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English-German Dictionary

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private way Privatweg {m}
private wedding Hochzeit {f} im kleinsten Kreis
private wellsHausbrunnen {pl}
private world Eigenwelt {f}
private zonePrivatzone {f}
[private research institute attached to, but not officially part of, a public university] An-Institut {n}
(private) confession (private) Beichtbuße {f}
(private) detective agency Detektei {f}
(private) detective agency Detektivbüro {n}
(private) end user [e.g. computer system] Heimanwender {m} [auch in der Unterhaltungselektronik]
(private) investigator Detektiv {m}
(private) personal protector(privater) Personenschützer {m}
(private) secretary Geheimschreiber {m}
(private) self-consciousness [tendency to engage in introspection] Selbstreflexivität {f} [Neigung zur (nach innen gerichteten) Selbstbeobachtung] [selten]
private-enterprise insurance privatwirtschaftliche Versicherung {f}
privateerFreibeuter {m} [staatlich gebilligtes Kaperschiff]
privateerKaperer {m}
privateer Kaperschiff {n}
privateerKaper {m} [veraltet] [Kaperschiff]
privateeringKaperei {f}
privateering (warfare)Kaperkrieg {m}
private-law relationship privatrechtliche Beziehung {f}
privately auf privater Basis
privately vertraulich
privately privatim [geh.]
privately [confidentially] persönlich [vertraulich]
privately [secretly] insgeheim
privately financedprivat finanziert
privately financedprivat getragen [finanziert]
privately financed projectprivatfinanziertes Projekt {n}
privately funded privat finanziert
privately heldnicht börsennotiert
privately operatedals privates Unternehmen geführt
privately ownedin Privatbesitz
privately owned in privater Trägerschaft [nachgestellt]
privately owned concern Privatunternehmen {n}
privately owned forest Privatwald {m}
privately owned theatre Privattheater {n}
privately owned vehiclePrivatfahrzeug {n}
privately owned wagon Privatwagen {m} <P-Wagen>
privately owned wagon Privatgüterwagen {m} <P-Wagen>
privately placed privat plaziert [alt]
privately rented privat angemietet
privately run hotelprivat geführtes Hotel {n}
[privately owned public toilet / restroom]nette Toilette {f} [Deutschland] [öffentliche Toilette in privater Hand]
[privately owned public toilet / restroom] WelcomeWC {n} [Schweiz] [öffentliche Toilette in privater Hand]
privately-owned company Privatunternehmen {n}
privately-owned landEigengrund {m}
privately-run hotel Privathotel {n}
privatenessAlleinsein {n}
privateness Stille {f} [Zurückgezogenheit, Intimität]
privatenessZurückgezogenheit {f}
privates [coll.]Weichteile {pl} [ugs.] [(männliche) Genitalien]
Private's Progress [John Boulting]Der beste Mann beim Militär
privation Mangel {m}
privation Beraubung {f}
privation Not {f}
privationEntziehung {f}
privation Entbehrung {f}
privationWegnahme {f}
privation [negation]Privation {f} [Negation]
privationsEntbehrungen {pl}
privatisation [Br.] Privatisierung {f}
privatisation process [Br.] Privatisierungsprozess {m}
privatised [Br.]privatisiert
privative entziehend
privatization Privatisierung {f}
privatization agencyTreuhandanstalt {f}
privatization processPrivatisierungsprozess {m}
privatization program [Am.] Privatisierungsprogramm {n}
privatization programme [Br.]Privatisierungsprogramm {n}
privatizerPrivatisierer {m}
privatizing Privatisierung {f}
privet [Ligustrum vulgare]Liguster {m}
privet [Ligustrum vulgare]Rainweide {f}
privet aphid [Myzus ligustri, syn.: Amyzus ligustri, Myzodes ligustri]Ligusterblattlaus {f}
privet hawk moth [Sphinx ligustri] Ligusterschwärmer {m}
privet hawkmoth [Sphinx ligustri] Ligusterschwärmer {m}
privet hawk-moth [Sphinx ligustri] Ligusterschwärmer {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
privet hedge Ligusterhecke {f}
privet leafminer [Gracillaria syringella] Fliedermotte {f}
privet leafminer / leaf miner (moth) [Caloptilia cuculipennella, syn.: Coriscium cuculipennellum, Gracillaria cuculipennellum]Ligustermotte {f}
privet leafminer / leaf miner (moth) [Gracillaria syringella, syn.: Xanthospilapteryx syringella] Flieder-Miniermotte / Fliederminiermotte {f}
privet leafminer / leaf miner (moth) [Gracillaria syringella, syn.: Xanthospilapteryx syringella]Fliederschlankmotte {f}
privet mite [Brevipalpus obovatus, syn.: B. inornatus, Tenuipalpus inornatus, T. obovatus](Rote) Gewächshausspinnmilbe / Gewächshaus-Spinnmilbe {f}
privet mite [Brevipalpus obovatus, syn.: B. inornatus, Tenuipalpus inornatus, T. obovatus]Orangefarbene Teemilbe {f}
privilege Privileg {n}
privilege Recht {n}
privilege Sonderrecht {n}
privilegeVorrecht {n}
privilege Vorzugsrecht {n}
privilegeBegünstigung {f}
privilegeBevorzugung {f}
privilegebesondere Ehre {f}
privilegeVergünstigung {f}
privilegeVorrang {m}
privilegePrivilegium {n} [älter für Privileg]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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