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English-German Dictionary

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private concert Privatkonzert {n}
private confessionPrivatbeichte {f}
private confession Einzelbeichte {f}
private consumerprivater Abnehmer {m}
private consumptionEigenverbrauch {m}
private consumption privater Verbrauch {m}
private consumption Privatkonsum {m}
private consumption Privatverbrauch {m}
private consumption [individual consumption] privater Konsum {m}
private conversationprivate Unterhaltung {f}
private conversationvertrauliche Unterredung {f}
private conversation vertrauliches Gespräch {n}
private conversation Privatgespräch {n}
private conversation [between two people] Vier-Augen-Gespräch {n}
private corporation private Körperschaft {f}
private correspondence Privatkorrespondenz {f}
private course Privatkurs {m}
private credit Kredit {m} an Privatpersonen
private credit institutions private Kreditinstitute {pl}
private customer Privatkunde {m}
private data persönliche Daten {pl}
private debtsPrivatschulden {pl}
private demand private Nachfrage {f}
private demandprivater Bedarf {m}
private demand for creditprivate Kreditnachfrage {f}
private dental surgeon frei praktizierender Zahnarzt {m}
private depositprivate Spareinlage {f}
private detective Privatdetektiv {m}
private detective Berufsdetektiv {m} [österr.]
private detective [female]Privatdetektivin {f}
private diaryPrivattagebuch {n}
private dick [sl.] Privatdetektiv {m}
private distilleryPrivatbrennerei {f}
private domainprivater Bereich {m}
private domainPrivatbereich {m}
private donation Privatspende {f}
private donator Privatspender {m}
private donor Privatspender {m}
private drawings Privatentnahmen {pl}
private driveway Privateinfahrt {f}
private dwellingPrivatwohnung {f}
private educationPrivatunterricht {m}
private educationPrivatschulwesen {n}
private e-mail addressprivate E-Mail-Adresse {f}
private employee Privatangestellter {m}
private end users private Endverbraucher {pl}
private engagementsprivate Verpflichtungen {pl}
private enterprisePrivatbetrieb {m}
private enterprisefreie Wirtschaft {f}
private enterprise Privatunternehmen {n}
private enterprise Privatunternehmertum {n}
private enterprise Privatwirtschaft {f}
private enterprise companyprivatwirtschaftliches Unternehmen {n}
private entrance Privateingang {m}
private entrance for vehicles [Br.] Privateinfahrt {f} (für Fahrzeuge)
private equity <PE> außerbörsliche Unternehmensbeteiligung {f}
private equity <PE>außerbörsliches Eigenkapital {n}
private equity <PE>privates Beteiligungskapital {n}
private equity fund Private-Equity-Fonds {m}
private establishment Privatbetrieb {m}
private establishment Privatunternehmen {n}
private estate [Br.]Besitz {m} [Schloss mit Land- und Forstwirtschaft]
private estate [social class] Privatstand {m}
private eye [coll.]Privatdetektiv {m}
private eye [coll.]Schnüffler {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Privatdetektiv]
private eye [coll.] Spürnase {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [Detektiv]
private eye [coll.] [private detective] Privatschnüffler {m} [ugs.] [Privatdetektiv]
Private Eyes [Jonathan Kellerman] Säure
private faith Privatglaube {m}
Private Fears in Public Places [Alain Resnais] Herzen
private file persönliche Datei {f}
private file private Datei {f}
private financing privatwirtschaftliche Finanzierung {f}
private financing Privatfinanzierung {f}
private firmPrivatfirma {f}
private first class [Am.] Hauptgefreiter {m}
private first class [Am.] Obergefreiter {m}
private first class [Austro-Hungarian Army] Patrouilleführer {m} [Dienstgrad der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee]
private first class <PFC> Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Soldat]
Private First Class <PFC> [Am.]Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Soldat]
private footpathPrivatweg {m} [Fußweg]
private foreign trade privater Außenhandel {m}
private forest Privatwald {m}
private fortunePrivatvermögen {n}
private foundation Privatstiftung {f}
private function geschlossene Gesellschaft {f} [größere gesellige Veranstaltung]
private functionprivate Feier {f}
private function Privatveranstaltung {f}
private funds private Gelder {pl}
private gainpersönliche Bereicherung {f}
private gallery Privatgalerie {f}
private garagePrivatgarage {f}
private garden Privatgarten {m}
private gardens Privatgärten {pl}
private grounds {pl} Privatgrund {m}
private guided tour Privatführung {f}
private health insurancePrivatkrankenkasse {f}
private health insurance private Krankenversicherung {f} <PKV>
private hearing vertrauliche Anhörung {f}
private hearing Beweisaufnahme {f} unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit
« prioprisprisPrisprivprivprivprivprivprivpriv »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers