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English-German Dictionary

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progeny [treated as sg. or pl.]Nachkommen {pl}
progeny virus Nachkommenvirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
progeriaProgerie {f}
progerinProgerin {n}
progestagen Progestagen {n}
progesterone [C21H30O2]Progesteron {n}
progesterone concentrationProgesteronkonzentration {f}
progesterone levelProgesteronspiegel {m}
progesterone receptor <PR>Progesteronrezeptor {m} <PR>
progesterone suppositoryProgesteronzäpfchen {n}
progestin Progestin {n}
progestogen Gelbkörperhormon {n}
progestogen Progestogen {n}
proglacial lakeEisstausee {m}
proglottid Proglottis {f}
proglottis Proglottis {f}
proglucagon Proglucagon {n}
prognathismVorbiss {m}
prognathism Prognathie {f}
prognathism Prognathismus {m}
prognathous prognathisch [vorspringend]
prognathous chin vorspringendes Kinn {n}
prognathous jaw vorstehender Kiefer {m}
prognathy {sg} [in anthropology] [prognathism] vorstehende Kiefer {pl} [Vorkieferigkeit, bes. in der Anthropologie]
prognathy [in anthropology] [prognathism] Vorkieferigkeit {f} [bes. in der Anthropologie]
prognosesVorhersagen {pl}
prognoses Prognosen {pl}
prognosis Prognose {f}
prognosis Vorhersage {f}
prognosisVoraussage {f}
prognosis for the future Zukunftsprognose {f}
prognosis modelPrognosemodell {n}
prognosis studyPrognosestudie {f}
prognostic prognostisch
prognostic voraussagend
prognostic chart Vorhersagekarte {f}
prognostic dataPrognosedaten {pl}
prognostic factor Prognosefaktor {m}
prognostic indicator Prognoseindikator {m}
prognostic symptomsAnzeichen {pl}
prognostic symptoms Vorzeichen {pl}
prognostically prognostisch
prognosticated prognostiziert
prognosticated requirement prognostizierter Bedarf {m}
prognosticated resources <PRs> [noch nicht entdeckte, aber erwartete Lagerstätten; Uranwirtschaft]
prognosticationVoraussage {f}
prognostication Prognostik {f}
prognostication Prognostizierung {f}
prognosticator Prognostiker {m}
prognosticator Wahrsager {m}
prognostics Prognostik {f}
progoitrin [C11H19NO10S2] Progoitrin {n}
progoneatyProgoneatie {f}
pro-governmentregierungsnah [z. B. Zeitung]
pro-government regierungsfreundlich
progradation Progradieren {n}
progradation Progradation {f}
progradation Übervermehrung {f} [Progradation]
prograde motion rechtläufige Bewegung {f}
prograde motion prograde Bewegung {f}
prograde motion Rechtläufigkeit {f} [prograde Bewegung]
prograde orbit prograder Orbit {m}
program Programm {n}
program [Am.] Programm {n}
program [Am.]Plan {m}
program [Am.] [also radio] Sendung {f}
program [computer program]Computerprogramm {n}
program / project evaluation and review technique <PERT> [Am.]PERT-Technik {f} [ugs.]
program activation [Am.] Programmanstoß {m}
program analyser [Br.] Programmanalysator {m}
program analysis <PA>Programmanalyse {f} <PA>
program analyzer [Am.] Programmanalysator {m}
program announcement [Am.] Programmhinweis {m}
program architectureProgrammstruktur {f}
program backup Programmsicherung {f}
program bankProgrammbank {f}
program branchProgrammzweig {m}
program button [Am.]Programmtaste {f}
program catalog [Am.] Programmkatalog {m}
program change [Am.]Programmwechsel {m}
program change [Am.] Programmänderung {f}
program checking [Am.] Programmprüfung {f}
program choice [Am.] Programmauswahl {f}
program class [Am.] Programmklasse {f}
program clock reference <PCR> Programmuhrreferenz {f}
program codeProgrammcode {m}
program commandProgrammbefehl {m}
program committee [Am.] Programmkommission {f}
program committee [Am.] <PC>Programmkomitee {n} <PK>
program comparison [Am.]Programmvergleich {m}
program compilationProgrammkompilierung {f}
program concept [Am.] Programmkonzept {n}
program content [Am.] Programminhalt {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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