraconsistent logicparakonsistente Logik {f}
« papepapepapiPapuparaparaparaparaparaparapara »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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