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English-German Dictionary

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professional dancer Profitänzer {m}
professional dancer [female]Berufstänzerin {f}
professional dancer [female] Profitänzerin {f}
professional debutProfidebüt {n} [auch: Profi-Debüt]
professional development berufliche Entwicklung {f}
professional developmentberuflicher Werdegang {m}
professional development berufliche Fortbildung {f}
professional discipline Fachgebiet {n}
professional discourseFachdiskussion {f}
professional discourse Fachdiskurs {m}
professional discretionberufliche Schweigepflicht {f}
professional discussion Fachgespräch {n}
professional diverBerufstaucher {m}
professional diver [female]Berufstaucherin {f}
professional drag performer professioneller Drag-Performer {m} [ugs.]
professional driverBerufskraftfahrer {m}
professional driverBerufsfahrer {m}
professional duties Standespflichten {pl}
professional duty Berufspflicht {f}
professional duty of confidentiality Berufsverschwiegenheitspflicht {f}
professional earnings Einkünfte {pl} aus freiberuflicher Tätigkeit
professional educationberufliche Ausbildung {f}
professional education Berufsbildung {f}
professional educational instituteBerufsbildungsinstitut {n}
professional environment Arbeitsumfeld {n}
professional equipment Berufsausstattung {f}
professional equipmentprofessionelle Geräteausstattung {f}
professional equipmentBerufsausrüstung {f}
professional ethics Berufsethik {f}
professional ethics Berufsethos {n}
professional ethics Professionsethik {f}
professional ethics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] Standesethik {f}
professional event [technical, business, etc., but not sports-related]Fachveranstaltung {f}
professional exhibition [of one's own work] Werkschau {f}
professional experience Berufserfahrung {f}
professional experienceberufliche Erfahrung {f}
professional expertiseFachkenntnis {f}
professional expertise Fachverständnis {n}
professional expertise Fachkompetenz {f}
professional farming Haupterwerbslandwirtschaft {f}
professional farter Kunstfurzer {m} [ugs.]
professional feeHonorar {n} [bes. von Freiberuflern, Gutachtern usw.]
professional fieldBerufszweig {m}
professional field Berufsfeld {n}
professional fighterBerufskämpfer {m}
professional finance advicefachmännische Finanzberatung {f}
professional fire serviceBerufsfeuerwehr {f}
professional fishermanBerufsfischer {m}
professional fishing Berufsfischerei {f} [Tätigkeit oder Branche]
professional football [Br.]Profifußball {m}
professional football [Br.]Berufsfußball {m}
professional football player [Br.]Berufsfußballer {m} [ugs.]
Professional Football Strategy Council <PFSC> [UEFA]Strategischer Beirat {m} für Berufsfußball <SBBF> [Strategierat für Berufsfußball] [UEFA]
professional footballerProfi-Fußballspieler {m}
professional footballer [Br.]Profispieler {m} [Profifußballspieler]
professional foulNotbremse {f} [fig.]
professional foul [football]taktisches Foul {n}
professional futureberufliche Zukunft {f}
professional gambler Profi-Wettspieler {m}
professional goalsberufliche Ziele {pl}
professional golf Profigolf {n}
professional golfer Profigolfer {m}
professional golferProfi-Golfer {m}
professional golfer Berufsgolfer {m}
Professional Golfers Association <PGA> Vereinigung {f} der professionellen Golfer
professional good practice professionelle Vorgehensweise {f}
professional groupBerufsgruppe {f}
professional group Fachgruppe {f}
professional hazardBerufsrisiko {n}
professional honor [Am.] Berufsehre {f}
professional honour [Br.] Berufsehre {f}
professional honour [Br.]Standesehre {f}
professional housing provider Wohnungsunternehmen {n}
professional hunter Berufsjäger {m}
professional hunter Jägermeister {m} [veraltet]
professional huntsman Jägermeister {m} [veraltet]
professional integrityberufliche Integrität {f}
professional investor Profianleger {m} [ugs.]
professional jargon Fachsprache {f}
professional jealousy Konkurrenzneid {m}
professional jobakademischer Beruf {m}
professional journal Fachzeitschrift {f}
professional journal Fachjournal {n}
professional journalFachblatt {n} [Fachzeitschrift]
professional journal Fachmagazin {n}
professional journalsFachzeitschriften {pl}
professional judge Berufsrichter {m}
professional killerProfikiller {m}
professional kitchenGastro-Küche {f} [professionelle / gewerbliche Küche]
professional knives Berufsmesser {pl}
professional knowledgeBerufswissen {n}
professional knowledgeFachwissen {n}
professional knowledge Fachkenntnis {f}
professional knowledge {sg}Fachkenntnisse {pl}
professional knowledge {sg}Berufskenntnisse {pl} [bes. in akademischen Berufen]
professional labour market [Br.]Markt {m} akademisch gebildeter Arbeitskräfte
professional labour market [Br.]Markt {m} beruflich qualifizierter Kräfte
professional league Profiliga {f}
professional liabilityBerufshaftpflicht {f}
professional liability insuranceBerufshaftpflichtversicherung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers