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procured productbeschafftes Produkt {n}
procurementAuftragsvergabe {f}
procurementAuftragswesen {n}
procurementBeschaffung {f}
procurement Besorgung {f}
procurementZuhälterei {f}
procurementBezug {m} [Beschaffung]
procurement advantagesBeschaffungsvorteile {pl}
procurement and logistics <PL, P&L>Beschaffung und Logistik
procurement costsBeschaffungskosten {pl}
procurement function Beschaffungsfunktion {f}
procurement logistics {pl} Beschaffungslogistik {f}
procurement management Beschaffungsmanagement {n}
procurement manager [female] <PM, PRM> Beschaffungsmanagerin {f}
procurement manager <PM, PRM> Beschaffungsmanager {m}
procurement marketBeschaffungsmarkt {m}
procurement measureBeschaffungsmaßnahme {f}
procurement of ammunitionMunitionsbeschaffung {f}
procurement of orders Auftragsvermittlung {f}
procurement office Beschaffungsstelle {f}
procurement office Beschaffungsamt {n}
procurement orderBeschaffungsauftrag {m}
procurement organisation [Br.] Beschaffungsorganisation {f}
procurement organization Beschaffungsorganisation {f}
procurement plan Beschaffungsprogramm {n}
procurement planning <PP>Beschaffungsplanung {f}
procurement policy Beschaffungspolitik {f}
procurement price Beschaffungspreis {m}
procurement process Beschaffungsprozess {m}
procurement quantityBeschaffungsmenge {f}
procurement risk Beschaffungsrisiko {n}
procurement routeBeschaffungsweg {m}
procurement scheduling agreement [SAP] Beschaffungslieferplan {m} [SAP]
procurement status Beschaffungsstatus {m}
procurement strategyBeschaffungsstrategie {f}
procurement structure Bezugsstruktur {f}
procurement termsBezugskonditionen {pl}
procurementsBesorgungen {pl}
procurementsBeschaffungen {pl}
procurerVermittler {m}
procurer [pej.]Kuppler {m}
procurer [pimp]Zuhälter {m}
procuress Bordellchefin {f}
procuress Bordellwirtin {f}
procuress Kupplerin {f}
procuress Zuhälterin {f}
procuress Koberin {f} [österr.]
procuress Kuppelmutter {f}
procuring vermittelnd
procuringZuhälterei {f}
procuringKuppelei {f}
procuring abortion [postpos.] abtreibend
procursive [rare]vorhergehend
procuticleProcuticula {f}
procymidone [C13H11Cl2NO2]Procymidon {n}
procyonids [family Procyonidae] Kleinbären {pl}
prod Anstoß {m}
prod Stachelstock {m} [zum Viehtreiben]
Prod [female] [Irish] [Scot.] [sl.] [pej.] Protestantin {f}
Prod [Irish] [Scot.] [sl.] [pej.]Protestant {m}
prodding stupsend
Proddy [pej.] [sl.] [protestant, esp. in Ireland]Protestant {m}
pro-democracy movement Demokratiebewegung {f}
Prodicus of Ceos [c. 465 - c. 395 BCE]Prodikos {m} von Keos
Prodicus (of Ceos) [Greek Sophist] Prodikos {m} (von Keos)
prodigal Verschwender {m}
prodigal [female] Verschwenderin {f}
prodigal son [Rachycentron canadum]Cobia {m}
prodigal son [Rachycentron canadum] Kobia {m}
prodigal son [Rachycentron canadum] Königsfisch {m}
prodigal son [Rachycentron canadum]Offiziersbarsch {m}
prodigalities Verschwendungen {pl}
prodigality Verschwendung {f}
prodigality Verschwendungssucht {f}
prodigality [lavishness]Fülle {f}
prodigality [lavishness]Üppigkeit {f}
prodigally verschwenderisch
prodigals Verschwender {pl}
prodigies Wunderkinder {pl}
prodigies Wunderdinge {pl}
prodigies [amazing acts] Wunder {pl} [Großtaten]
prodigies [persons of marvellous talents]Wunder {pl} [an Genie, Talent] [Personen]
prodigious erstaunlich
prodigious wunderbar
prodigious [vast]ungeheuer
prodigious [vast] gewaltig
prodigious [vast]außerordentlich
prodigiously wunderbar
prodigiously [eat, drink] ungeheuer viel
prodigiously [eat] üppig
prodigiously [talented, successful]außerordentlich
prodigiousness Großartigkeit {f}
prodigiousness Erstaunlichkeit {f}
prodigy Wunder {n}
« procprocprocprocprocprocprodprodprodprodprod »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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