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[professional maturity certificate] [Switzerland] Berufsmaturität {f} <BM> [schweiz.]
(professional) blinkers [fig.] eingefahrene Denkmuster {pl}
(professional) colleague Berufsgenosse {m}
(professional) mourner [female] Klageweib {n}
(professional) nursing staff Pflegefachpersonal {n}
professionalisation [Br.]Professionalisierung {f}
professionalising [Br.]Professionalisierung {f}
professionalismBerufsausübung {f}
professionalism Berufssportlertum {n}
professionalismfachliche Qualifikation {f}
professionalismProfessionalität {f}
professionalism Professionalismus {m}
professionalism Profitum {n} [ugs.] [Professionalität]
professionality Fachlichkeit {f} [Professionalität]
professionalizationProfessionalisierung {f}
professionalization Verberuflichung {f}
professionalization Verfachlichung {f}
professionalizing professionalisierend
professionalizingProfessionalisierung {f}
professionally beruflich
professionally professionell
professionally accountable beruflich verantwortlich
professionally blinkered [rare] betriebsblind
professionally experienced berufserfahren
professionally mobile beruflich mobil
professionally qualified berufsqualifiziert
professionally qualified fachlich geeignet
professionalsBerufssportler {pl}
professionalsFachleute {pl}
professionalsBerufstätige {pl} [mit qualifizierter Ausbildung]
professionals Fachkräfte {pl}
professionalsProfis {pl}
professionals {pl} Fachpersonal {n}
professionsBerufe {pl} [bes. akademische und hochqualifizierte]
professor Hochschullehrer {m}
professorProfessor {m}
professor [archaic] [of a faith] [esp. in puritanical lit.]Bekenner {m} [selten] [eines Glaubens, z. B. bekennender Christ]
professor [female] Professorin {f}
professor [full professor]Ordinarius {m}
Professor BernhardiProfessor Bernhardi [Arthur Schnitzler]
Professor Calculus [Hergé] Professor Bienlein
professor emerita Professor emerita {f} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.> [emeritierte Professorin]
professor emeritus Professor emeritus {m}
professor emeritus emeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
professor emeritus [female]emeritierte Professorin {f}
Professor Hora [Momo] Meister Hora
Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy Professor Layton und das Vermächtnis von Aslant
Professor Layton and the Last SpecterProfessor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms
Professor Layton and the Lost FutureProfessor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft
Professor Layton and the Miracle MaskProfessor Layton und die Maske der Wunder
Professor Layton and the Spectre's Call [Europe]Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future [North America]Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft
Professor Moliarty [Darkwing Duck] Professor Moliarty
Professor Norton Nimnul [Disney]Professor Nimnul
professor of Professor {m} für
professor of Catholic theology Professor {m} für Katholische Theologie
professor of chemistry Chemieprofessor {m}
professor of Christianity bekennender Christ {m}
professor of constitutional law Verfassungsrechtler {m} [als Lehrer an einer Universität]
professor of constitutional law Professor {m} für Staatsrecht
professor of constitutional lawStaatsrechtsprofessor {m}
professor of constitutional law [female] Professorin {f} für Staatsrecht
professor of criminal law Strafrechtslehrer {m}
professor of criminal lawStrafrechtsprofessor {m}
professor of criminal law [female] Strafrechtsprofessorin {f}
professor of economicsProfessor {m} der Volkswirtschaftslehre
professor of economics Professor {m} für Ökonomie
professor of economics Wirtschaftsprofessor {m}
professor of economics [female]Professorin {f} für Ökonomie
professor of economics [female] Wirtschaftsprofessorin {f}
professor of economyWirtschaftsprofessor {m}
professor of economy [female] Wirtschaftsprofessorin {f}
professor of EnglishEnglischprofessor {m}
professor of finance Professor {m} für Finanzwesen
professor of FrenchFranzösischprofessor {m}
professor of historyGeschichtsprofessor {m}
professor of history [female] Geschichtsprofessorin {f}
professor of lawProfessor {m} der Rechte
professor of law Rechtsprofessor {m}
professor of law [female] Rechtsprofessorin {f}
professor of mathematics Mathematikprofessor {m}
professor of mathematics [female] Mathematikprofessorin {f}
professor of medicineMedizinprofessor {m}
professor of medicine [female] Medizinprofessorin {f}
professor of Middle East Studies Orientalistikprofessor {m}
professor of physics Physikprofessor {m}
professor of physics [female]Physikprofessorin {f}
professor of political science Professor {m} für Politologie
professor of politics Politikprofessor {m}
professor of sociologySoziologieprofessor {m}
professor of sociologySoziologie-Professor {m}
professor of sociology [female] Soziologieprofessorin {f}
professor of sociology [female] Soziologie-Professorin {f}
professor of theater [Am.]Schauspielprofessor {m}
professor of theatre Schauspielprofessor {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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