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English-German Dictionary

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private [reserved] reserviert [Person]
private <Pte.> [Br.] Soldat {m} <Sold.>
private <Pvt.> [Am.]Soldat {m} <Sold.>
private 1st class [Am.] Hauptgefreiter {m}
Private 1st Class <PFC> [USAAF] Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Luftwaffe]
Private 2nd Class [USAAF]Flieger {m} [Luftwaffe]
private accommodationPrivatquartier {n}
private accountpersönliches Konto {n}
private account Privatkonto {n}
private action Privatklage {f}
private aeroplane [Br.] Privatflugzeug {n}
private affair Privatangelegenheit {f}
private affairPrivatsache {f}
private affairs Privatangelegenheiten {pl}
private agency [social work]freier Träger {m} [soziale Arbeit]
private agreement Privatabmachung {f}
private aircraftPrivatflugzeug {n}
private airplane [esp. Am.]Privatflugzeug {n}
private and confidential persönlich und vertraulich
private and confidential streng vertraulich
private and procedural lawPrivat- und Verfahrensrecht {n}
private apartment [Br.] Privatwohnung {f}
private apartments Privaträume {pl}
private army Privatarmee {f}
private arrangement gütlicher Vergleich {m}
private arrangement persönliche Vereinbarung {f}
private arrangementprivate Abmachung {f}
private arrangement private Vereinbarung {f}
private arrangement Privatabmachung {f}
private assistant [female] persönliche Assistentin {f} [Privatsekretärin]
private association privater Zusammenschluss {m}
private attorneySachverwalter {m}
private attorney Beauftragter {m}
private audience Privataudienz {f}
private autonomyPrivatautonomie {f}
private ball Hausball {m}
private bankPrivatbank {f}
private bankPrivatbankhaus {n}
private bankerPrivatbankier {m}
private bankingPrivatbankwesen {n}
private bankingPrivatkundengeschäft {n}
private banking marketPrivatkundenmarkt {m}
private bath [hotel room feature]eigenes Bad {n}
private bathroom privates Bad {n} [Badezimmer]
private bathroomPrivatbadezimmer {n}
private bathroom [Am.] Privattoilette {f}
private bathroom [Am.] privates Badezimmer {n}
private beachPrivatstrand {m}
private benefit [attr.] privatnützig
private boarding house Privatpension {f}
private borrowerprivater Kreditnehmer {m}
private borrowing private Kreditaufnahme {f}
private boxSchließfach {n}
private branch exchange <PBX> Nebenstellenanlage {f} [Telefon]
private branch exchange line groupSammelanschluss {m}
private brandHausmarke {f}
private brandEigenmarke {f}
private brandHändlermarke {f}
private brandPrivatmarke {f}
private brand tyre [Br.] Reifen {m} einer Handelsmarke
private brewery Privatbrauerei {f}
private business Privatunternehmen {n}
private business Privatwirtschaft {f}
private cabin [e.g. on a ship] Privatkabine {f}
private call Privatgespräch {n}
private car Privatwagen {m}
private car Privatauto {n}
private car park [Br.] Privatparkplatz {m}
private castlePrivatschloss {n}
private cell Einzelzelle {f}
private cellar Privatkeller {m}
private chambers [of a king, queen, prince etc.] Privatgemächer {pl} [geh.]
private channels private Informationskanäle {pl}
private channels vertrauliche Kanäle {pl}
private chapel Hauskapelle {f}
private chapel Privatkapelle {f}
private chefPrivatkoch {m}
private chef Leibkoch {m} [veraltend]
private circle [group of people] geschlossene Gesellschaft {f}
private citizenPrivatperson {f}
private citizen [female] Privatfrau {f}
private citizen [male] Privatmann {m}
private cityPrivatstadt {f}
private clientPrivatkunde {m}
private client [female] Privatkundin {f}
private clients Privatkunden {pl}
private clients [female]Privatkundinnen {pl}
private clinic Privatklinik {f}
private clothes {pl} Zivilkleidung {f}
private coaching Nachhilfe {f}
private coaching Einzelunterricht {m}
private collection Privatsammlung {f}
private collector Privatsammler {m}
private communication private Mitteilung {f}
private communication private Kommunikation {f}
private communication persönliche Mitteilung {f}
private communion Privatkommunion {f}
private company Privatunternehmen {n}
private company Privatfirma {f}
private concernsPrivatangelegenheiten {pl}
« prioprioprisprisPrisprivprivprivprivprivpriv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers